How to do yoga breathing exercises properly for the feeling of relaxation?

Published: August 6, 2018

Welcome everybody, we are going to continue our question-answer marathon about yoga, and it’s possibilities. There are only two questions left, and I am very happy that I have the place where I can go for any sports helps. So, the next question is very important for me because I used to have some breathing problems and I don’t want to repeat my faults again – how to breathe during the yoga? I know that every training should begin with meditation and proper breathing so that you can stop thinking about bad things and problems and just relax.
How to breathe carefully so you won’t lose it? How to do it without concentrating much on it?
How to do yoga breathing exercises? What some great methods can you recommend, that will help me to breathe deeper? How to breathe in yoga properly? What is the best way to meditate for beginners? How to do yoga breathing exercises for the feeling of relaxation and happiness?
Waiting for your answers!

2 Answers
Best Answer
Joey Bright Published: September 6, 2018

Hello Wendy! How are you? Here are perfect tips for your question:

Move the Belly With the Breath

When we are at ease, the diaphragm is the primary engine of the breath. As we inhale, this domelike muscle descends toward the abdomen, displacing the abdominal muscles and gently swelling the belly. As we exhale, the diaphragm releases back toward the heart, enabling the belly to release toward the spine.

Keep the Upper Body Quiet

During high-stress times, it’s common to heave the upper chest and grip the muscles in the shoulders and throat. When we’re at rest, the muscles of the upper chest remain soft and relaxed as we breathe, and the real work occurs in the lower rib cage. To promote this type of breathing pattern, consciously relax the jaw, throat, neck, and shoulders, and envision the breath sweeping into the deepest parts of the lungs as you breathe in and out.

Breathe Easy

Although some breaths may be deeper or faster than others, when we’re relaxed, the alternating rhythm of the inhalations and exhalations feels like a lullaby—smooth, soft, and uninterrupted by jerks and jags. Consciously relaxing into this wavelike, oceanic quality of the breath deepens our sense of peace and ease.

Lengthen the Exhalation

When we feel stressed, our exhalations tend to grow short and choppy. When we’re relaxed, though, the exhalations extend so completely that they are often longer than the inhalations. Some teachers even instruct that if we’re deeply relaxed, each exhalation will be twice as long as the inhalation. To facilitate this, try gently extending each exhalation by one or two seconds.

Pause After Each Exhalation

In our most relaxed state, the end of each exhalation is punctuated by a short pause. Lingering in this sweet spot can be deeply satisfying and can evoke feelings of profound quiet and stillness.

Mary Lace Staff Published: August 29, 2018

Hey Wendy! Let`s learn a new term – Pranayama. Since we are learning how to breathe properly. I was more than surprised finding out so many breathing techniques and routines exist, really. I`m not even trying to remember them all. Breathe retention, Single nostril breath (with its Sun and Moon piercing options where our right nostril is Sun and the left one is Moon), Conqueror breath (good for beginners), Lion pose, Skull shining breath (a kind of warming-up), Deer seal, Root bond (three ways of breath retention). Look up for detailed instruction of each one. In general, do not forget that nose-mouth golden rule, breathe deeply and effortlessly. Enjoy!