What are the best healthy recipes? Why do you think so? from Eva Moore
Hello everyone, my name is Ann and I am 23 years old. I am going to cook a dinner for the whole family and I want it to consist only of healthy meals in order to show them that healthy food can also be tasty. But I need your advice, guys. What are the best tasty healthy recipes, in your opinion? Why do you choose these recipes? I have a list of meals but maybe you will help me to make it more varied and delicious. I will really appreciate your help. I’m waiting for all the answers, thank you very much.
Dear Ann, I like your attitude to cooking very much, I also think that homemade food must be healthy and delicious. I`m trying to follow these healthy meal rules. When it comes to the way of cooking I prefer baking, frilling and steaming to frying. I also make my meal rich in taste. Not by adding salt, no way. I use a lot of spices – peppers, ginger, cinnamon, cardamon etc. They give taste and improve metabolism. There is nothing better than fresh herbs in summer as vitamins addition. Consider healthy sweeteners like Silva when it comes to your desserts. There are also ways to make your dishes less caloric by replacing some heavy cream with plain yogurt or butter with margarine etc. Be creative and caring to you and your loved ones. Eat healthily.
Hello Ann! In my opinion, the best recipes, which are at the same time the most healthy one, are that, that are used at home an were created by the professional dietologists or doctors or fitness trainers, understand? They know the best what to include in the recipes and how much, they know many substantivesforbad products so that’s why they own really useful recipes. Of course, you can create your own one, according to your tastes and individual willings and thanks to internet you can find the right information about healthy recipes and so on. Yes, i agree, sometimes they might look quite difficult but healthy lifestyle has never been easy, so… Go and do it.
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