Cross Rope Review. How to increase conditioning and aerobic capacity?

The training of the cross rope is excellent to increase conditioning and general aerobic capacity, and at the same time coordination is raised, you improve your balance and work muscles such as shoulders and back. Although it may not seem like it, the impact on your joints is less.

Although combat sports mainly use this training item (either for conditioning or warm-up), it is an excellent tool for general conditioning in fitness, too. This guide – cross rope review will help you to find the perfect one for you.

Love energetic but simple workouts? Exercises with a rope for you!

In order to effectively reduce weight and be in good shape, it is necessary to engage in physical activity. The need for training is especially relevant today, when the work of most of us is associated with being in the office, that is, with a sedentary lifestyle. In fact, physical activity is a gambling thing. From it, you can receive not only benefit but also a pleasure. The main thing to find something that will appeal to you. Today we talk about training with a rope. Suddenly, this is the same thing.

Speed jump rope suitable for any level of fitness, age, and sex. Therefore, if you do not have serious health problems, do not waste time, jump! And you will feel even better. It is proved that when jumping in the human body increases the level of endorphin, which improves mood.

Another undeniable advantage of training with a rope is that this “simulator” is quite inexpensive. Everyone can afford it! And excuses that you do not have enough time for training are not accepted. In order to jump with a rope, it is not necessary to go to a fitness club, spending time on the road. You can practice with a skipping rope at home or on the street.

Hit the big blue button and reach the sky at the top!

Jump rope for weight loss

Exercises with a rope will help burn calories and lose weight! If you do not know how to lose the hated 2-5-10 kg, more likely get down to business! Losing weight with a skipping rope is not so difficult, the main thing is regular exercise and a mood for results. How to jump rope? Start training with a minimum amount of time, for example, 2-3 minutes, and gradually increase it to 10-15.

  • Heart benefit

The benefits of jumping rope and that they help keep the cardiovascular system in tone. It is especially useful to engage with a rope for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle or abuse fatty foods. Just 10 minutes of training is equivalent to 40 minutes of running for our heart.

  • Improved coordination

Such an exercise has a great effect on our coordination and endurance, stability and balance in motion. Thus, the risks of twisting the leg or not fitting into the turn will be much less, and you will feel your body much better. Therefore, do not be lazy and start training now from today!

Work on different muscle groups

What muscles work while jumping rope? Yes, almost everything! During the exercise, you need to tighten the press; the leg muscles are used during jumps and the arm muscles for rotation. Almost the whole body is involved in the work, which means that jumping on the rope can easily become a quick and easy workout for the whole body when the time is right. But do not forget, if you want to be the owner of a beautiful body, you also can not do without other exercises.

Exercises, such as jumping rope, perfectly affect the metabolic rate. Even after the end of the workout calories continue to be burned, and for weight loss – this is just what you need! If your workouts are regular, you will soon feel that your metabolism has improved significantly.

Choose the ideal jump rope for you!


  • Increases stamina
  • Contributes to burning more calories
  • Increases aerobic capacity and breathing efficiency
  • Increases coordination
  • Improves footwork
  • Increase Timing and overall rhythm
  • Increase endurance in the shoulders
  • You can use it for general conditioning or specific sports

As simple as it sounds, it is an excellent way to increase the aerobic condition, helps to improve balance and coordination. How to choose the right cross rope for you? At first sight, and partly due to the diversity offered by the market, it is not so simple to find the one that will meet your needs.



However, if specific factors and specific characteristics are taken into account (which we will detail in this article), it will be much more comfortable.


Characteristics to consider when choosing a cross rope

First, you should try to find the most appropriate for you, mainly. The type of equipment you choose will make a huge difference in the performance and the results of the workout.

On the other hand, if you choose the wrong type, your training and your experience will not be satisfactory (it will feel awkward to use, it will make you stumble, it will be challenging to use fast or do tricks, for example).

Training, besides effective, should be enjoyable and fun.

When choosing a jump rope, you should consider:

  1. The length of the it
  2. The material
  3. The type of handle

1- Choosing the length of the rope

Here,  you should consider your height.

If it is too long, it will tangle up on the ground and require more strength to swing it through. If, on the other hand, the cord is too short you will not jump easily or do tricks.

The most advisable is to start (at least in the first stages) with the standard size for your height.

You can shorten the length of the cord as you get better (and this will allow for more speed).

  • For beginners

You should look for a longer one, which will have a higher resistance (and you cannot swing it fast), but you can work on timing.

  • For fitness

You need a cord that leaves a space of 6 to 10 inches when you swing it over your head. It will be easier to speed up and perform double unders.

  • For Speed

In this case, you find a rope that has between 2 and 6 inches of space above your head. However, advance professionals use this type of cord. Advance professionals also use clip system for it.

  • For Freestyle

A considerably longer cord for cross movements is required. The common is between 12 and 24 inches between the cord and the top of the head.

Measuring size

You should measure not only the length but the total length including the measurement of both handles. You can do it in the following way:

Take both handles (with each hand) and stand in the center of it (with one foot or both) while pulling the handles up.

The tips of the handles should touch your armpits. And this will show if it is short or maybe too long.


Length Your Height
6ft Under 4’0″
7ft 4’0″ to 4’9″
8ft 4’10” to 5’3″
9ft 5’4″ to 5’10”
10ft 5’11” to 6’5″
11ft 6’6″ +


2- Choosing the material

Here it is vital to consider, more than anything else, the surface on which you are going to jump. If you are going to do it on hard and abrasive surfaces, the most advisable is PVC or speed cable seel.

The most used material is PVC plastic or vinyl cord. You will obtain good results with any of these.

Some materials are:

  • Licorice
  • PVC plastic
  • Cloth / Fiber / Woven
  • Beaded / Segmented
  • Cable / wire cable

Also, we should relate the material to the level of experience:

  • Beginners: Licorice or PVC, as they are light and have a certain flexibility.
  • Intermediate: Licorice or cable. Licorice is ideal for speed tricks. The steel cable is best for speed work.
  • Advanced: Licorice cable or beaded (according to the personal goal).

Material depends on the Sport you practice

Though for any workout, a cheap rope will do, the material changes depending on the sport you practice.

For fitness, the metal cables for speed, with ball bearing swivels, are the main. With this type, they manage to make double or triple skippings with ease and speed.

For those who like tricks, freestyle cross ropes with more extended handles, and use the beaded material.


The materials you should avoid

Leather. It is too hard and heavy.

Heavy rope. On the contrary, it is too light to achieve a good rhythm.

Beads. While they are ideal for tricks, they are heavy duty to achieve a fast rhythm.

Heavy cords. They make the cord challenging to rotate.

The stiffness of the cord is also important

We should note that the most stiffer ones do not have as much flexibility when they are under tension. It presents certain advantages, especially for those who have more skill (advanced).

On the other hand, for beginners and intermediates,  those that have more flexibility and elasticity are recommended. It allows the cord to adjust to possible mistakes while skipping.


3- Choosing the type of handle

We still lack something of great importance: the grips, since they play a crucial role. There are different designs, weights, materials, and length.

The weight

The handle should be as light as possible because if it was too dense, it could reduce speed.

The material

Although the plastic handles are cheaper, after a few months of intensive use, they tend to bend and break.
On the other hand, the shatterproof plastic handles or aluminum ones, although they are more expensive, last much longer. Because of its high quality material.

The length

Keep in mind, that when you grip the handle, you will use about two inches of it. However, there are three primary lengths: short, regular and long.

The long handles are ideal for tricks since they give you a little bit of extra length to do crossing movements.

For speed, the short handles are the best. You will find this type of handle for power speed.

The best is a standard medium handle (which is the most common) is best for beginners.

Another critical point, the connection of the handle to the rope

There are three types of joints:

  • Regular connection (the most common)


  • 90 degrees (the grip and the cord join at a 90-degree angle, this provides less friction and therefore higher speed)


  • Ball Bearing Swivel (in this type, there is much less friction and better control. But they are the most expensive)




The thickness of the handle

Thick handles will allow a better grip. But this type of handle is dense, so it will be more difficult to do tricks with them.

On the contrary, thin handles are better for speed.

Medium handles split the difference. (Usually the most common).

Important to remember

For those who decide to engage in training with a heavier rope, it is important to consider the following suitable keywords:

Jump rope must be on height

A jump rope should fit you in growth. In order to choose the correct length, fold the rope in half and position the handles at the level of the armpits. Fold the rope should reach the floor. For example, for the average height of women (from 150 to 175 cm) a jump rope with a length from 210 to 250 cm will suit.

Tight clothes

Engage should be in tight sportswear that does not interfere with jumping.


It is preferable to buy sports shoes designed for running. It will contribute to the depreciation when jumping.


You can create your own exercising program! Cross Rope share an opportunity with you to do it. Do exercise and set whatever you want! Have you any ideas and suggestions about it? You can even exercising in a garage gym!

  • To strengthen the muscles of the legs.
  • Jump over the rope, raising your knees high as long as you can. For the first time, it will be difficult. But if you do not give up at the very beginning, with time, your muscles will get used, and the exercise will begin to bring pleasure.
    • To burn fat mass.

    For burning fat mass of the body, jumping with a crossing rope is considered to be particularly effective. In terms of its effect on the body, this exercise is comparable to running.

    • For coordination and endurance.

    For those who want to improve coordination and endurance, we recommend alternating jumps forward / backward. Again, at first this exercise will cause difficulties, but, as you know, it is always difficult to begin.

    And, of course, remember that whatever type of physical activity you choose, the most important thing in training is their regularity.

Conclusion: The best cross rope for you

It is an excellent way of training, that in addition to being beneficial to improve coordination and footwork, notably increases physical endurance, aerobic capacity, and helps to burn calories. But to achieve the results we want, we must train with the one that is appropriate for us (individually).

Choosing equipment is not a simple task. However, if we consider specific vital points, we will be able to do it.

What should we consider about ourselves? What sport we practice, and what is our level of experience (beginner, intermediate or advanced). As well as our height.

What should we consider? The length, the material, and the characteristics of the handle. Each of these parameters will change depending on our training goals.

It is also important to know that you can train in different ways: Fitness, speed or freestyle.

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