Top 10 core fitness exercises that are easy to do

The core muscles are those that surround the torso and pelvis. They are essential for maintaining the stability of the body during various movements and pressure. Strengthening them also improves posture and prevents back pain.

Traditionally, the musculature of the body is linked with the side abs, and various crunches and side bends are recommended for their development. However, this approach is simplistic and erroneous, since it completely ignores the fact that the core is of a static nature. It is associated with almost all muscle groups since its main task is to ensure the stabilization and mobility of both the spine and the whole body.

10 Core Fitness Exercises

When performing most physical exercises, it is the core that fixes the spine in a rigid position, allowing the hips, arms and shoulder joints to make movements with additional weight. Any correctly performed necessary exercise is core fitness.

That is why it is critical to consciously keep the abs and the lumbar musculature in light tension when performing strength exercises. Long story short – acknowledge your core and make sure it’s always participating.

Another way to train is to develop core fitness by counteracting weight. For example, while squatting with a barbell or when performing a deadlift, you need to ensure that the core does not allow the back to be rounded and keep it straight.

Proper breathing is obligatory since the diaphragm is also a member of the titular group. To breathe correctly, you should direct the air into the lower abdomen instead of lifting your shoulders and chest.

Rear Lat Pulldown

The critical participants are the latissimus dorsi, shoulder girdle, and biceps and forearm. The rear lat pulldown is an analog of rear pull-ups, however, exercising on a simulator allows athletes to focus on the correct technique or, with the proper level of development, use an additional weight that exceeds their body weight.

The chief “worker” here is the latissimus dorsi, however, depending on the type of handle and the width of its grip, the secondary muscles may take on additional pressure.

If the palms are facing you, the involvement of the biceps increases significantly. The pectorals are more actively involved if you use the parallel handle.


Initial position: sit on the cable pulldown machine, hips fixed. Make sure to get a good grip of the handle with all fingers (the thumb should be on top); your arms should be wide apart so that the elbows are parallel to each other. You’ll know that you’re doing it right if you feel a conscious tension in the core and abs.

Then lower the shoulders down, bringing the shoulder blades together, as if you’re “opening” the back and pushing the chest forward. Your feet stand confidently on the floor; the neck is in line with the spine. Keep your head straight and don’t look up. You should slightly bend your lower back.

Typical Mistakes

The most common and usual mistake is to use excessive weight. Using weights that are too heavy for you makes it impossible to control the technique. Keep the shoulder blades together and shift the pressure from the back to the arms and other secondary groups.

Remember to fix your core strictly – you should not lean back or bend the whole body to lower the weight. If you can’t keep it still, you’re using too much working weight.

The Plank

The plank – a kind of handstand while your abs, core and biceps femoris are in tension. The main task of the plank is to maintain the correct position for the maximum amount of time. This exercise is static, and not dynamic, like most other abdominal activities.

Despite its seeming simplicity, the plank is productive and is one of the best for strengthening the abdominals and correcting the posture. At the same time, the technique plays a huge role – if you do not know how to do the plank correctly, you are not training any parts of your body, but instead harming your spine and provoking back and neck pains.


To perform this correctly, you need to stay in the position, maintaining a normal breathing rhythm and feeling the tension of the abs, hips, arms, and chest. You can start with the most straightforward variation (on outstretched hands) and the “15-sec plan + 30-sec rest” mode, making a total of 3-4 repetitions and gradually increasing the time.

It is necessary to strive for a permanent increase in the time you spend in this position (or the transition to a more complex variation). Also, above all to pay attention to whether you are doing this correctly or not. It is essential to continually remember that improperly performing the plank can easily cause chronic back pain.

Typical Mistakes

The most common mistakes when doing the plank are an excessive lifting of the buttocks upwards, as well as an incorrect position of the hands and creating undue pressure on the shoulders and wrists. The correct technique implies a slight “twisting” of the pelvis, in which the tailbone brought back – this transfers the load from the waist and back to the abs.

It is also important to press the shoulders against the body as much as possible, involving the upper back and the pectorals. If you are doing this with outstretched hands, pay attention to evenly distributing the weight on the whole palm. Do not just put pressure on the wrist. Among other things, make sure that the rhythm of breathing remains normal.

Exercises On a Rowing Machine

These are perfect for an upper-body workout since it involves the abs, the back, the arms, and many other body parts. It’s also considered a cardio exercise, so you’re killing two birds with one stone – burning fat and gaining mass.

Such exercises resemble a deadlift. Since it is responsible for the development of the back and the creation of mighty arms, thanks to regular training on the rowing machine, it is easy to create a genuinely athletic figure.

Using such a machine involves practically the entire body musculature. It improves the tone of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems as well. The fact is that one can’t compare the effect of this contraption to the impact of other simulators.


It is important to remember the instructions, and you’ll be doing this correctly eventually. What helps is to count the phases of the movement.

  • One: push away using your legs, relax your hands.
  • Two: (the handle should be at the level of your knees) – start pulling with your hands, the core is leaning back.
  • Three: the back “opens,” hands move the handle even closer to the waist.

Returning to the initial position is also carried out by counting the phases. One: the hands go forward, supporting the weight with triceps, slightly tilt the back. Two: the torso leans forward, the abs are tense. Three: transmit the movement onto the legs and bend the knees.

Typical Mistakes

The mistakes include bending your back, which will pass the pressure on to your shoulders and neck and that’s not what you are after. It’s best to follow the instructions in order t avoid injuries.

Barbell Squats

Barbell squats are an essential element of a muscle-building process. You may ask what good it does if the legs are predominantly involved. And we see why. You are correct, your thighs and buttocks are the ones having the most fun, but you also include your lower back, torso, and abs. You need to maintain balance, and that’s where they come in.

Anyway, despite the many benefits this process might give, if you do it wrong you can seriously hurt yourself, so have someone assist you while you’re working out. Before doing anything rash, make sure you learn the technique and consider every little detail. Starting learning how to do this may seem as too difficult, but once you try it – you will be rewarded with a healthy and buff bod.


  1. Before you begin, it’s best that you warm up and get your body ready for the upcoming pressure.
  2. When you finish, take that barbell an put it on your shoulders holding it with both hands.
  3. Put your legs shoulder-width apart, point your toes slightly to the sides.
  4. Move your shoulder blades together; elbows should be pointing down. If you can’t support the barbell in this position, then its weight is too big.
  5. When you squat the hips should be parallel to the floor, and the knees should not extend beyond the line of the toes.
  6. When you reach a lower point, it is necessary to maintain the back in a perfectly straight position. Don’t move your head look around.
  7. Rise back up relying on your knees. Keep the abs in tension. Do not relax your knees in the intervals between repetitions and do not transfer the weight to your toes.

Typical Mistakes

Trainers do not recommend quats with legs wide apart (the so-called “sumo squats”) for beginners that are trying to learn how to squat. They tend to increase the load on the lower back. Don’t lift too much weight otherwise you’ll end up collapsing and injuring yourself.


The critical participants in the barbell belt are the latissimus dorsi, delta, and the trapezius.

This activity is essential not only for the formation of a broad and robust back but also for the development of a muscular core corset and improving the posture. According to the anatomy of movement, the deadlift resembles rowing, and some of its variations are seated cable row and renegade rows.


Stand in front of the barbell on the floor. Make sure that your back is straight and the angle you make when you bend does not exceed 15 °. The lower back in a neutral position with a slight bend, not too big or small. Take the barbell with both hands (the palms are facing down). The width of the grip is average, narrower than the bench press. Block your hips and unlock your knees – keep your legs straight.

Take a deep breath and lift the weight up to the level of your stomach. Make sure that your elbows are facing the ceiling. Remember to lift that barbell with your back, not your arms. Otherwise, you’re doing it wrong.

Typical Mistakes

Don’t rush to lift weights that are too heavy for you. You’ll know your optimal weight when you attempt to raise the barbell the first time. Remember always to have someone assisting you, be it a trainer or a fellow athlete. As we have already mentioned above, the chief “worker” here is your back, not your arms.

Classic Push Ups

Push-ups from is a complex exercise aimed at developing strength. This is a process where a person is in a horizontal position, face down and raises and lowers his body with his hands. Push-ups are a universal activity; it is simple and effective. It trains triceps, the chest, the deltoid, intercostal muscles, the back and abs, calves, the buttocks. Aside from core fitness, they are relatively simple to do, and you can do them at home.

Regarding health, the benefit of push-ups is to increase stamina and strength in the upper half of the human body. You strengthen your bones and increase your muscle mass. You also improve your metabolism, which has a positive effect on overall physical health.


Learning to perform classic push-ups is simple. Even an average person who is not an athlete will be able to try to do it several times. Starting position: lay down face down on the floor, arms slightly wider than shoulder-width (about 90 cm). To perform the exercise, lift the body, straightening your arms.

When you lift yourself with your arms, the body should be straightened, and the arms should support its weight. Slowly go down, practically touching the floor with your chest, take an inhale-exhale cycle, and again lift the body, straining the chest.

Typical Mistakes

The position of your eyes matters. You can consider this one of purely technical errors of push-ups. You should look a little bit in front of you, not vertically down. Another mistake is the wrong location of your palms and the twist of your wrists. Be careful not to move them too much.

All other mistakes are primarily related to insufficient core fitness and the lack of necessary strength. Do not chase after performing a large number of “bad” push-ups. It’s better to do a few, but make sure they are technically correct.

Classic Pull Ups

This is a unique exercise that one can compare to basic exercises in bodybuilding, such as squats, bench presses, and deadlifts. Several groups of muscles of the back, chest, abdomen, shoulder girdle are involved, namely: trapezius, latissimus dorsi, extensors of the back; small and large pectorals; abs; biceps, triceps, back deltoids and the forearm.

There are two different types: a chin-up and a pull-up. The latter is best for your back, and your hands should be facing away from you. When doing a chin-up – your palms are facing you, and the emphasis is on the biceps. We are focusing on the pull-up because it’s more beneficial for core fitness.


Get a good grip of the bar. Choose the optimal width (depending on which muscle group you want to work on). Legs should be slightly bent and crossed. Take a deep breath, filling the chest with air to the maximum. Here are some basic rules:

  • perform pull-ups without rocking the body, rely only upon the strength of the involved muscles;
  • you should pull your body up smoothly, don’t yank yourself up;
  • when you have already lifted yourself your chin should be above the bar;
  • the lower your body gently as well;
  • breathe properly when pulling up: exhale when you’re going down and inhale going up;
  • the grip should be firm;
  • the torso must be strictly vertical.

Typical mistakes

The rules are mentioned above and breaking them is considered an error. Make sure that you feel the correct muscle group when working on it. Otherwise, you’re doing it wrong. Do not make many repetitions at first, start with a small number and gradually go up from there.

Bench Presses

Bench presses, lying on a straight or a bench with an incline is one of the five basic strength exercises, the most effective for the integrated development of the entire musculature of the body. The primary participants when performing the bench press are the pectorals, the shoulder girdle, triceps and, in part, the top abs.

This is a crucial activity for gaining mass in the upper body, as well as for the formation of a broad and powerful chest. Anatomically, the bench press is close to push-ups, but the main difference is that the use of a barbell or dumbbells makes it easy to use the extra weight and pressure the core.



Since the bench press is a complicated version of the classic push-up, beginners are advised first to learn the correct push-up technique, and only then move on to the bench press. Since during the push-ups, the abs remain in a light tension (and when you have reached the top point the exercise resembles the plank on outstretched hands), the abs must be pressured during this activity as well.

This is one of the critical points of the correct technique – you should be able to lift the weight of the barbell due to the chest and a tense core. Do not bend and wriggle with your whole body or lifting and putting your legs on the bench to facilitate the exercise. Dumbbells, however, only complicate the training of bench press techniques for beginners.

Typical Mistakes

With the correct technique of the bench press, the legs should stand firmly on the floor, allowing the abs and the core to be kept under static tension. The shoulder blades should come together; the chest is to be set forward, the back is slightly bent (however, the pelvis does not detach from the bench). The barbell should go down slowly and slightly diagonally, and respiration should take place at the highest point of the trajectory. If you do not follow these regulations, there’s a chance that you will hurt yourself. Be sure to have someone supervise you, especially if you’re a beginner.

Seated Cable Row

Seated cable rows include the work of the upper body — the latissimus dorsi, as well as the arms (forearm, biceps, and triceps), shoulder girdle, and the lower back. Besides, the legs are indirectly involved. The correct technique implies elbows pressed to the body and minimal core deviation from the vertical. The most common mistake: pulling the weight using your hands instead of your back.

This is vital for training the back, giving it a visual width. This activity is a variation of the deadlift, almost repeating the movement, but having a different angle of application of force due to a sitting position.


Initial position: sit down on the simulator, put the legs up on the front platform, slightly bend the knees, but do not fix them. Reach forward to take the handle, while maintaining the natural roundness of the back and not trying to straighten as much as possible.

Pull the weight toward yourself with straight arms. Stop at the point when the angle between the torso and legs is about 90 degrees; then, put your chest forward, bend your back slightly in the lumbar region. You should feel the tension in your latissimus dorsi.

Keep the position of the torso as motionless as possible and trying not to bend your back, slowly inhale and pull the handle towards the waist until it touches the abdomen. When moving, straighten your back, lifting your shoulders back and pushing your chest forward.

Typical Mistakes

In most cases, improper execution of the seated cable row leads to the fact that the arms are more involved rather than back. Beginners use too much weight and try to pull with their whole body, which is also a mistake.

Remember that when performing an exercise correctly, it is critical to keep your elbows as close as possible to your body and not to pull them apart. Also, maintain the vertical position of the body and do not lean back more than 10-15 degrees.

Overhead Press

This is a necessary exercise for the development of the shoulder girdle and arms. Since the correct technique involves lifting weights above the head with fixed legs and tense abs, this exercise indirectly develops core fitness as well. That is why the overhead press is one of the five basic strength exercises.

Among other things, it is best for strengthening the body parts involved in performing pull-ups. However, the con of this activity is its technical complexity and increased risk of injury to the shoulder joint with improper technique. It must be remembered that this exercise should always be performed with an average working weight.


Before starting, stand up straight in front of the barbell, the bar is fixed at about shoulder height. The legs are spread hip-width apart, the knees are pointing forward, the feet are firmly on the floor, and the toes are slightly open (but not more than 15 °). The weight of the bar should be supported precisely by the wrist, and not by the hand. If you can’t hold the barbell in this way, then its weight is too high.

While lifting the barbell over your head, your legs should stand firmly on the floor, and your knees should not bend – in other words, you should not try to push the barbell up with the help of squats. The abs must be maintained in conscious tension – this will protect the spine and lower back, and will also help in the development and strengthening of the core.

Typical Mistakes

It is critical to place the barbell in the lower part of the palm, rather than trying to hold its weight with the force of your fingers. This particular error of the technique is the primary cause of pain in the wrists and significantly increases the risk of injury of the joints. Also, it is vital to your thumb on the barbell, rather than pointing it up.

Core Fitness Exercises For Women

Many women try to avoid strength exercises, believing that they can make their figure masculine. But this opinion is erroneous, without using growth hormones and performance-enhancing drugs, your body will not look like a man’s. Moderate strength training will only form a beautiful, pumped up shape, which is what many strive for.

Women require other training techniques rather than men; this is why the first part o the article is not entirely useful for them. However, women need core exercises as well. They help to strengthen the muscles that ensure the fixation of our spine. This contributes to the preservation of beautiful posture and provides the health of the spine.

If you are a beginner, we recommend practicing with a trainer for one or two months. This person will show you the ropes and the correct technique for performing basic exercises with and without dumbbells, correct the diet (if necessary), learn to stick to a regime. After this, you’ll get a clearer picture of how you want to train.

Bodyweight Squats

Squatting is one of the five most essential activities required for complex body training. With the help of squats, not only the hips and buttocks develop, but also, due to the pressure of the torso, you will also be rewarded with a flat stomach. Your core will benefit more and more with each workout. Your movements become more coordinated, which reduces the risk of injury to the joints. But that’s not all: this exercise allows you to develop balance and mobility.

The primary difference between squats for women and men is that, due to the women’s lower muscle mass and wider pelvis, it is more difficult for them to perform the exercise technically correctly even with minimal weight. However, it is squats that are important for creating pumped up buttocks. You can choose to do a barbell squat, but you either need to know what you’re doing or have your trainer assist and supervise you.

One of the main benefits is that you can do bodyweight squats anywhere and as much as you like. That is if you do it without a barbell or dumbbells. You can even do them during a TV commercial. It does not require specific skills – all you need is desire and perseverance.

Rules of Bodyweight Squats:

  1. Look forward. It is crucial not to look down on your feet while doing this. Look ahead – otherwise, you may lose your balance. Look at a point located on the floor 3-4 meters in front of you.
  2. Balance your body weight on your heels. One of the main mistakes in squats is the transfer of the pressure from your heels onto toes. To distribute body weight correctly, you need to put your feet shoulder-width apart. Shoes must have a thin flat sole.
  3. The back is straight. Rounding the back is the first cause of injuries when women perform bodyweight squats. This activity requires a flat straightened back with shoulders slightly back.
  4. Sit back, not forward. Squats should resemble the movement like you want to sit down on a chair; not bending down and not falling forward – while doing this, make sure that your knees do not go beyond the line of your toes.

What you should start with

We highly recommend that women begin with the most comfortable version – hands resting on a bar; this will allow you to feel the body parts that are involved in the activity. Then you can proceed and probably try a rap squat (squatting with your hands together).

Another way to understand the correct technique is to put a low box or bench behind you while you’re doing this – pretend like you want to sit down, but don’t do it all the way. In this case, you will feel what body parts you’re using.

Start by doing 10-15 reps of squats with the box behind you, then 1-2 sets of 15-20 reps of rap squats, and then the basic 2-3 sets with arms outstretched in front of you with the maximum number of repetitions each.

Fitball Exercises

Fitball exercises provide a unique opportunity to influence the back and spine. But we all know that the spine is the axis of our body, and its condition reflects the state of our health. This is one of the rare types of equipment that would help you improve your muscle tone, develop balance, enhance the work of the vestibular apparatus, and also work on defining your entire body all at once. Moreover, fitness experts think that people should be doing crunches only on a fitball. Not just because it’s better for the abs, but also the involve the extensors of the back.

Many of us are leading a sedentary lifestyle due to our jobs, and we bend without realizing it. But when we exercise on /with a fit ball, the body receives an opposite bend at the waist. There is a live compensation of the forward inclination in which your body has become clotted for many hours of uninterrupted sitting. In other words, you’re getting fit and saving your posture.

Advantages of this equipment:

  1. strengthens the heart muscle, improves blood supply to all organs, normalizes blood pressure;
  2. improves lung function, increases breathing depth;
  3. improves the functioning of the vertebrae, ensures activity of the back, shoulders, lower back, chest, neck, abdomen, arms, and legs;
  4. allows you to have a great figure and get rid of the pain in the joints;
  5. contributes to the excellent recovery of the body after physical exertion;
  6. simply lying on the ball helps relieve emotional stress.

How To Choose The Perfect Fitball

Choosing a fitball depends on the level of pressure that you will receive when training. The choice of color depends on your personal preferences.

The selection of the ball itself has one catch: there are the cheap ones and the ones that are more expensive. The difference is that the cheap ones can explode right under you, while the more expensive ones let the air out little by little if you accidentally poke them with something. The risk of damaging the ball is relatively small if you store it properly. It’s best to deflate it before putting it away.

The size matters in this particular situation. If the ball is chosen correctly, you can get the maximum benefit from the training. Otherwise, there is a possibility of injuries of the knee joints and overload of the hips. The diameter depends on your height. For example, if your height is 5 ft and under – you perfect diameter is 21 in (55 cm). Starting with 5 ft 4 in – you can get a 25 in (65 cm) ball. And if you’re taller than 5 ft 9 in – get the maximum size – 29 in (75 cm).

Examples of Exercises For Core Fitness

Plank. If you have tried doing the plank than you know it’s not easy. But the effect is so worth it! How this one differs from the regular plank? You have to maintain balance. Therefore there’s more pressure. And pressure means you’ll get a better effect. You can do this in two ways: you can either place your arms, or feet on the ball.

Lower Back Hyperextension. Lay down on the ball with your stomach. Spread your legs wide enough to have a right balance so that you don’t fall off the ball. You can either press your feet against the wall or if you feel comfortable the wall is not necessary. Put your hands behind your head. Start raising your upper body and go back down.

Wall Squat. Take a fitball, press it against the wall with you back. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart. Start squatting so that the angle of your knees when they bend should be 90 degrees.


Exercise methods, such as Pilates, which include slow, gradual movements, is beneficial for core fitness. But strength workouts provide a more focused and intense pressure on this muscle group, which allows you to build muscle and contribute to your core fitness.

What Is Pilates And What It Does For The Core

One can often associate pilates with yoga, stretching, breathing practices. To some extent, Pilates includes all of these elements, but it is still a unique training system, and today it is one of the fastest growing trends in the field of fitness.

One of the advantages of this method is that it works equally well for a wide range of people. Athletes and dancers, senior citizens, pregnant women, people who are at different stages of physical rehabilitation – these are people who can enjoy the benefits of Pilates. With Pilates, you can feel able to move with grace and ease through the harmonious development of strong and flexible muscles.

Main Principles of Pilates are:

  • centering;
  • concentration;
  • control;
  • accuracy;
  • breathing;
  • regularity;
  • smoothness;
  • visualization.

Pilates uses these basic principles for performing all movements. You shouldn’t forget them as they are the cornerstone of the entire practice.

When people decide to do pilates, they don’t have the intention of building muscle. That’s what strength exercises are for.  The things that they are after are a strong back, defined abs and a good posture. Your movements are gracious and precise after this practice. When the abs are active, the body position is maintained automatically. This means that the neck and shoulders can relax, and the rest of the muscles and joints are released to do their work.

It’s quite unbelievable, but you don’t get tired after losing all that energy. You feel very vigorous. This is because you improve your respiratory system and circulatory system. You’re adjusting your spine by pressuring it, and you’re keeping your body in tone. Not to mention the release of endorphins during practice. That’s why you end up feeling better.

How To Maintain A Good Posture

Having a good posture does not just mean looking like a million bucks. It’s preventing various illnesses and taking care of your spine. But it’s pretty hard to keep your spine healthy if all you do is sit around all day. You hop into your car in the morning to get to a job where you need sit to get your work done, jump back into the car at the end of the working day and sit on the couch for the rest of it. Indeed, it feels more comfortable to sit, but your body won’t thank you for that.

Sitting is bad for you

The main enemy of a good posture is a sedentary lifestyle. It all starts gradually: neck pains and headaches; then pain may shift to your chest. The distortion of the spine provokes hernias and displacement of disks, vertebrae. Over time, you notice the pain everywhere: limbs, joints, bones. Because of the low mobility of the brain is seriously starving, it causes a violation of blood circulation. Reduced blood flow is not saturated with oxygen and cannot carry it to all cells of the body. The symptoms are constant drowsiness and unclear chronic fatigue.

Here are things you should avoid:

  1. Backpacks.  Carrying heavy backpacks is one of the most common causes of poor posture and spinal curvature. The weight of the bag causes the shoulders to fall forward, creating a deflection in the back. If it has only one strap, the spine is bent to the side. It is generally not recommended to use classic backpacks.
  2. Low-quality shoes. Women are often aware that high-heeled shoes hurt the spine. However, few men think that sneakers, sandals, and flip-flops are also harmful, causing flat-footedness. Experts believe beach sandals are the worst option acceptable as shoes as they significantly increase the risk of back pain.
  3. Computer. Working at a computer in the correct position, in which the legs are on the floor, the angle between the thighs and the body is 90-120 °, the bend angle of the elbows is close to 90 °, and the screen is at the level of your eyes leads to deterioration of posture. The reason – you unconsciously move the neck forward, closer to the screen. The result is a chronic pain in the wrists, neck, back and lower back.
  4. Smartphones. Try not to use your smartphone while walking, as this significantly affects not only your posture but also the way you walk. If possible, use your phone to surf the Internet or play in a sitting position, keeping it at the level of your eyes.
  5. Driving. Some consider a low car seat, in which the knees are above the usual position the most harmful to the health of the spine. Experts advise not only to use special cushions on the seat, which raise the pelvis, but also various ergonomic inserts between the back and the chair, supporting the natural deflection in the lower part of the spine.
  6. Sitting on the couch. More and more studies suggest that many hours of being in the wrong position can lead to deterioration of posture and the development of some diseases and worsening metabolism. The correct position for being on the couch resembles sitting on business-class seats in an airplane – the cushion supports the legs and head, the angle between the body and the hips are 120 °.
  7. Sleeping in the wrong position. Sleep accounts for about a third of the total time of a day, which makes the sleeping position the most typical of our body. If you continuously sleep in the wrong position with too high a pillow, this will lead to deformation of the spine.

How to correct a poor posture

If a sedentary lifestyle is inevitable for you – try taking mini-breaks for activities. Avoid driving and walk to work (if the distance is reasonable), get a gym membership, or work out at home instead of falling on the couch. The thing you should start with to correct your posture – is to exclude habits that worsen it from the routine. If you slouch, then probably the reason is that the computer screen is too low at work. Your posture also suffers if you use a smartphone regularly.

It is also essential to sleep in the right position on a high-quality mattress and not to use a high pillow. An overly firm bed (precisely like an excessively soft one) harms the health of the spine. Mind that a high pillow can easily cause neck pain.

Correcting bad posture does not mean just working with the muscles. They are very flexible and easy to adjust with strength exercises. The best solution for fixing your posture will be working with a personal trainer or physical therapist who can assess your situation and create an individual training program. Would be best if it combines both strength and static exercises to straighten your back and improve your posture.


The core is not only the rectus abdominis, or abs, as many believe. It is a complex of muscles that are involved in almost any movement. This group has three levels of depth. Each layer hides under another. Most of them are under the direct and oblique abdominals.

[su_column size=”1/3″]Here is a list of external muscles in this group: straight muscles of the abdomen;
external oblique abdominal muscles;
the broadest back muscles;
gluteal muscles;
adductor muscles;
trapezius muscles.

[su_column size=”1/3″]The second layer of core muscles: internal oblique abdominal muscles;
muscles that straighten the spine;
subacute muscles.

[su_column size=”1/3″]The third layer: transverse abdominal muscles;
iliopsoas muscle;
pelvic floor muscles;
square lumbar muscles;
partitioned muscle.

Most often, the core acts as a stabilizer and a center of power transmission, rather than a source of movement. Many people train using isolated exercises, such as abdominals or the back. They do crunches or weight lifts instead of functional exercises, such as deadlifts, squats, pushups, and many other closed kinetic chain exercises.

The developed core gives us the opportunity to control the strength that we use. There are five different stability components of the core: strength, endurance, flexibility, motion control, and functionality. Keeping the core stable during any activity, be it running, lifting a barbell or lifting weights in everyday life, you reduce the risk of injuring your back.



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