How to get a flat stomach in 7 days diet? from Tania Kharkevich
Hi! I’m Jane. I’m here, like everybody else, asking for a piece of advice.
I hope you could help me. My problem zone always was my belly. And, however, I’ve tried really hard to get rid of it, there was no result. I want you to tell how can I get a flat, beautiful stomach in 7 days. Till this time I was on another diet, but I decided to change something.
What diet can you suggest to have the flat belly? What diets are the most effective in a short time? How many times per day can I eat? What amount of calories, fats and carbs should I consume? How to start eating in small portions?
What else need I to do to lose weight in a week? Do I have to do additional exercises to lose fat in 7 days?
Soon I will go with my friends to the local beach, so I want to look nice and without my ‘belly’. Can you help me with that? I will really appreciate that.
First of all, I want to mention that you have no reason to be afraid of your ”belly problem zone” so much.We are all beautiful in one or another way(check #body positivity) .However, if you really want to get rid of that ”disturbing mirror view” , I do have some pieces of advice for you:
1.If you have almost the same belly size as that woman has on the image you’ve attached,forget about just 7-day diet.Restricting yourself in food would only cause severe heath problems such as bulimia and anorexia.Do you want to spend all summer in a hospital being on fluids while your friends would be on the beach enjoying themselves?Hopefully not.
2.Exercise.As simple as this word may sound, all of us know what stands behind of it and how hard it actually is to constantly motivate ourselves on keeping on and getting the anticipated results.
3.Do not give up.Kinda an attachment to previous sentences.Think about all positive outcomes of getting fit.Imagine yourself in a outstanding body suit, all fit as a fiddle and radiating good energy/vibes.
4.You can make your own diet plan.Though there is a small catch; do not even think about limiting yourself in something. Just eat more vegetables and fruits,try to go vegan at least twice per week,try to change your food preferences and
do not ever forget about water.It is the most essential part of getting fit.
5.Create.Find some light snacks recipes,low-carbs breakfast/lunch/dinner plans etc.Go ahead,put on that damn apron,turn Taylor Swift or Beyoncé’s singles and jam to those like no one is watching you!!
As Jennifer Lawrence once said (google her in case you don’t have a slight idea who the hell she is):
“If anybody even tries to whisper the word ‘diet,’ I’m like, ‘You can go f– yourself.”
“What are you gonna do? Be hungry every single day to make other people happy? That’s just dumb.”
Be true to who you really are and never forget to keep going!
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