How does fitness tracker measures the human body parameters?

Published: August 1, 2018

Hello! I’m regularly doing sport, so it has become an important part of my life. I’m following the diet, doing exercises and swimming. I also follow popular trends so I decided to buy YAMAY fitness tracker. This is a really useful device. But I have some questions about it.

  • How does the fitness tracker measure the calories burned? I cannot understand how it works.
  • What other parameters can the fitness band measure?
  • Where exactly are the sensors attached to the fitness tracker? How can it be seen for them that we do different activities?
  • What opportunities can you have apart from the measuring parameters of the human body?

In what way does the fitness tracker connect to the phone and Internet? Does its monitor has a sensor touch or buttons? Could you explain to me, please? And why should we be sure that it always shows the right measurements? What types of braces are undoubtedly the most reliable? Hope you will give me an answer.

If you still do not have a fitness tracker, I recommend to consider the following articles:

I’m looking forward to it. Thanks a lot!

1 Answers
Best Answer
Tania Kharkevich Staff Published: August 13, 2019

Hi! The process of measuring the parameters is quite simple. The fitness tracker has wearable sensors that can identify unusual and unexpected circumstances. This way, they monitor physiological parameters and signs with the help of these trackers.

Wearable sensors are widely used not only in sports but also in medicine. This technology has changed healthcare as with its help, remote control of patients is possible. Fitness bracelets deliver the medical monitoring of patients’ body temperature, heart rate, brain activity, muscle motion, and other significant data.

Furthermore, there is a growing need for wearable sensors in the sports sphere. As the fitness bands showed high accuracy while measuring.