What can I cook from what I can find in my fridge? from Joey Bright
Yeah, there are many questions abiut cooking feom me because i am concerned that if you want to keep yourself in shape – then you need to not only do sport hard or motivate yourself, you also need to consume really helpful and healthy food for it. And, to be honest, sometimes we are too lazy to go to supermarket and buy all needed ingredients so many woman leave the idea of healthy menu because, as they think, there is nothing useful in the fridge. Guys, I think you know some useful reciped for simple healthy dishes? I hope so. Thank you!
Hello there, Medina!
That is quite good question you’ve asked… Here is what I can help you with:
1. Eat only those products which you bought by yourself. That is the key rule of any diet.
2. Do not eat the hard leftovers. If you have that 2-week lasagna still inside the refrigerator, give it away. Seriously. It would be better not only for your karma but the shape as well.
3. Try to stock your refrigerator with more fruits and vegetables. Try not to buy store yoghurts, juice in packages, any cakes or spices like mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard. They are rich in fats and we do not want you to regret those “one more” bites over and over agin. (because you do not even have to…but if you do want to stay healthy, it will be better to limit yourself in buying all mentioned above unhealthy food.
4. I had actually heard a few years ago that there was an app which helped you to find various easy recipes of dishes…But the cool thing is, you had to mention all products in your refrigerator, so the program would find some versions of what would be better to cook, the choice completely dependent of your refrigerator storage.
5. Try making some salads out of vegetables. Make that delicious smoothie of milk and some fruits. Add some pancakes of those 2 eggs waiting patiently to be cracked soon. Do not be afraid of turning on your creativity and follow your taste buds. Try everything. You will definitely see some incredible results.
6. Google it. Google that damn recipe and make it perfectly. Imagine yourself being the one and only Gordon Ramsey or Jamie Oliver and make of ordinary ingredients the most exquisite tasteful meal. Surprise others. Thank them for their compliments and get better every single day. Remember, that cooking is art. You have to practice every free moment to see yourself growing.
I really do hope you will like some of those. My advice would be to keep going and always trust your inner voice. Or try at least.
Good luck, Medina! Stay healthy and fit!
Hello Medina! You have asked really important and useful question, i am very glad to answer it.
So, as Willow Augarde has already mentioned, fill your fridge with fruits and vegetables – in case you want to eat something – you will eat at least something healthy and you won't tease yourself with something sweet or bad in the refrigerator. Also, i think that you visit something everyday, at least work or uni, so you can buy something while going home (i buy fruits and meat) so that's why your fridge won't be empty)
Hi Medina! I think I could help you with your problem. I know a lot of healthy and nutritious food recipes, so today I will share one with you. So, here you go!
Oat dietetic cookies with prune and raisins.
– oat flakes – 150 g
– 1% kefir – 150 ml.
– honey – 1.5 of tablespoon
– raisins – 20 g
– Prune – 20 g
– cinnamon – 2 g (+ vanillin on your taste)
Cooking method
Step 1. Put flakes in kefir for 40 minutes.
Step 2. And raisins put on a hot water at the same time.
Step 3. After 40 minutes put all ingredients together.
Step 4. Form cookies.
Step 5. Put them on a baking pan with placed baking paper.
Step 6. Bake for 30 min with a temperature of 180-200 °C
Step 7. If you want, you can use hot eater instead of kefir and also other dried fruits and nuts. Get it from the oven and enjoy your tasty useful oat cookies! Bon appetit!
Hi, Medina!
I think that all of us just maybe once in our life met this problem. This is a really useful question, so I am here with the answer.
First of all, forget about eating the best thing that you have found in your fridge. Try to study it, look for the experience date and what ingredients these products contain. I think, that you definetly have some eggs in your fridge, so anyway can cook it. But remember to check whether it is ok.
Secondly, fill your refrigerator with fruits and veggies. If you have a lot o them, leave the ice. That’s why if you want something to eat and do not have anything you can always make a smoothie from such berries.
What is more, you should always have some cereals. That’s really nice in crisis situation just cook it and make some salad from veggies you have in the fridge.
Please, think ahead about your weekly meal plan, so you will never have such a situation.
Stay healthy!
Hello Medina!
I offer to start your morning with Avocado Pudding!
It’s absolutely great breakfast to be energy loaded for the whole day. If you do not have a much time to cook and if just piece of fruit is not enough for you, here is the choice from my experience: Avocado Pudding. It’s not only delicious, but quick and simple! Recently avocado is fruit number one on my table. You need just 10 minutes of your time some ingredients and blender. Here is the recipe of Avocado Pudding.
Ingredients (rather simple and easy to buy):
- 1 avocado
- 1 cup coconut milk (or any milk you prefer)
- 1/2 Banana
- 1/2 TBS Natural honey
Cooking process:
- Blend the ingredients up to thick and smooth mass. It should be kept on spoon.
- Put it in a glass or cup and enjoy!
You can easily make it on your own taste and add cocoa or any protein powder. Adding spinach, kale, apples or berries are helpful as well.
If you do not scare the sweet, try to blend avocado with palm sugar or agave nectar. Granola, chia seeds or coconut flakes will be good for texture. Bon appetit!
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