You know that without an effective strategy it is hard to achieve the results in your workout. In order to get the best effect out of your training. You need to do the first but very essential step.
Create the plan for your workout routine:
At first glance, it may seem like the simplest idea. Because there are lots of training programs from famous athletes. Take them, do it and achieve the same results. However, this is not that case.
There are a lot of programs, but there is no guarantee that they will work for you.
But if you are a complete beginner, then it will be much more difficult. After all, you do not even know what muscles this or that exercise trains. Therefore, we highly recommend you to use the tips from our experts.
On how to organize your own workout routine.
How to Build your Workout Routine?
There are some main tips to make a perfect scheme for your training. Your results will improve after following our pieces of advice. Step by step, you will define the kind of training which fits you the better.
In general, workout routine in the gym can pursue 5 main goals:
In each of these fields, you can still highlight or focus on individual parts of the body. But these are nuances. In general, you should choose only one goal for yourself. Since it will not be possible to pursue several goals at the same time.
You will simply chase several hares and will not catch one.
Actually, a sportsman who starts his workout routine must set a goal. The goal is closely related to what effect he wants to achieve from a workout. Based on the goal, the training plan is built.
There are several training goals, including mentioned above. They are chosen at the start of the workout routine. Your trainer can help you. Or after attending the test training.
Based on what he saw at the training, a person can make a decision. Whether he needs professional sports. Or he only wants to maintain his physical training at the same level.
Set the number of workouts
The amount of training in your workout routine is determined by your goal and your abilities. Such as the amount of free time, money and energy. If you just want to keep fit, then 2 workouts a week is enough.
But as a rule, people are forced to build their workout routine on the availability of free time. Just do not deceive yourself. Actually, evaluate your abilities. And think about how often you will be able to attend the gym.
After all, if you make a plan for 4 workouts per week, and you will only train 2 – 3 times. Then you will have to build the plan again.
We highlight 6 methods of doing the exercises:
Each method is suitable for one, 2 or even 3 goals. And is absolutely not suitable for the others. But at the same time for each goal, there are 2 – 3 suitable methods.
Suppose you can lose weight using the supersets, the circular method, and combined workouts. But in order to gain muscle mass, you need to use the separate method or supersets. And for strength (without weight gain) only a separate method is suitable.
What are the options of supersets?
Useful tips for your workout routine
All these 5 methods can be varied both in one workout and in one week. At this point, it depends on your imagination. For example:
1. Combined circular training for girls (we have a circular method and a combined one in one workout).
2. Male set of exercises “four in one” (each training is done by a different method. Only 4 methods: except alternating supersets).
Decide on a set of exercises
Write down all the exercises you want to do in training. And it is better to sort them at once by muscle groups. If you do not have enough experience. Then this may cause problems due to simple ignorance of anatomy and biomechanics.
The amount of exercise can vary greatly. Based on your goals and the number of workouts.
Then the number of exercises may be 40 or even more.
Any competent trainer will always tell you how to train right and which exercises to choose. But you can create a workout routine yourself. For this, you need to carefully study the basics of training and varieties of exercises.
The choice of exercises depends on the level of physical training and physical data in general. Naturally, a person without any training experience should not right away try difficult exercises.
It is advisable to start with a posture control. In order to know where to pay more attention to during the training.
Let’s have a look at the essentially different strength and cardio exercises for weight loss. So, strength training involves the use of special weighting equipment. Such as dumbbells.
They are aimed primarily at growing the muscles and improving shape. Cardio training occurs without the use of additional weighting. As can be seen from its very name, such training is designed to improve the activity of the cardio system.
This type of fitness includes aerobics, jogging, exercise on exercise bikes, etc.
After you have chosen all the exercises. You need to scatter them for training. How to scatter – depends on the goal.
Exercises are distributed in any balanced and well-made training program. The rationally organised workout routine will allow you to quickly achieve the desired result.
Any program consists of a set of exercises that affect different muscle groups. In its turn, they affect the main organs and body systems functioning in different ways. To distribute exercise by day.
Starting training, you must strictly follow the defined program.
Constant missing the training, random approach to exercises, the absence of a clearly defined goal will lead to a loss of motivation. Most likely, after 2-3 months, the person, noticing the lack of visible results, will stop training.
The result is possible only with a well-developed plan and its strict following. And after the first results, there will be an interest in continuing workouts. A typical training plan for regular classes:
After some time, the body becomes accustomed to a constant load. The effectiveness of exercise drops. In this case, you need to change the training plan every 2 months.
Next, you need to decide on the order of the exercises in your workout routine. Which also plays a big role. Especially when gaining weight. With weight loss – less, but still do not neglect this stage.
It is very important to observe the correct order of exercises in your workout routine. Each professional athlete clearly knows how to manipulate the order of exercises.
In order to load or, on the contrary, help the work of a certain muscle group. Knowing how to manage this, you will be able to effectively organize a training program for yourself. And reach a higher level in bodybuilding.
It is accepted that each training should begin with basic (multi-joint) exercises. And end with isolating (one-joint-finishing) exercises.
Because if the load does not increase. Then there is no point for the muscles to increase. Because muscles are very “energy consuming things.” It’s simple. The load grows – the muscles grow.
Sometimes it is essential to start with isolating exercises in your workout routine.
In such a way, changing the order of exercise performance in the gym. The main thing is to follow your goal. So you can start your training from the isolation exercises in such cases.
Set the number of approaches and repetitions
Very important point. After all, it directly affects the intensity of your workouts. The more weight and fewer repetitions. The lower the intensity of training and less energy you spend.
We advise sharing approaches and repetitions as follows. Taking into account the warm-up.
If you attend the gym with a special goal. Of course, you need to keep to your own workout routine. And the program involves not only a set of exercises. But also how many approaches to do on the muscle mass, on endurance, on strength or relief.
And also on how many repetitions should be in each of these approaches. Depending on what result you want to achieve. These values will vary. Approaches and repetitions are an essential part of the workout.
In order to improve the effectiveness of training, to achieve certain results.
If you just take the barbell and make the number of repetitions to the maximum. Then it will not bring much effect. Endurance and strength will increase too slowly. From such an inefficient waste of the physical resources of the body.
If you make, for example, 10 repetitions and proceed to the next exercise. There will be no progress either. The only thing you get is a “preventive” load on the muscles.
This approach is useful only in the case of exercising in the morning. The aim of this exercise is to maintain the muscular and circulatory system in a normal state and no more.
About repetition everything is clear. But with how many approaches to do, the situation is more complicated.
The approach is a continuous exercise. For example, a heavy barbell to the belt, even in one repetition. Can be called an approach. When you put the barbell – the approach ended, the rest began.
Then, when you begin to do the exercise again, the next approach will begin.
And even better – will provide an opportunity to grow further.
As you noticed, the number of repetitions decreases and approaches – increases while your workout routine.
Rest time between exercises
Standards order to rest for 45, 60, 90 seconds. But blindly follow your stopwatch is stupid. Of course, from the anatomical point of view, all people are similar. And their organisms function in the same way.
But after all, each person has their own physical characteristics. This is manifested in the difference in recovery time. Besides, the speed of mass gain, strength. So we are all alike but still different.
That is why it is impossible for everyone to recommend the same recovery time. Tell the number of approaches in this regard is easier. Your task – based on standards, to develop your own time limits. Standards are as follows:
Based on these numbers, listen to your feelings while doing your workout routine. If after the next rest you can’t do 2–3 repetitions, although 10 are planned. You took a heavy weight or you just had very little rest.
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