Healthy recipes with chicken or fish: how to modify recipes to be healthier? from Tania Kharkevich
Hello, I have a few important questions. Since eating healthy appears to be a fad these days I thought I ought to try it. I’m new in this area and I would like some guidance.
The question that interests me the most is quite simple, but still – is there a way to switch to entirely healthy cooking recipes? I have heard and read that it is very good to swap wheat bread for rye bread, avoid potatoes, grapes and melons, to add less salt and other spices and so on.
My concern is whether white meat is better than red meat, whether or not I should eat a certain kind of porridge. Anyway, here are some questions that I would like answered:
- Should I avoid certain kinds of fish?
- Which vegetable oil should I use?
- Does baking food make it healthier than frying? Does it taste as good?
- Should I deprive myself of salad dressing?
- Is maintaining a healthy diet boring?
- How much alcohol am I allowed to consume?
Generally, I understand the idea of “healthy recipes” and “eating healthy”, but it’s those little details that baffle me. Thanks for the answers!
Hello Mary! I will answer about fish to avoid:
1. Bluefin Tuna
The World Wildlife Fund put the bluefin tuna on its list of endangered species, and Seafood Watch warns their populations are depleted and overfished. Bluefin have high levels of mercury and can be high in PCBs, so EDF recommends eating no more than 1 serving per month of this fish.
2. Orange Roughy
This fish lives a long life but is slow to reproduce, making it vulnerable to overfishing. As Seafood Watch puts it: “Orange roughy lives 100 years or more—so the fillet in your freezer might be from a fish older than your grandmother!” This also means it has high levels of mercury, causing EDF to issue a health advisory.
3. Salmon (Atlantic)
Most farmed salmon are raised in tightly packed, open-net pens often rife with parasites and diseases that threaten the wild salmon trying to swim by to their ancestral spawning waters. Open-net farmed salmon are often given antibiotics to combat diseases, and their food and waste pollutes the ocean. Freshwater-farmed salmon have earned a Best Choice status from Seafood Watch and some open-net systems are rated as Good Alternatives (see more salmon recommendations from Seafood Watch). There is hope that consumer pressure will encourage more farms to continue to adopt better practices.
Hi Mary!
All fish types are healthy, but there are some fatter. For example tuna and salmon, But in this case, you should prepare this fish in the healthier way. Bake for example. It is healthier than frying, You should better use olive oil and coconut oil.
Speaking about the healthy type of life. Believe me, it is not hard and boring. It’s rather funny and interesting. Of course, alcohol during a diet is forbidden because it can cause extra pounds.
Please try a healthy diet. I am sure, that you will like it!
Hello, Mary! You know, I think that everyone are asking these questions to themselves, but I don’t actually think that there are right answers. Apparently yes, over consuming of some product can lead to not the best results, especially when we are talking about alcohol and sugar, but I think, that you should listen to your body. Make an investigation and you will see, which products are best for you and how ofter you should use them. Of course, don’t forget about fruits and vegetables. For me, actually, it was great to stop consuming milk. I realized I can replace cow milk with plant one and that won’t make any difference in taste, It just became even better. What about meat – actually this depends on you and how do you feel about meat. I don’t really often eat fish, because I don’t know where it came from, was the water clear or not in the lake where it lived and etc. What I will totally recommend you to do is to refuse eating sugar and sugar consisting products. This what you will never regret, believe me. All sodas, sweets, cakes – all this is a junk, and you can replace them with water, healthy cookies and protein puddings without sugar and stuff. Try to boil your products and use as less oil as you can. Listen to your organism and stay healthy!
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