Perfect physical shape for the beach season is essential for women not indifferent to their appearance. Effective Beachbody workout for different types of body shape is the key.
Are you ready to visit the beach? Are you prepared to take off your shirt, and proudly demonstrate your immaculate torso to others?
Beachbody workout alternatives
5 exercises for a beautiful figure
Every girl dreams of being “the queen of the beach” and looking in a bathing suit so that all vacationers look after her and quietly envy. But in order to proudly show your body in a bikini, you can not do without Beachbody workout exercises for a figure!
But the holiday season is coming – the May holidays and summer are just around the corner, which means that it’s time to start preparing your body for the beach season!
If you want to become the owner of a beautiful figure, you need to start practicing Beachbody workout right now.
Beachbody workout for 3 months
Want to get in shape? We have a comprehensive Beachbody workout program from the famous American fitness trainer Chris Powell. And tips on how not to interrupt classes.
Now you can achieve real results.
The success of any person who achieved the result lies on three pillars:
Personal desire (since you read these lines, there is no problem here), a competent plan and strategy to maintain motivation. You will find the instructions on the last two points in our material.
We have drawn up for you a detailed training plan for three months, plus we are ready to tell you how to maintain the spirit at a sporting level even in the most challenging moments. If you go with us to the end, you will get the result.
Cardio unit of the Beachbody workout
The plan is as follows. You conduct a lesson according to our scheme 2-3 times a week. Using any cardio equipment (track, cycle and elliptical trainers or even a pool). After a five-minute warm-up, adjust the intensity of the effort, based on a scale from 1 to 10.
This is one cycle. Make these five.
Take this interval as a starting point. The fact is that over time, your body inevitably adapts to any kind of stress. In order for it to continue to transform for the better, it is necessary from time to time to surprise it with something new and unusual.
TIP: To diversify your cardio-life, add a partner to it. And train together – even in the usual catch-up on a run. Run off to 30 meters from the satellite – and let him try to overtake you the next 100-200 m. After that, switch roles.
Do 8–12 repetitions in each exercise, performing all movements in a row, almost without rest. Then, having mastered the circle, take a breath a minute and start over. In total for training, it is necessary to pass three full approaches.
Dumbbell squats
Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lift the shell to the chest, placing it vertically and clasping the upper disc (a).
Pulling the pelvis back, take a deep seat (b). Straighten your legs, return to the starting position – and you will get one repeat.

Hammers with a Bench Press
Place your feet hip-wide, take a dumbbell and put them on the sides, pointing your palms at each other (a). Bend your elbows and lift the shells against your shoulders (b).
Now squeeze the dumbbells up so that at the end point they are located exactly above the shoulder joints (c). That is one replay. Gently return the hands to their original position, winding backward movement.

Deadlift with dumbbells
Firstly, take the shells so that they are in front of the hips. Feet put on the width of the pelvis, legs slightly bent at the knees, back straight (a). Secondly, while pulling the pelvis back, bend over and, without rounding the waist, lower the dumbbells. Do this, trying to reach the level of the middle of the legs (b).
Then, return to the starting position – this is one repetition. During the whole approach, keep the shells as close as possible to the legs.

Dumbbell pullovers
Lags on the bench, bending the legs at the knees and placing the shells above themselves. Keep your arms slightly bent (a). Without changing the bend angle in the elbows, put the dumbbells back as close to the floor as possible (b).
Gently return to the starting position. That is one replay.

Thrust dumbbells in the slope with rotation
Put your feet together, take the projectile in your left hand and bend forward, bending your knees. In the initial position, the dumbbell should be slightly below the knee; the palm looks inward (a).
With a joint movement, tighten the projectile to your belt and turn left, keeping your elbow pressed to the body (b). Return the dumbbell and the body to its original position – you will receive one repeat of this Beachbody workout exercise. Make these the right amount first with one, then immediately with the other hand. If necessary, rest your free hand on fixed support.

Do 15 repetitions in each Beachbody workout exercise, moving from one movement to another with virtually no rest.
Complete as many laps as possible in 15 minutes. Allow yourself to pause the respite only when you feel that you can no longer perform the required number of repetitions in the correct technique.
Climb step
Take the dumbbells in your hands and stand up to the right of the platform. Now put your right foot on the dais so that the thigh forms a diagonal in front of you (a).
Climb onto the platform, straightening your right leg almost wholly (b). Carefully return to the starting position – this is one repetition. Do all 15, then change the side.

Rock climber
Stand in a lying position, putting your feet together. The legs and body you should straighten into a single hard line (a). Pull up the right knee to the right shoulder, at the end point by touching the floor (b).
Return to the starting position. Now repeat the movement with your left foot. That will be one replay. Continue to alternate legs until the end of the approach.

Put your feet shoulder-width apart, lift your dumbbells to your shoulders so that your elbows are pressed against the body and are under the shells (a).
Pull back the pelvis (b). Powerfully straighten your legs and squeeze shells over your head (c). Put the dumbbells back on your shoulders – you will get one repeat.

Throw fitball in the floor
Place your feet to the width of the pelvis and lift the shell above your head (a).
Holding your back straight and your arms slightly bent, due to the efforts of the abdominal muscles, bend over and hit the floor against the floor (b). Quickly pick up the ball and return to the starting position – this is one repetition.

Helpful advice: Track your progress: count the number of laps and try every week to beat the previous record.
Do all repetitions of exercise 1A, then move on to movement 1B. After finishing it, rest for a minute and switch to 2A and 2B. Complete the circle with exercise 3. And repeat all over again. You need to complete four full rounds.
Jumping Lunges
Hold the dumbbells in your hands, step forward with your left foot and sink into the lunge (a).
Jump up and, having replaced legs in the air (b), again landed in a lunge (c). That is one replay. Keep jumping, alternating legs. Do 12-20 repetitions.

Thrust dumbbell in the slope
Take the shells in your hands and lean forward, slightly bending your knees. In the initial position, the hands should be just below the knees, and the palms you should turn on each other (a).
Bring the shoulder blades and tighten the hilt to the stomach (b). Return to the starting position – this is one repetition. Make it 12–15.

Raising the pelvis with flexing the legs on fitball
Lags on the floor, with legs, slightly bent at the knees on the projectile (a). By cutting the buttocks, remove the pelvis from the floor (b).
Now, without stopping, bend your knees and roll the ball towards yourself (c). Moving in the reverse order, return to the starting position (basin on the floor). That is one replay. Make it 12–15.

Dumbbell bench press on an incline bench
Place an angle of 20–30 degrees on the bench and lay your back on it. Lift the shells above themselves, unrolling them in one line (a).
Lower the dumbbells on the sides of the chest (b), pause and return to the starting position. You did one replay. All you need to do 12-15.

Fitball Ball
Put the forearms on the ball, feet shoulder-width apart and bring the body in one line with the legs. Strain the buttocks, pull in the stomach and do not hold your breath.
Stay in this position for 60 seconds. If it is too hard to endure, divide the minute into six sections of 10 seconds. And execute them as a single series, resting in intervals of 5 seconds.

Helpful advice: Start each Beachbody workout exercise with checking the condition of the bark: straining the abdomen and buttocks, bend your back. So you will not only reduce the risk of injury, but also improve the shape of your waist.
How to set a goal?
Goals are the key to the success of the event; they make you continue to move, even when you want to send everything to the devils.
But, in order not to get out of the way and not to abandon the lessons at half-way, you need to formulate tasks very accurately. You want to fight and not give up – be careful that your aspirations are:
Helpful advice: Change the situation – move your workout to the street or just to another part of the room. Wacky-looking reception, but, you know, invigorating and not getting bored.
Lose weight by the summer: Who wants to have a beautiful butt?
Springtime is good because, finally, we can afford to wear short skirts, tight pants, and shorts … Wait a minute, can we?
A simple and useful set of super-efficient controls will help us to bring into a decent shape the thighs and buttocks for the short period that remained until the summer season. Make them comfortable even at home.
By the way, adherents of yoga say that the mobility of her pelvis can judge the health status of a woman, so pay particular attention to this part of the body!
7 effective exercises for pumped buttocks
Exercise 1. Lunges
Starting position: standing, legs wide apart in the front-rear direction, arms with dumbbells – along with the body.
Technique: making lunges, the knee, which falls out at the same time, goes down as low as possible, but you do not lean on it.
The number of repetitions: 2–3 sets of 15 repetitions. At the beginning of each approach, we change the leg.
Exercise 2. Inclinations
Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells – along with the body.
Technique: tilt the body forward to parallel with the floor. When bending, the legs are slightly bent, and the arms with dumbbells are brought as close as possible to the legs. Keep your head and back straight!
The number of repetitions: 2-3 sets of 20 repetitions.
Effective for large gluteus muscles, hip biceps, and extensors of the back.
Exercise 3. Climbing
Starting position: lying on your back, we set the body bar at the level of the pelvis and hold it with both hands. Legs bent, feet apart (divorced slightly further than shoulder width).
Technique: raise the pelvis, translating the body bar to the hips. Returning to the original position, do not touch the floor of the buttocks.
The number of repetitions: 2–3 sets of 15 repetitions.
This Beachbody workout is effective for large gluteal muscles.
Exercise 4. Butterfly Rises
Starting position: Lie on your back, body bar held at the level of the pelvis with both hands. Legs bent, feet together.
Technique: raise the pelvis, translating body bar on the hips. In brief, when lifting we raise our knees. Returning to the original position, do not touch the floor of the buttocks.
The number of repetitions: 2–3 sets of 15 repetitions.
Useful for large gluteal muscles.
Exercise 5. Wiggle (Swing foot)
Starting position: “cat’s position” – knee-elbow support. Keep your head and back straight. We rely mainly on the hands, not on the knees.
Technique: lift the bent leg (at a 90 ° angle) and then return to the starting position. We perform the exercise rhythmically and monitor the posture.
The number of repetitions: 2–3 sets of 15 repetitions.
At the beginning of each approach, we change the leg.
Effective for the large gluteal muscles and thigh biceps.
Exercise 6. Lifting the legs to the side
Starting position: lying on the right side and leaning on the elbow of the right hand. Use your left hand to hold the dumbbell on the hip of the straightened left leg.
Technique: we raise the straightened left leg to the side (approximately 30 °).
The number of repetitions: 2-3 sets of 20 repetitions.
At the beginning of each approach, we change the direction.
Thus, this Beachbody workout is effective for the middle gluteus muscle.
Exercise 7. Leaning the bent leg to the side
Starting position: “cat’s position” – knee-elbow support. Keep your head and back straight. We rely mainly on the hands, not on the knees.
Technique: move the bent leg to the side, lifting it as high as possible. Do not forget to follow the posture and the position of the head.
The number of repetitions: 2-3 sets of 20 repetitions. At the beginning of each approach, we change the leg.
Effective for the middle gluteus muscle.
7 delicious products for the beach body
What is it, a beach body? Naturally, toned, slender with beautiful elastic muscles, a minimum of fat and …
Stop dreaming! Fortunately, you can see all this magnificence in the mirror in just 21 days! If you include 7 products in your diet, it will help to remove edema, speed up metabolism and burn fat.
Replace shrimp with fatty beef and pork. Salads and soups with shrimps are also delicious. Shrimps, like any sea reptiles, are ideal for weight loss. A minimum of fat, a maximum of protein, a minimum of calories – this should be the food of a slimming girl. Remember, proteins are essential while doing Beachbody workout.
Also, shrimp contain iodine – the very “secret element” due to the lack of which our thyroid gland “skips” hormone production, metabolism slows down and weight gains. Therefore, eat shrimp. 300-400 grams per day for a woman wearing sizes L, M, and at least 200 grams per day for more miniature girls.
Salmon fish is fatty but healthy. It contains omega-3 fats, antioxidants necessary for health. These substances have a powerful antioxidant effect, slow down the aging process and make the skin glow as good as an expensive cream.
In addition to that, omega-three accelerates the metabolism and helps the body to quickly adjust to fat loss if you are on a diet. For example, from 120 to 400 grams of salmon per day will pave the way for you to the beach body. In fact, the main thing is to use it without breading and without fat sauces.
Low-fat cottage cheese
Spread on a sandwich instead of cheese and butter – cottage cheese. You can turn it into a sandwich spread just by adding greens to it, or made into a tasty diet dessert, whipped in a blender with plums or berries.
With cottage cheese, you can prepare dietary office snacks, a light lunch, and a lazy dinner. Thus, go to work – throw a pack in your bag, you will not regret. How much cottage cheese I need to eat per day?
150-200 g per serving, which would be good to fill with greens, garlic, basil, black pepper, and salt, or berries, fruit or half a banana. Also, It is possible to eat low-cottage cheese with a spoon of yogurt and ground cinnamon. Consequently, you will get an exciting taste.
Add dill to dishes instead of salt, soy sauce, seasonings with MSG. Remember that the main enemy of the beach body is not even insufficient muscle tone and fat layer, but banal edema.
Besides, if after alcohol or salted fish you have “dimples” on your hips, do not rush to the diuretic. Just chop the fresh dill and add it to your breakfast and lunch. 1-2 bunches per day, with any suitable dishes
Celery stalk
Instead of crunchy snacks and popcorn, you can chew celery. It crunches, refreshes, it is easy to cut. And this vegetable removes excess liquid and contains only 8-12 kcal per 100 g, which means it is an ideal low-calorie snack.
Moreover, celery can be quickly eaten before bedtime, just taken with you to work, and excellent soups and salads are made with it. Eat it in any quantities, without restrictions. Also, you can eat celery during the break of your Beachbody workout!
Instead of a side dish of potatoes or pasta, put sliced cucumbers. Cucumber produces the lowest-calorie salads. Add dill, natural yogurt and, say, an egg or some shrimp and get a low-calorie meal rich in protein.
Cucumbers give the body the necessary moisture and trace elements, they contribute to the proper functioning of the muscles during exercise and do not allow the so-called slags in the intestine to “linger.” Eat them in any quantities. By the way, cucumbers help cleanse the skin.
Instead of sweet candies, chocolates and other things, eat fresh plums. A minimum of calories, light honey taste, a large amount of dietary fiber, which speeds up digestion, feeds on prebiotic bacteria and relieves constipation. To add, plums perfectly combined with cottage cheese, yogurt and even with white meat.
300-400 g of plums per day, or more, if you usually carry them. To this end, replace these products with fatty meats, sweets, and rolls. Beach body you guaranteed.
Training by body type: choose your own!
Depending on your body type, some exercises will do you good, while others may be harmful!
Our guide will help you figure out what is right for you. Our Beachbody workout is universal, but depending on your type of body, pay more attention and time to the indicated exercises and body parts.
Body type: Triangle
The most common type of female figure: the lower part of the body is noticeably “heavier” than the top. If you gain weight – it is deposited mainly on the hips and buttocks, and almost never – on the back and waist.
And if you drop pounds, according to the law of meanness, your face and chest lose weight first of all. And the pelvic area does not give up to the last.

Body type: Rectangle
In general, quite slim, you worry about the lack of waist: a common option with a figure like “rectangle”.
If you get fat, the belly starts to bulge forward, as if you are in position. You will not believe, but it is with this type of figure to achieve the perfect body the easiest way.

Body type: Ball
Voluminous, massive breasts, full, protruding abdomen and at the same time slender legs and arms. This type of figure is quite common in women who have given birth and gained significant weight during pregnancy.

With all the variety of recommended foods should be aware of their caloric content. Then, this does not mean that you can consume lean kilograms of meat or oatmeal. You must remember about the daily rate of calories. And doing light Beachbody workout will be beneficial!
Body type: Inverted triangle
A teenage or boyish figure is mostly “got” tall and slender girls. And there is no way to rejoice, but usually, girls with this type of figure believe that they have too manly shoulders, too androgynous hips, and a generally non-sexual look.

Body type: Hourglass
A dream figure! The only negative – with this type of build you are most inclined to be overweight. So, you can’t argue against genetics. Fully body evenly, but the “weight gain” of 5 kilograms is usually enough for the figure to “melt” …

Dear girls, whatever your figure, remember that with all its flaws you can cope with the help of sports, which should be an integral part of the life of any person who cares about their health.
Hourglass, of course, can triumph. This body shape is considered to be ideal and the most wanted among the women. Nature itself has bestowed upon them favorable proportions.
But the rest should not be upset.
So, some kind of “carrot” or even “apple”, not to mention a “pear”, can “win” other “hourglass” at the expense of separate beautiful parts of the body. For example, chest, legs, buttocks, face.
So, every woman is beautiful, no matter what type your figure is. But still, if you want to improve your appearance, especially after the holidays – do sports. Our Beachbody workout is very effective and will undoubtedly bring your body into a beautiful shape.
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