Can you advise healthy pasta recipes for pasta lover? from Maxim Nikitin
Hello everyone, my name is Leo. I practice sports regularly during the week. I mostly swim (but not professionally) and jog. Recently I’ve read lots of articles about healthy oatmeal flakes recipes for my diet. Now I want to open a new topic: Pasta.
I am, literally speaking, a “pasta lover,” but they provide a large number of calories (and sometimes this number can be excessive if you are not careful!). So I try to be prudent with them. Usually, I have pasta twice a week. But I would like to eat it more regularly. I did some research on the internet and found that swimmers need energy (calories), as well as proteins, vitamins, minerals and adequate hydration in their diet. They are all essential and necessary.
However, in this post, I want to focus on this particular food or nutrient, in a healthy diet. On the other hand, I do not have much time at home to cook for myself. (But not because I am lazy!). So, here is my question: How often can I healthily eat pasta? (i.e., every day, only twice a week, etc.?) Because, again, I love it! And by the way, are there any simple or easy to do recipes? Any particular ones that you could recommend?
Healthy recipes will be very welcome. Thanks in advance!
Hello, Leo! I adore Italian dishes and understand you very well. Pasta is a healthy dish indeed. If you cook it wisely. I wanted to prove it on the example of my beloved Slow Cooker Lasagne recipe first but it is quite a long process, an hour of preparation and three hours of cooking. So I found another wonderful and easy to cook recipe. Spaghetti with leeks, peas and pesto need only 10 minutes of preparation and 15 minutes of cooking. It is appropriate for vegetarians, 447 calories in one plate.
Take 180 grams of high-quality spaghetti, 150 grams of peas (frozen as a rule), a tablespoon of nice olive oil, 250 grams of sliced leeks, a tablespoon of basil pesto, and some grated parmesan for serving, of course. The process is super easy. Read the spaghetti instructions and cook them properly. Add peas on the final 3 minutes. The sauce is like this. Hot frying pan, olive oil, leeks – 5 minutes of cooking, then add pesto, 3 tablespoons of water from the pasta pan – stir and simmer for a bit. Add the drained pasta and beans to the mix. You have 2 plates of pure deliciousness covered with Parmesan. Voila!
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