Swimming equivalent to running 45 minute? miles?

Published: January 11, 2019

Hi everyone! Actually, I’ve been running already for 2 years. My motivation is Michelle Jenneke. She is an Australian runner, who conquered the world by dance. Inspired by her success I started preparing for the marathon. Besides, the story of other famous runners’ success made me move forward. I learned how to become a marathon runner. So now am ready for my first competition.

Sometimes I feel too bored after running long distances. So I decided to try other kinds of sports. My trainer advised me to attend the swimming classes. As this activity strengthens all body muscles. Makes your body fit and toned. The body tonus after swimming would fix the result after running. That is why I was to become more ready for running a marathon. But actually, I do not know how much should I swim. In order to burn the same calories as while running. So my question is the following:

  • Which is swimming equivalent to running 45 minutes? Miles? If you have the experience, share how much calories do you spend while swimming? Comparing with the running.

I’ll be glad to read your answers. Thanks for your help!

2 Answers
Best Answer
Maxim Nikitin Staff Published: January 24, 2019

Hello! I enjoy both swimming and running. As far as I know, the equivalent is 0,5 miles – 1 mile.

Stuart Barnett Published: January 13, 2019

Hi Emily!
There is some comparison between swimming and running. Hope these will be interesting to you.

Benefits of cardio in water
First of all, cardio training is associated with the majority of people with jogging and exercise equipment, fitness clubs established in cardio zones. However, water sports and various training programs on the water have a number of their advantages and features, which we will discuss in our article.

Reducing the irrational load
Water, as is known, has healing properties, and swimming, for example, doctors prescribe as a panacea for a large number of problems. This is explained quite simply. In particular, at the time of being in water, the body weight of a person affects the spine to a lesser extent, the load on the joints and many internal organs decreases, respectively, reducing their irrational wear. In this case, the athlete fully performs cardio work, involving the necessary muscle groups.
All cardio exercises are aimed at functional improvement of the cardiovascular system, which is strengthened by training. This means that it carries a certain load. It should be said that this very load is more pronounced when a person is in a vertical position. The heart must “pump” blood into all the limbs, muscles and brain. This task becomes even more complicated if a person begins to be active. The heart has to work harder, and in certain zones for this reason there may be a shortage of oxygen brought by the blood.
In water, body weight decreases, and, especially in a horizontal position, the need to pump blood from the bottom upwards disappears. Therefore, a person can redirect part of the energy saved at this expense in a more useful direction.

Effective muscle work
In the gym, of course, the target load on a specific muscle area is most effective. However, many, especially inexperienced athletes, can see such a problem when, for example, the biceps are relatively well developed, but the shoulder, back, legs and neck can lag significantly. Say, swimmers do not have such a problem a priori, because training in water develops the body as harmoniously as possible.