How many calories are burned on mini stepper? from Maxim Nikitin
Hello! I’ve read lots of articles about stair steppers. Here are the most useful for me:
- Top 3 mini-steppers for home and gym workouts in 2019
- Top 9 portable stair steppers for home use | Mini stepper workout
- Best stair steppers for weight loss in 2019 | Stepper exercise benefits
After learning the specific features of each stepper, I decided to buy Sunny Health & Fitness Twister Stepper. It is relatively not expensive and very convenient. I just started doing workouts on the mini stepper exercise machine and already feel the result. My legs are burning. Feel the muscles of the hands, the upper back and even shoulders are also in work. So there is no doubt for me that this simulator is effective. My questions to you are the following:
Does a mini stepper help to lose weight? How long to use a mini stepper to see the result? How many calories does a mini stair stepper burn?
Looking forward to reading your reviews. Share the useful info if you had the experience of training with mini-steppers. Thanks in advance!
Hi! Of course, you can lose weight with the help of a mini stepper. I found how many calories are burned while training on a mini stepper exercise machine. Here is the time you need for training to see the desirable result:
- 5 minutes – 29 kcal
- 10 minutes – 58 kcal
- 20 minutes 117 kcal
- 30 minutes – 175 kcal
- 45 minutes – 263 kcal
- 1 hour – 350 kcal
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