What is better: to do yoga before the exercises or after exercises? What yoga workouts will create the better effect on my body? from Julia Ford
Welcome everybody, my name is Silva. To be honest, I see that I can combine both yoga and exercises at the same time, but I have enormous doubts about whether it is healthy to do this combo or not. My first doctor said that I could do exercises after yoga, and it will be like a warm-up for me, but my second doctor (and at the same time my best friend) told me that it doesn’t matter when to do yoga, I have just to do it, and that’s all.
So, what can you tell about this situation? When should I do? What is better: to do yoga before the exercises or after exercises? What yoga workouts will create the better effect on my body? Are there special sets aimed at warm-up before training and post-exercise stretching? What types of yoga exercising can you recommend me for stretching my muscles? Which of them will help to make my body more flexible?
Thanks for the help!
Hello Silva!
I recommend you to try this workout, it is very helpful:
- Child’s Pose — 5 breaths (One breath means a complete breath in and out.)
- Downward Facing Dog — 5 to 6 breaths
- Rag Doll — 5 to 6 breaths
- Sun Salutation A — 3 reps
- High Plank — 10 to 15 seconds
- Chaturanga Push-Ups — 3 reps
- Upward Facing Dog — 1 full breath
- Weighted Squats — 1 minute
- Weighted Lunges With Biceps Curls — 12 reps each side
- Lawnmower Rows — 12 reps each side
- Oblique Twists — 16 reps
- Glute Bridges — 8 reps each side
- Chest Fly — 10 reps
- Weighted Crunch With Oblique Twist — 20 reps alternating sides
- Leg Lifts — 12 reps
- Figure Four — 30 seconds each side
- Reclined Spinal Twist — 30 seconds
- Savasana — 30 seconds to 2 minutes
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