Could you provide me with the recipe of diet cabbage soup?

Published: September 21, 2018

Good morning! I’ve recently read an article about the cabbage diet. Frankly speaking, it impressed me with its simplicity. I grow cabbage in the country house so I always have a lot of it at home. Besides, I really like the taste of fresh cabbage, enjoy making different vegetable salads out of it. They are so useful for my health!

My problem is that after childbirth I started to gain weight. My stomach isn’t flat anymore. Before, I tried to keep fit and was always slim. And now, I gain about 10 kilos, so I started looking for a diet. Cabbage diet appealed to me the most as the cabbage is one of the most healthy and low-calorie foods. It’s rich in vitamins and minerals, helps to protect the organism from different diseases.  I got to know that cabbage contains vitamin C, iron, beta-carotene, potassium and glucosinolate, which reduces the risk of cancer.

I found the recipes of cabbage salads, chicken chops in the article. What about cabbage soup? Could you guys suggest some recipes for tasty soup? Thanks in advance!

3 Answers
Best Answer
Joey Bright Published: September 28, 2018

Good day! Here is my variant of such soup:
You need:
2 large yellow or white onions
1 or 2 garlic cloves (garlic lovers: add an extra 1 or 2 cloves!)
2 green peppers
1 or 2 cans of tomatoes (diced or whole)
3 carrots
1 container (10 oz. or so) mushrooms
1 bunch of celery
Half a head of cabbage
1 48oz can Low Sodium V8 juice (optional)

Slice or dice onions with garlic put in a very large pot.
Cut green pepper stem end off, then cut pepper in half to take out the seeds and membrane. Cut the green pepper into bite-size pieces and add to pot.
Take the outer leafs layers off the cabbage, cut into bite size pieces, add to pot.
Clean carrots, mushrooms, and celery cut into bite-size pieces and toss them in. Add tomatoes now, too.
Use about 12 cups of water (or 8 cups and the 48 oz of Low Sodium V8 juice), cover and put heat on low. Let soup simmer for a long time – about 2 hours or until vegetables are tender

Mary Lace Staff Published: September 24, 2018

Hello there! Cabbage soup is great for losing weight, I know. Never tried an extreme dieting plan but as soon as I feel my waist needs to get thinner I cook the cabbage soup. This recipe is my number one. All the proportions may vary a bit. Just try to use all the ingredients. The one you have to prepare beforehand is broth, chicken or vegetable. 950 ml of it is enough for a big portion.

Mary Lace Staff Published:

You need to chop a half of a cabbage, dice 230 grams of celery, 200 grams of tomatoes and 150 grams of onions, slice 125 grams of carrots, mince a couple of garlic cloves. I love to make my soup flavorful so I use a lot of spices: a teaspoon of oregano, half teaspoon of sea salt, half teaspoon of red pepper, 2 tablespoons of vinegar (the best for me is apple cider one), a teaspoon of lemon zest, 2-3 bay leaves, 2 packets of miso soup and some fresh chopped parsley to your taste. Please enjoy!