Does jump rope increase speed? How much should I do this? from Julia Ford
Hello! I’m Julia. I’m 25, and I want to be a fitness model. I like fitness. Every day I start my morning by exercising. I excite of my progress and love to see my results in the mirror. I do different cardio exercises like run and jump. I like to pump up my leg and abs too. But I write to you because I want to increase my speed in cardio. Is it exercises with the jump rope? Maybe you know another active doing for speed? I will be glad of any bits of advice. Thanks!
Yes, it does, Julia! Jumping rope is great, you are doing right. Even a few minutes of regular workout make stamina in your forearms, shoulders and leg muscles so much better. As you become more trained, increase your jumping speed, keep exercising until exhausted. Practice high knee jumps rope drills. Make it a long-term everyday routine, you will be fascinated with results. Take care and may your dreams come true!
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