Cabbage soup diet reviews: what do you eat for breakfast? from Tania Kharkevich
Hello, my name is Helena. I have some more questions about the cabbage soup diet because I’m interested in it. My diet is not clear now. I need to ask about your cabbage soup diet reviews. As to me, I noticed some water weight loss. I consume many fruits and vegetables. My calorie intake is low. So I’m on the way to a healthy weight in short term. After some time, I should claim that diet works. I tried many other diets for weight loss, but the result was not so obvious and long term.
Well, it is obvious that the main meal of the diet is cabbage soup. But what other meals can I eat? What about brown rice, baked potato, skim milk, beef and vegetables? What about the products high in fiber? For example, what can I eat for breakfast? Are there certain meals or I can choose for myself? Furthermore, what about coffee? I’m a real coffee addict so this point is extremely important to me. I will appreciate your answers and I’m looking forward to them. Thank you a lot.
Dear Helena, greetings from one more coffee addict 🙂 I tried the famous diet and it definitely worked! But with some very personal exceptions. I decided that my mood during the diet is a priority, I`m not going to starve and be either aggressive or depressed, no matter how many kilograms I`m going to lose instead. So during my first three days, I had two meals of a cabbage soup, the other two days – a plate of soup for lunch. I didn`t eat junk food during these 5 days of course but I could never say no to my favorite cappuccino for breakfast and a piece of chocolate when tired after work.
Hi Helena! You dont need to worry about how many cups of coffee per day you drink during your diet. Coffee is an energy-restricted product. It contains only 2 cal per 1 teaspoon. Futhermore coffee reduces the hunger and appetit. Also it helps you to be more active and productive. That is quite important according to the fact that in most cases we are getting tired quickly during the diet. So, dont restrict yourself and drink as much as you want!
Hi, Helena! Well, I think that you should better eat fruits for your breakfast or something, that will give you energy for the whole day. That could also be a bowl of cereal. Of cousre, it’s okay to eat something else for breakfast, it won’t destroy the whole effect of the diet. You can choose anything what is best for you to eat. About coffee. That is also okay. Just try to drink only 1-2 cups for a day at the first part of your day. And if it is okay for you, try to drink ot without milk – it’l be healthier 😉
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