How to make healthy shakes, both sweet and not?

Published: August 8, 2018

Welcome everybody, as you know, I am Mary and this is my pre-last question for today, connected with healthy recipes and so on. To be honest, I have always loved shakes very much because thanks to them I could lose some weight and maintain my body a little but not all of them were really healthy so know I am looking forward to some recipes for you that won’t harm my healthy diet. I don’t have any allergies so you can recommend anything that you think will be good for me. Thank you very much!

2 Answers
Maxim Nikitin Staff Published: August 20, 2018

Hello there, Medina! That is rather cool question you have asked! I think we both share the same love for shakes (literally almost impossible to describe how many of them I have tried in my life). Before I start writing down some of my favourite recipes, I want you to try to experience one thing: non-diary shakes. It may sound a little riduculous or unbelievable to some, but hey…milk is not as beneficial as it has been always described before. If there is a possibility that you may suffer from acne, milk is a huge no for your daily diet. A little tip here: if you find it hard to limit milk consumption, try substituting it with either almond or cocounut ones, or even drink more natural yoghurt instead.

Anyways, I also want to suggest you trying some oat shakes, since the main ingredient has always been one of the most recommended for consumption to lose some extra pounds you have gained. I did try to come up with most suitable and light recipes, so take a look and do not judge me, please:

  1. Berrie nuts shake. Literrally take any nuts and berries you prefer the most and blend everything together. Use almond milk. Chia seeds are an optional benefitical adding. Try itfrozen, since the taste is much better.
  2. Honey apple shake. Cinnamon for extra deliciousness. Greek yoghurt and a little bit of applesauce to taste. It has always been mentioned in my ''favourite nutricious breakfasts'' list.
  3. Banana smoothie. Simple to say, easy one to make. All you need would be 2 bananas (frozen ones would be better), almond milk, a pinch of non-sweet peanut butter and some walnuts to taste. My grandmother likes to pour a little bit of maple syrup or home-made honey, so the shake would taste better.
  4. Vegan blueberrie smoothie. Ingredients: two fozen bananas, a cup of almond milk, a handful of blueberries, crushed walnuts (optional), vanilla extract and the oatmeal itself, obviously. Blend everything to your most favourite consistency.
  5. Caramel banana shake (because come on, all of us are a little bit sweet tooth). You can replace the caramel with unsweeetened peanut butter actually. Add some favourite nuts of yours, honey and chia peas as well. Use almond milk and oatmeal, obviously.

That is all for today.Try some of mentioned above and tell me which one was the most delicious! I really hope you would feel satisfied with the answer.

Enjoy your shakes, ladies!

Joey Bright Published: August 30, 2018

Hello Medina! Here is good variant:

Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, banana, and apple are all very rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, making this Berry banana breakfast smoothie a nutritional powerhouse. As a bonus, this smoothie is metabolism boosting, further aiding in weight loss and weight maintenance.Cut and freeze the banana for 4 or more hours (do this the night before) and freeze all of the berries if not already frozen, this will make a thicker, colder shake.

Berry Banana Ingredients:

  • 1 banana
  • ½ cup strawberries
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • ½ cup raspberries
  • 1 apple, cored and sliced
  • 1 cup almond milk