How can I program my CrossFit home workouts? from Eva Moore
Hi, sports mates!
I have read the interesting article on your site about Crossfit. And it really motivated me to start doing this kind of workout. And I hope it’s gonna be effective!
CrossFit or, as it is also called, functional training is a really great kind of physical activity. Using CrossFit for weight loss allows you to burn those extra pounds at jet speed. But it also means that you need to be very responsible when practicing this kind of sport. You should carefully prepare your body for this type of physical activity. And the older the person is, the more carefully he should do it.
Crossfit is a new sport. It’s aimed at the simultaneous development of strength and durability. With the help of these workouts, you will successfully train for the running marathon. The program of cross-training includes exercises from a variety of disciplines. For example, fitness, bodybuilding, hard and light athletics, functional training.
The charm of the CrossFit lies in its variability. And because of that, it was loved by many athletes. When you come to the gym for a training session, you will always see a new training plan on the coach’s board, different from the previous. In rare cases, you will repeat the same complex. And then only if you or your coach want to know how much you had advanced in your physical development. Such repetitions are usually done in a few months.
If you are engaged with a trainer, then the need for the self-compiling program automatically disappears. But I want to engage in functional training only by myself and do not know the principles of making complexes. Here are my questions:
- What program should I choose for home training?
- Is it possible to make it on my own?
My goal is to improve my physical performance and I don’t rush into professionals. Then 2-3 workouts a week is more than enough. As I had already written above, the program of my training should change every time. I guess it is achieved by changing exercises, volume, number of repetitions, time mode, etc.
I really need your suggestions guys! If you know something about that, write your answers.
Looking forward to your replies!
Hello, Eva!
I am glad to hear a question from you! I am also doing such kind of workout as CrossFit and it is really effective. I have also read a lot about CrossFit training and that is why I started to do it.
There are several basic techniques for CrossFit training:
In this version of the CrossFit training, several exercises are performed without regard for a time in several circles. You perform exercises on different muscle groups, alternating with athletics (for example, jogging) one after another without interruption, repeating a circle several times (for example, four laps);
This king of CrossFit training means that several types of exercises are selected and they are repeated one time that means one circle. The number of approaches in each exercise is determined individually, depending on the level of physical training. You must complete the maximum number of circles for a limited time. The running time can range from 15 to 30 minutes. Interruptions between circles should be minimal, and whenever possible, absent;
Chipper is the execution of one circle for an hour. The circle should consist of a large number of exercises and repetitions that are performed at the minimum possible time. The transition to the next exercise can be done only when all the repetition of the previous one is performed;
While doing this CrossFit workout, you select different exercises and the number of repetitions for each of them. You must perform all repetitions for a minimum amount of time. The difference lies in the fact that you can switch to another type of exercise at any time, regardless of whether you have completed all the repetition or not. Different types of load can be alternated arbitrarily. The main thing is to complete all the repetitions.
All 4 kinds of CrossFit workout are really effective. You can try each of them and decide with one is best for you.
Hello, Eva!
I agree with you about all the benefits of Crossfit training. It helps people to be motivated every second, because after few weeks of workouts you can see the result of your diligence.
The most exiting in Crossfit trainings consist in its variety of exercises. Many athletes like it only for this reason. When you attend gym the other day your workout program has changed. It is rarely to see the same WOD, only when your coach wants to test how is your progress in physical side going on. It seems to repeat only once per few months.
If your goal is to improve your physical performance and professionalism, you do not get hurt, then 2-3 workouts per week is more than enough. Your program of training should be changed every day as I said above. It can be differences in exercises, its size, number of repetitions, time regime, etc.
If you know the technique of doing exercises and have enough of equipment, it will extend your opportunities of variety. Crossfit always has an alternative exercises even without staff, so don’t worry if you don’t have something. CrossFit has several basic concepts for building loads.
What the best fits to you is the circular training without time account. One of the variants is the WOD: you should do several quests without breaks few sets/rounds. It means that you choose some exercises and just do it one by one till you reach the stipulated number.
What about make it by your own. I think, you should better get advice from the coach. It helps to make it faster and more effective. In order to properly form the load, you should divide the muscles into 4 categories and alternate them with each other: cardio, pulling, pushing, and exercises for legs.
I hope my advices will help you to make your own Crossfit training program. Ask more, if you really need it. Good luck!
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