Which tools can be used in exercise monitoring and evaluation? from Tania Kharkevich
Hello! I have read a good article on how to gain weight fast. There I found lots of workouts, meal plan, women’s view. Why do I consider it useful? I’m rather tall and slim. Actually, I dream of gaining some muscle mass. My friends have normal weight. No, it’s not about fat deposits. But about healthy muscle weight. I dare say it is not so easy to gain some kilos.
Some people think it’s hard to lose weight. They attend the gym, try various fat burning diets. And everything is in vain. I would recommend reading about the Ketogenic diet: everything you need to know about. 8 best recipes on keto will help you to lose those extra kilos. I promise! My good friend shared her experience. She achieved her goal!
But no matter what your fitness goal is. To gain muscle mass or to lose weight. I would like to read your advice on how to keep under control my results. How to measure the effectiveness of my workouts? So please, share your experience on the following topic:
- Which tools can be used in exercise monitoring and evaluation?
Will be glad to read your advice. Thanks!
You asked really good and interesting question. I am involved in sport for a long time. At the beginning of doing sport I did not monitor my trainings, its effectiveness and evaluation. Later I understood that it is necessary so I found really good tool to do this. I want to share my knowledge with you.
Diary of trainings is your personal trainer, a useful tool to measure the effectiveness of your trainings.
The diary of training plays a very important role in the trainings in the gym because it is kept on the basis of your training and their effectiveness. In the training diary, you must record all your activities of the training and the results you achieved. Therefore, you will have the opportunity to analyze the effectiveness of the training or nutrition program.
The personal training diary will give you an opportunity to see in what period of time you had the best results and the greatest progress, what was the most effective training program and what type of diet was the best for you. Or, on the contrary, you will be able to see which system appeared to be the least effective in the set of muscle mass and volume.
Each person who does sport needs a training diary. Even he needs not a diary but opportunity to review the training process at the end of a certain period and make certain conclusions. So, you just need to build an ideal, most appropriate for you a training program.
A diary of training can be considered your personal trainer, which will help you to achieve the desired results in your trainings.
In the training diary, you must carefully record all the moments relating to your workout, as well as the events and circumstances that took place outside of the gym, but may be relevant to the training and have some effect on them. In addition, with the help of a diary, you can make an action plan for the next training, thereby improving control over the workout process and increasing their efficiency.
The lack of a training diary will not allow you to reach the maximum effect and result. Besides, it is a time-tested fact that without keeping an analysis of the training process, you will not be able to accurately determine what has had a positive effect on you, and which, on the contrary, has impeded the achievement of goals. As a result, you will not be able to draw the right conclusions and improve the performance of the training. Therefore, you will just stuck in place without the desired muscle mass or attractive appearance.
So what is a personal training diary?
In fact, it can be a notepad, a plain notebook or even a plain notebook in a cell. But for the best effect, it is desirable to use a well-drawn diary of training in which you must just note down all the key points of the training process and achievements in the gym. For example, you trained biceps and back muscles. In the diary, you record the date of the training, the list of exercises, the weight and the number of approaches performed in each exercise, the time of rest between the approaches, etc. So, you just note everything that happens during the workout. Perhaps, it may sound silly, but due to these simple actions, you can eventually have an archive of detailed information on your training process, which allows you to conclude and optimize the training program. Moreover, you will not be able to remember how many times and with what weight you did this or that exercise two months ago.
To be honest, most of us do not even remember what he or she did the previous week. But a diary will be able to recall all the details of your training and will help you to build a training program that cannot be written by any coach without having these data. You will get a kind of “time machine” that will show you that it helped to make a noticable increase in muscle mass, for example, half a year ago. This is just the page of our training diary.
I am glad to hear from you. I agree with Maria that training diary is one of the best tools that can be used in exercise monitoring and evaluation.
How to keep a personal training diary?
First of all, you need to determine which training program you will perform, the set of exercises, the number of approaches and repetitions in each exercise are going to be performed, on what days you will attend the gym.
For example, you will be training on the following days:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Monday – legs, Wednesday – biceps and back, Friday – triceps, deltas, and chest. On the legs you will do two exercises, on the back and biceps – 3 exercises, for chest, deltas and triceps – 3 exercises. In each exercise, you will make 2-3 approaches for warm-up and 2-3 working approaches and in each approach, you will perform for 8-10 repetitions.
For example, a diary of training can be done in Excel. Split columns – write exercises and record all that you did in the gym.
It can look like this:
Bench press: 40×8 60×8 80×8 100×8 100×8 100×8
Biceps with a bar standing: 10×8 20×8 30×8 40×8 40×8 40×8
And so on with each exercise
A personal diary of training can be as convenient as you. But, it’s still better to get a ready-made training diary.
What do I need to note down in your diary?
In the diary, you can note down any information. Basically, it is all about the training process: exercises, weights, rest time between approaches and so on. Moreover, you should note not only what happened during training, but everything else: all the exercises, sets, duration of training, state of health, diet, what food and at what time you ate, how long it took to sleep and so on. This list includes all medicines, vitamins, biologically active supplements. Anything that may affect the result may be noted in the diary.
Why do you need to keep a training diary?
The practice of training of different sportsmen in different gyms showed that people, who regularly kept a training diary and analyzed it, always achieved high results and could always do better and better of them. Moreover, since they could always identify their mistakes they had an opportunity to return to the training program, which includes highly effective exercises and was the most effective for them.
Do not be lazy and keep your personal training diary, and then you do not have to constantly look for a good training program because you can make it on your own. Moreover, it will give you the maximum result, you will be able to increase your muscle mass and effectiveness as quickly as possible.
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