Do you know buckwheat noodle salad recipe? How healthy it is? from Leonida Hill
Hello! My name is Bella and I am 19 years old. I have never paid enough attention to my figure and now I’m very disappointed because of it. I want to get fit and to have a flat belly. After talking to some professionals, I have already made an exercising plan and now I’m working on my nutrition plan. I want to add buckwheat noodle salad to my daily diet but I do not have a recipe. Do you know any? I will be very happy if you share it with me. And what do you know about benefits from this salad? Is it really so useful? I’m waiting for your answers, thank you very much.
Hello, Bella! Here is your healthy recipe! It`s not that simple to have every ingredient at home, probably you`ll have to search in the store for a while. Prepare the dressing first, peel and cut vegetables, mix it with the rest of the ingredients carefully.
You need 60 grams of rice vinegar, a teaspoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of ginger powder, a tablespoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of tamari, 2 teaspoons of sesame oil, 2 teaspoons of chili sauce, 54 grams of canola oil, 350 grams of buckwheat noodles, a carrot, a bell pepper, some cucumbers, 3 green onions and a handful of chopped fresh herbs. The salad is so rich in taste and incredibly healthy.
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