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Salad with squids and yoghurt dressing

Go for seafood in your diet.


  • 100 g brown rice
  • 200 g squid
  • One pc. egg
  • 30 g onions
  • 100 g yoghurt 1,5%
  • parsley (or any other greens) (optional)
  • salt, spices (to taste)


  • Boil the rice until you see it is ready.
  • Do the same with squid. Do not forget to take its skin off! Cut into medium cubes.
  • Boil the egg. Cut it into cubes.
  • Cut the onions the same way as the mentioned above products, pour it with hot water.
  • Make the layers with cover each one in yoghurt and adding spices to taste. The order: rice—squid—egg—onion—squid—the yoghurt leftovers.
  • Mince the greens and sprinkle it on top of the salad. You can mix everything without adding the layers. Though, do not forget about the aesthetics.