Can I include dairy products in keto diet meal plan?

Published: August 6, 2018

Good day everyone, I am Silva, and I am 26. I am writing here because I really need your help. Recently I started to follow a diet. You have probably heard about it, it is a keto diet menu I do want to stick to keto diet meal plan in a few weeks while I have vacation and also possibilities and time to cook healthy food for myself.

I’ve heard that the keto diet plan helps to lose weight. Keto recipes aren’t high in fat, they contain only healthy fats. I also know that carb and keto are connected notions. As it belongs to carb diets or fat diets. Personally, I’m a real fan of coconut oil and avocado oil. So this burning fat diet should perfectly fit me.

What I want to ask is connected with dairy products, especially kefir. Can I consume it during the diet? How healthy will it be for me? Maybe I can replace it with something else if needed? If the dairy products, in general, can be eaten while ketogenic diet? What kinds should be avoided? Isn’t it harmful? Is really keto diet effective? What advantages has Ketogenic compared to other diets?

Help me, please, to make a weekly menu following this one. Suggest me some tips. Thanks for your answers and help.

2 Answers
Mary Lace Staff Published: August 27, 2018

Hello, Silva! Keto diet is very nutritious, that is why it is special compared to others, it may heal some serious diseases even. Are dairy products allowed? Yes! You can eat greek yogurt and cottage cheese, they are healthy and high in proteins food. Kefir is also great, the best one is that of coconut milk. Do not say no to a traditional kefir though. Diary is super healthy for you while dieting, remember that you should avoid raw milk, heavy creams and butter, they are not keto friendly. How long have you been keto dieting, Silva?

Joey Bright Published: September 1, 2018

Hello Silva, nice to meet you again!

A major criticism of dairy is that it raises insulin levels and could therefore impact ketosis. While it’s true that dairy – like all protein foods – triggers the release of insulin in order to incorporate amino acids into your muscles and other tissues, its effect isn’t much different compared with other proteins, at least when it comes to adults.

Back in 1997, researchers determined the extent to which a 239-calorie (1000-kj) portion of 38 foods increased insulin levels in nondiabetic individuals compared with white bread, creating an insulin index similar to the glycemic index. Cheese raised insulin more than eggs but less than beef or fish.

Choose Pastured, Grass-fed, or Organic Full-Fat Products whenever possible – in addition to having lower levels of hormones, dairy from grass-fed cows is higher in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid than dairy from grain-fed cows.