Many people ask about the specific impact of burpee on the body as a whole. In the first place, all joints and muscles during the training receive the necessary load.
But in the highest winnings remain the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle (deltoid, trapezoidal, triceps), hip, abdominal press, as well as calf and buttock muscles.
Who has lost weight doing burpees?
Also, it is essential that burpee accelerates metabolism, which also fights calories.
It is worth noting that you are not going to see the instant result after two training. Because the muscles need time to adapt. But as for endurance, it will grow after two or three weeks.
Practice shows that burpee can serve as a necessary element of training, as well as training for strength exercises. And do not forget that in these exercises it is vital to follow the correct breathing.
People who lost weight because of burpees
I want to share a fantastic exercise called a burpee! It is a wonderful exercise. When you perform it, you work out almost all the muscles of the body! If you stick to the high intensity of the exercises and diet, you can burn those extra pounds in a concise time! My experience:
Last year (by May) my weight was 82 kg (my height is 171). I was performing only horizontal bars + push-ups and a little of kettlebell swings. My abdominal volume was 95 cm. And agree, it is awful)) But at the end of May, I made changes to my diet and my workouts. I started training first from 10 minutes of running, then 15 and at the end of June 20-25 minutes.
After jogging (after 2 minutes of rest), I began to do burpees. After the first minute of classes, I made 15 burpees and thought that I would “die” right on the spot))) My heart was beating furiously. Besides, there was not enough breathing.
I waited a minute, made another approach. After a workout, after 25-35 minutes I ate food (chicken breast, vegetables, and water itself). So, I worked for about two months, approximately 4-5 times a week.
Then I began to do burpee more. At the beginning it was only 1 minute, then 30 seconds break, then 2 minutes, again a break, another minute, again a break and again 2 minutes. The result was impressive!
At the beginning of August (after two months of training) I weighed about 72 – 73 kg. And my stomach began to hang only a little. But the volume of it was smaller a lot! It was a fantastic fat loss! According to research, 4 minutes of burpee are equal in 30 minutes of running!
Burpee leaves no one indifferent. People either love it or hate it. Usually, they hate trying to learn how to make a burpee. And start to love it after they appreciate the results. Burpee has a vast number of variations. So, you can create a program for training only on the basis of one burpee.
I usually do burpee during the drying period. It speedily accelerates the pulse, the metabolism and helps burn subcutaneous fat. I am not a fan of this exercise. It is very intense, and I quickly exhaled on it. But still, as an option for intensive cardio training, a burpee is a great fit.
Now I think that Burpee is a super exercise. After all, when I involve all muscle groups, I especially feel them the next day. But, the main thing is to do it every day. And the result will be sure.
I heard about burpee recently. I watched a video out of interest. Then I looked for different information on the Internet. And, of course, I tried to do. It is so difficult if you do not do the exercise for beginners. I mean that one that must be thoroughly done.
Even the approach of 15 exercises is something unreal. And the thing I want to share. I did not see a single comment that a person is a fan of a burpee. But everyone, absolutely everyone talks about unreal effectiveness. Exercise is cool. But you have to endure and force yourself every time.
I was amazed because of the real effect from doing burpees. I lost weight, became fit and started to love myself. But, there is no need to evaluate the burpee as an ideal exercise. Objectivity is essential in working on yourself. Any acute exercise has not only advantages but also disadvantages.
Reckless of doing burpee can cause serious harm to health. And, unfortunately, it was my case. You must know the main things. Burpee exerts the most dynamic load on the joints, which not everyone can bear. And the knee joints are the hardest. If you have problems with your knees, performing of burpee will only aggravate them.
Sometimes people are unaware of the poor condition of their joints until they begin to make burpee. So, I recommend you to pay attention to this to not be in my shoes. For beginners, it is usually challenging to master the correct technique for performing a burpee. But incorrect technique leads to injuries.
Exercise refers to a class of technically complex, coordinating. Therefore it requires strict compliance with the instructions. Step by step the execution technique:
If you have experienced burpee in practice and believe that in the initial steps you will still be difficult, do not hurry to abandon it altogether. You can always choose the so-called lightweight version.
Naturally, the result of this type of burpee is not as good as the effectiveness of the classic version. But for beginners, it is quite suitable. The main thing is to follow the correct technique and regularity of classes.
Let such cases be rare, but one should be careful. The cause of the tragedy can be:
Of course, physical activity is necessary for the development of the body and tempering the body. But it is not essential to go too far and try to maintain common sense. In pursuit of results, you do not need to cross the limit and pay an excessively high price.
If you have a desire to drop a couple of pounds and keep yourself in perfect shape, a burpee is a great option. Minimum of time, no cost, quick effect – that’s what you get as a result of exercises. Moderate and regular activities in a short time will give you a slim body and a healthy look.
Is burpee a useful exercise for drying? The results of the study.
In their 2014 study, scientists from the Department of Health and Exercise Science (New Jersey) selected 13 adult men and forced them to perform 13 different exercises on different days.
The study aimed to identify those who had the best simultaneous effects on the development of an athlete’s strength and a decrease in his body fat. And the research results were recorded in the protocols.
Conclusion: strength training is excellent. But the most effective way to increase calorie consumption is to combine them with CrossFit exercises, such as waves with ropes and burpee. Also, in combination, these exercises give an excellent “drying” effect.
Burpee vs interval cycling
One interesting study research was published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. It aims to identify which of the two exercises considered is the best for burning fat.
Conclusion: cycling and running for many are unloved types of aerobic activity. Then, if it is your case, you can replace them with a burpee.
How many calories you burn
The question of how many calories burn one burpee is complex. It all depends on sex, age, the amplitude of movement, speed and the presence of encumbrances. It is believed that for men, one burpee burns 1.43 calories.
Accordingly, set 5 times for 5 minutes exercises burpee will have a caloric intake of up to 250.
Given the same good pace of execution, it is clear. To lose weight at a diet (1400-1500 kcal), it is necessary to burn about 300 kcal each day. Therefore, the energy consumption from the burpee is ideal for those who wish to lose weight effectively.
Burpee with a leap forward
Crossfit is valuable as a sport that has programs for beginner athletes as well as variations for more experienced athletes. In particular, thanks to this, there is no limit to perfection in technique and the complexity of the exercises.
An example of this could be a burpee with a leap forward. So, it would seem that this is a small addition to the first exercise. But due to the additional emphasis on previously unused muscle groups, it may be the only one in the preparation of an athlete for the long summer month.
Also, you can have a look for other 15 must-know exercises that are alternatives to burpees.
The benefits of exercise
Why do you need to use a forward leap in your program? After all, you can develop the necessary muscle groups without the use of such a complex technical exercise.
But the thing is that the aim of this exercise is the development of precisely explosive force. In particular, jumping allows you to work simultaneously:
All this is useful for people combining CrossFit with other sports. For example, athletes in speed-strength sports — European and American football — show the best results in forward-jumping.
Due to the unusual amplitude of movement and a pronounced fast style of execution, they allow you to develop a running speed and a jump distance.
In the case of considering such an exercise as a jump forwards, the entire muscular arsenal of the human body is involved. At the same time, at different phases of movement the intensity and emphasis of the muscles used are significantly different:
Muscle Load | Accent | Phase |
Press | Active | first |
Leg Muscles | Active | third |
Diamond-shaped back muscle | Passive (stabilizer) | second |
Diamond-shaped back muscle | Passive (stabilizer) | second |
Trapeze | Passive | second |
Muscles bark | Passive (stabilizer) | second |
Calf | Active | third |
Delta | Dynamic | second |
Triceps | Active | second |
Exercise burpee jump forward has almost no difference from the classic base burpee.
However, by jumping out (which is an essential component of the third phase), it can significantly increase the load on the quadriceps and the gastrocnemius. Therefore, it practically do not participate in the classical variation.
Phases of the exercise
The technique of performing burpee with a leap forward includes:
Execution time should be at least seven repetitions per minute. The main task of an athlete is to increase productivity and endurance while maintaining the pace and the right technique!
Everyone wants to perform the exercise as efficiently as possible and at the same time to avoid injury. So, to do this, you need to make sure of the following things before starting work:
People often perceive burpee with a leap forward not as a separate exercise but as a superstructure. The best recommendation for its use is a combination with a simple burpee.
For example, you can first work in the mode of endurance jumping. And when the legs cannot make movement and listen to you, go to a classic burpee. Why are these different exercises?
After the end of the circles of these two exercises, you can continue to unload separately, relaxed muscles.
And here is the most important thing! Due to the high intensity of this complex, it is better to work under the supervision of a trainer. In another case, you can take a heart rate monitor with you to check the state of the cardiovascular system.
Warm up before burpee training
Warming up before training is an essential structural component. It is critical that the effectiveness of your classes depends on the functional readiness of the whole body.
Why do you need a warm-up before training?
As a theater begins with a hanger, any training should start with a warm-up. It is an axiom (not requiring evidence). Unfortunately, there is no such thing. After all, to be honest, how does your training start?
So, a warm-up is a set of special exercises aimed at general warming up of the body, muscle development, and mobilization of the joint-ligament apparatus and usually performed before training.
Note: waiting also includes warming up series or sets before each exercise. It “brings” approaches to 50% weighting from the worker (7-10 repetitions).
Usually one needs to complete the work with “liner” within 30-40 seconds. Otherwise, the process of acidification of muscles and lactic acid will start.
In addition to the above-mentioned tasks in general, specifically in bodybuilding, a warm-up is necessary for:
But how to properly do a warm-up so that it does not turn into complex, chaotic movements?
Exercises for warm-ups. From theory to practice
First of all, no one perfect warm-up program suits everyone and everything. And it is due primarily to the physiological features of the body. Also, it depends on the type of physique, the mobility of the joints and many others.
Besides, before performing the warm-up, you must imagine that you want to get from it eventually. For example, an easy warm-up of the whole body or purposeful blood filling of a target muscle group.
To turn on cardiovascular (in the form of a run) in your workout is also an issue that you must answer based on your goals.
Note: In one foreign literature, it was found that the usual (weakly intensive, stretching) warm-up only “pays” the body. To shake it before training, you must perform sharp, ballistic, and “swagger” movements.
So, when you decide on the goals, you can go to the practical part. They divide the training warm up into:
General warm-up
Thanks to the OR, functional training of the body and all its systems is underway for the upcoming training. Then, during its implementation, there is an increase in body temperature.
The duration of an OR depends on the athlete’s level. And it usually takes no more than 10-15 minutes and includes the following types of load:
Special warm-up
Usually simulates the future work of an athlete with aggravated shells. But the working weights are minimal and amount to 10-20% of the maximum. Therefore, perform training program before each exercise no more than 10-12 repetitions.
Now let’s look at the most effective and easy to perform “stretch” exercises.So, run from head to toe and find out which moves will help you to cope with the task of stretching most effectively.
Trapezius muscle
Take the starting position. Hold your head with your right hand. Slowly lower your head on your shoulder (as long as you can). Stay in that position for 4-6 seconds. Then repeat it 5-6 times again. Then change the head of the hand and repeat it for the other.
Take one hand for the vertical resistance (a pole) and tip over it, straighten your legs. Besides, hold for 3-5 seconds. And then repeat the movement by changing your hand.
Firstly, stand straight and place one hand (over the top) behind the neck. Secondly, put your other hand on top, grab your elbow and pull the triceps stretch. Stay in that position for 3-5 seconds, repeat with the other hand.
The skeletal muscle of the abdomen
Put one hand on the belt and tilt the torso in the same direction, stretch by hand. Repeat the slope with the other hand.
Delta (rear bundle)
Standing firmly, pull the elbow from the opposite side. Then hold for 10-15 seconds and do the same for the other side. When dragging the elbow, the forearm should remain perpendicular to the floor.
Take the starting position – feet shoulder width. Lift your arms upwards to the shoulder height. And perform the rotational movements of the shoulders and trunk to the sides (to the stop). Return to the original and make 8-10 reps in the opposite direction.
Stretching the muscles before training (lower body)
Knee Joints
Put your feet together. And place and hold your hands for your knees. And perform ten circular movements inside and out.
Thigh biceps
Stand in front of the rise from the steppe platforms. Throw your straight leg up and stretch the entire body to the foot. Feel the stretch of the hip bicep.
Place feet shoulder width. Step back and take the case, bending your leg in the knee. Keep your back up smoothly. Then return to the starting position and repeat so many times. And do the same with another leg. The number of repetitions from 6 to 8 times.
Four-headed hip muscle (quadriceps)
Stand on one leg and grab a second hand over the shin. Hold for a few seconds. Then release the leg, take a step and repeat with the other leg.
Then follow 5-7 minutes of dynamic stretching. But the dynamics are usually aimed at working out the technology before the strength training.
Following these principles, your muscles will always be in tone. And the body’s response to strength training will be a great surprise!
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