What is a burpee exercise? Burpee is a composite plyometric exercise from the CrossFit training. This exercise is a mini-complex of easy exercises (push-ups, squats, jumps).
Also, it is plyometric because it develops explosive muscle strength, speed, and endurance of the athlete.
How to do burpees?
To perform the classic version of burpee look for an article on how to do a burpee the right way. And then you can perform any kind of this exercise you want.
Box jump burpees
You need to perform movements at a fast pace. Also, you cannot rest between repetitions.
To complete the box jump burpee form, you need a particular wooden bollard (box) for a jump. Typically, the height of the cabinets is 60 cm. But you can use 50 or 70 cm box.
The technique of the exercise
Box jump burpees require special physical skills from the athlete.
The technique of doing box jump burpees provides the following movements:
1. Stay in front of the box at some distance. Take an emphasis lying down. Then put your hands shoulder-width apart.
2. Press off the floor at a quick pace.
3. Lift from the floor. And bend your knees a little. After that take your arms back and also sit down.
4. Powerfully push off, jump forward and up. Also, stretch your hands in the side tables. Jump onto the box. And then, without turning, jump back.
5. Again, the rest flat. Repeat box jump burpees.
In the case you are not confident in your abilities, you can simply start jumping up on the spot. But then still go back to the correct version of the exercise.
Besides, the number of repetitions depends on your training and CrossFit training experience.
Why is box jumps efficiently?
For example, it can be an addition to a classical deadlift with a barbell.
Together they “burn through” the muscles of the legs. And, after box jump burpees you will come out crawling of the gym tired and happy. Also, box jumps trains the muscles to lose weight as quickly as possible in a short period, developing jumping ability and speed.
During the jumps on the box, you work out almost all the muscles of the body. Muscles that work the most intensively are:
- Calf muscles.
- Hip biceps.
- Buttocks.
- Quadriceps.
- Muscles of the shoulder girdle.
Also, you involve in work the muscles of the back and the abdominals. Therefore, the elasticity of the tendons improves.
Besides, explosive exercises strengthen the central nervous system well. By including them in your training program, you will notice an improvement in overall productivity.
For example, you will be able to work with different weights longer and more. And it will help to further increase in muscle mass.
Complication exercise
If you have already completed the technique of jumping, you can complicate the exercise by increasing the height of the box. To do this, you can simply put a few pancakes on the box.
To jump to a greater height, you need to learn how to tighten your legs to your chest.
- Before jumping on the box, jump on a rope for about two weeks. Then work out the correct technique on a small box height.
- Note the importance of fully extending your hip joint and proper landing.
- With the increase in the height of the box, you should not suffer appliances. Do not perform box jumps if you do not have sufficient training.
- If you feel pain, excessive tension in the joints – stop doing the exercise.
- Incorrect position of the spine. It often arises if the gaze is not directed forward, but down onto the box. At the same time, the back is rounded. And it leads to disturbed techniques and possible injuries.
- Irrational use of hands when jumping. Hands need to make a sharp and clear move. It will allow you to increase the power of your jump up to 40%.
- Incorrect landing and knee position can cause injuries to the ankle and the knee joint. You should land gently on slightly bent legs. And from this position immediately make a jump with one motion.
- A pause after landing on the floor simply spends your energy going nowhere.
Performance technique of jumps
Box jumps are less traumatic compared to other types of jumps because you make less stress on the joints. Therefore, you can use them in training quite often. In our case, we use it in box jumps burpee instead of a classical burpee.
Remember that aimless movements are a direct path to injury. Therefore, the first thing to do is to examine the technique carefully. You need only one thing to perform this exercise – box.
Its size is most often 50, 60 and 75 cm. Besides, you should choose the height of the box based on the level of your training. It is worth starting from a small height.
Initial position
For the jump trajectory to be smooth and the pressure on the joints to be minimal, one should not get too close to the cabinet.
- Bend the knee joint, arms back. Knees must remain neutral. No need to arch them inward or dilute them. It will break the technique which can lead to injuries.
- With a powerful movement of the legs push off from the floor and make a jump. At the same time, do a swing with your hands and pull knees up to the chest a little.
- The landing should be soft. Distribute weight over the foot evenly. The depth of the squat at the time of landing on the box is the same as at the start.
- On the box do full straightening of the knee and hip joints. Also, relax your hands.
Back from the box
Jump from the cabinet. Gently land on slightly bent legs. From this position, without a pause, jump again. When jumping from the box back, you do not need to do any extra effort.
So, just jump down completely relaxed with your back as straight as possible and your feet slightly inclined.
Burpee with Kettlebell Swing
How many exercises do you need for a good fat burning workout? 5, 8, 10? You can get by with only two exercises. It is one of the peculiarities of weights. Pieces of training can be very minimal in form, but very effective in content.
Of course, not any exercise is suitable for doing a whole workout on its basis. It should be fast enough and use a lot of muscle. Swings with a weight meet these options.
We will supplement them with one exercise with body weight (in our case it will be a burpee). And the training is ready.
- Level of training: medium to advanced.
- Purpose: fat burning and mental stability.
- The recommended weight of the kettlebell: women – from 12 to 16 kg, men – from 24 to 32 kg.
Perform the exercises in turn: 25 swings, one burpee, 24 swings, two burpees and then the scheme. Besides, each required rest time you can regulate independently, taking into account the fact that the training should be done in the minimum time for you.
Training is hard and takes at least 50 minutes. And in most cases more. Therefore, pre-tune in to overcome themselves and light work.
Feedback from those who have already tried the training:
I tried it today with my 16 kg weight. Right, I did not start with 25 swings, but from 20. And this thought was correct – on the part of “8 swings – 14 burpee” I collapsed to the floor. And that, I lasted a long time, I think.
Complete training, replacing swings squats with weight. And it was all more relaxed. So, my conclusions – training, despite the, emn, very brief content, is very, very intense. Especially in case, you try to reduce the rest time between sets to a minimum.
Our safety precautions are everything. Admittedly, we need a used swing technology. Otherwise, you can rip your back with remarkable ease.
Reporting! I made all 25 burpees, with 8 kg weights. Swings were effortless to do because I was doing them all the time with 16 kg. But the Burpee closer to the middle has become quite deadly. All took 47 minutes. The state at the end of each approach was “right now I’ll die.” Somewhere in the 20th circle, I wanted to quit and go home 🙂
Conclusion: a beautiful complex, if you’re going to quickly and economically kill yourself at home.
Efficiency of exercises
Exercising burpee with weights consumes a lot of energy. As a result of which you lose dozens of calories. High energy costs are a crucial feature of any workout with weights or other weights. For a full-fledged workout on burning fat, you only need two exercises. There are burpee and swing with weight. Such training is one of the most effective.
Exercises with weights are usually complex and multi-joint, performed in a ballistic style. Consequently, you get the freedom of action in the formation of training. So, you can include in the complex 1-2 or 6-7 exercises (depending on physical fitness).
Why are swings good? Swings with weight are right because this exercise is quite fast. Besides, it involves many muscles. Supplementing them with just one exercise, namely burpee, you get a ready-made full-fledged training on the development of all muscle groups. It is essential to build a useful technique in the swings with a weight.
Muscle and Joint Work
During the performance of the swing with the kettlebell, almost all the muscle groups receive the load. But the central part of it is assumed by the legs, shoulders, and back. As you understand, the coordination of the work of all these muscles requires a developed neural connection. Therefore, adapting to the weight-lifting exercises, you also shake your strengths from other classic power lives or cultural exercises.
It goes without saying that a necessary, multi-part exercise involves many joints and a back joint. But you need to pay particular attention to the spine and hand. Of course, swings with weights do not load the spine so much, because the athlete does not lift the weight above his head. But it is essential to learn to keep your back in the correct position, to lift the weight on the chest properly.
Otherwise, in more complex situations, especially since you are moving, you have an injury. The position of the hand and the strength of the forearm, in general, play one of the key rotations in weightlifting since it is the position of the hand that allows correct or not to accept the weight and squeezes it over your head.
- Stand near the weight, legs apart a little wider than shoulders. At the same time, the weight should be between the legs, one foot beyond the line of the fingers.
- Sit down and bend down a bit. Moreover, just sit down and bend down a little. But do not bend down and sit down a little.
- Take the weight with the working hand with the closed grip and freeze a bit with your legs straight. And leave your back still leaning forward.
- When you tear off a weight from the floor, it will back up by inertia. But you do not need to prevent it. You need to start interacting with the projectile at the moment when it freezes before swinging in front, here the athlete gives it inertia, straightening your legs and back.
- Having brought the hand with the weight to the level of the chest, before it must go down by inertia, you have to let it go for another moment. And take it with your other hand. And do the same.
- If it is difficult for you to intercept a weight in the arm, then the first time should be done with one hand. Then put the weight on the floor and perform the same number of repetitions with the second hand.
- Begin to perform any exercises with weights with a weak hand. So that both hands you load evenly.
- You should not reach muscle failure during exercise with weights. But the progression of the load is necessary. So try to increase the number of repetitions gradually. Reduce the rest time and try to take a more significant weight.
- Perform the exercise barefoot, or in shoes with a flat sole. But do not perform it in slippers and not in sneakers or shoes with a heel.
- Learn to breathe correctly. As you breathe out, you tear off a weight from the floor. And inhale while it inertia goes back. Exhale when you lift it, inhale again, when you drop it down.
Dumbbell burpee
Dumbbell burpee: exercise technique, tips, and tricks
To perform the dumbbell burpee, you need a minimum of space. You can do it at home or outdoors. But it is better to start at the gym. Because only with the correct technique of execution it will give the desired result.
What muscles work?
Answering the question of which muscles work is very easy: every! When performing a burpee, elements of which are push-ups and jumps, you involve all muscle groups. Therefore, performing push-ups, you load mainly the upper part of the body. And during jumps, you load the lower part.
No wonder this exercise was originally part of the physical training of US troops. People compare this load, which gives 10-15 minutes of its execution, with a 6-8-kilometer of a run. Studies have shown that Burpee is much more effective in burning body fat than other force and cardio loads. It is due to the swift pace of exercise. Thereby, you accelerate blood flow and metabolism.
Burpee, as evidenced by the reviews, is indispensable for women seeking to acquire tight hips and buttocks. And in general, it is perfect for weight loss. It is often a question of how many calories one burpee burns. The answer is impressive – about 300 kcal! The regular execution of the burpee improves not only the power and speed characteristics. But it also improves coordination and flexibility.
Performance technique
If in regular burpee work comes with its weight. Then dumbbell burpee is a weighted option in the literal sense of the word for sufficiently advanced athletes. One needs to select the weight of dumbbells depending on his level. The main thing is to remember that the primary role is played at a fast pace.
After several weeks of training, an advanced athlete can do up to 6 sets with a half-minute rest for 3 minutes. Increasing the load will not consist in increasing the weight of the dumbbells, but in accelerating the pace. How to correctly perform dumbbell burpee?
Place the dumbbells on the floor parallel to the body. So, it is comfortable to lean on them when pushing up. Stand on your haunches, take the dumbbells in your hands and take a sharp rebound with your legs back to take the stand for push-ups.
Then perform push-ups, leaning on dumbbells. And in the same jump return to the starting position. Straighten up while doing deadlifts with dumbbells. Then return the shells to the floor. After that take the starting position and make the specified number of repetitions.
- Lightweight option: eliminate deadlifts with dumbbells, if it is too hard physically.
- Complicated version: add squeezing dumbbells over your head to the deadlift.
Dumbbell burpee is not recommended for people with problems with the cardiovascular system (or do it with extreme caution). A few recommendations from experienced athletes:
- Beginners are recommended to do four sets (every 2 minutes) with a break for rest 1 minute;
- More advanced – 6 sets of 2 minutes each, and the most experienced – 6 sets of 3 minutes each;
- When performing the exercise, the back and neck should be flat. The stomach is retracted;
- It is essential to follow the breath – it must be rhythmic, not stray;
Burpee Pull Up
Burpee Pull Up allows you to work out the maximum number of muscles for one workout. To comfortably perform the burpee pull-ups, you need to master the technique of these two exercises separately.
The technique of the exercise: “Burpee Pull Up”
Initial position:
Legs are shoulder-width apart, the pelvis is unbent, the body is vertical.
- Fast lowering in the lying position.
- In a lying position, pull up from a floor; then sharply tighten your knees to your chest and take a squat position; hands on a floor.
- Do a jump and grab the crossbar.
- Using the buildup pull to the bar.
- Make a starting position and repeat the exercise.
- Does not slip through the body/legs and make the lift/slide smoothly in one plane;
- During climbing/lowering, the upper part of the trunk and forearm should not move;
- During tightening, always hold the elbows under the crossbar;
- At the bottom of the trajectory, completely straighten your arms, as you stretch out the widest;
- At the top of the spot, squeeze the back muscles further;
- Use the full range of motion;
- If you are a beginner and can not climb on the crossbar, start with strengthening the Basic / Assist muscles with exercises with free weight, as well as negative/partial repetitions;
- If you are a girl and you can not pull up on the bar, use a gravitron;
- Breathing technology: for contraction (tightening up) – exhalation, return to the respiratory tract – breathing;
- Numerous training parameters: number of approaches 3-5, repetitions 10-15.
Burpee Pull Up helps you to pump your arms, breasts, shoulders and back muscles.
Pull-up by back grip
Exercise belongs to the class of basic and pursues the development of the broadest back muscles and biceps. To perform pull-up of the back grip, it is necessary to grab the crossbar by the palms to itself.
Besides, the distance between the brushes should be approximately equal to the width of the shoulders. So, make a breath and stretch up, until the chin reaches the level of the hypocrite.
Pull-up by straight grip
Tightening the right lobe perfectly develops biceps, large round muscles, trapezius and shoulder muscles. Moreover, regular exercise of this exercise will lead to an increase in the thickness of the back.
To properly tighten the vertical grip, you need to take the crossbar so that the distance between the hands is slightly wider than the shoulder width. Then it is necessary to pull up to the moment when the chest will appear on the level of the bar. Once the upper position has been reached, it is essential to lower to full straightening of the hands.
Pull-up by a wide swath
This exercise is excellent for the development of the broadest back muscles. For proper pull-up of a wide grip, there are a few necessary things. So, take the crossbar with a vertical grip so that the distance between the hands of the hands is much broader than the shoulder width.
Then without pulling it is necessary to pull up to the moment when the chin will be the higher cross-section. Go down the same way at a quiet pace and do not throw the body. And remember, that acute fracture from the cross leads to injury, stretching of the muscles and dislocation.
Pull-up by a narrow grip
Pulling up with narrow grip, one develops biceps of shoulder, shoulder and shoulder muscle, as well as dentate muscles. When erecting the blades, the back of the deltoid, trapezius and rhomboid muscles are well processed.
To perform pull-up with a narrow grip, you need to take the crossbar so that the brushes are faced with each other. It is necessary to pull up until the chest does not touch the forearm. After it, you need to lower to full straightening of the hands.
Pull-ups on the bar have a small number of contraindications. So, it is banned to do a pull-up for people who have:
- Scoliosis (curvature of the spine).
- Hernia of intervertebral discs.
- Protrusions of the spine.
Burpee with Push-Up
Performing the exercise, do not place hands on the floor, but on the bench. Besides, do the push-up with emphasis on the legs and the chair. Moreover, you can complete this exercise only by jumping on the hill.
Why is it beneficial to do a burpee with Push-Up? What are the benefits of push-ups?
It seems that everyone knows about effective results that push-ups make. They are useful both in combination with other exercises, like burpees, and when they are performed separately.
How to push up from the floor correctly?
Exercise brings maximum benefits only with the adherence to the technique of performance. To make the push up successfully, follow this:
1. Take the original position.
Lie on a flat, smooth horizontal surface. The hands should be at the width of the shoulders, and the feet – the pelvis. It is necessary to ensure that the toes are on the floor, and the palms are directed upwards.
Do push-up. Bend the hands in the elbow joints when you inhale. And lower down the body so that it forms an even and straight line. But it should be uniform and not broken. Any deflection violates the technique of execution.
2. Back to the initial position.
Perform the return to the starting position while you exhale. There are many varieties of push-ups from the floor. It allows you not only to diversify the workout. But also to pick up any you like, having tried different, most optimal options for yourself.
There are more than fifty kinds of exercise. But it is not enough to dwell on the most popular. Push-ups are either relieved or weighed. It depends on the position of the arms and legs. Engaging in a third-party inventory may make the process easier or, on the contrary, complicate it.
Burpee Jumping Lunges
It is effortless to understand the technique of this type of burpee. So, do a classic burpee. And after jumping, do jumping lunges.
Jumping lunges is a functional exercise that is more intense than standard lunges because it requires more energy and more skills to perform. Exercise is useful for increasing strength and endurance of the legs. Also, it can be a costly exercise for cardio-strength training.
- Start with a standard lunge position with one leg forward, and a knee bent 90 degrees. Besides, your back leg should almost touch the floor. Make sure that the bent knee does not protrude behind the sock.
- Jump up and quickly change your legs in the air, while keeping your torso straight. Also, during the jump, connect your hands to feel better and gain altitude.
- Land in a lunge position, bending your knees 90 degrees.
- Perform the required number of jumps, always controlling your technique, knees, legs, and torso.
In this exercise, it is essential to maintain the balance of the whole body during the jump. Also, it is crucial to land gently at the lowest point. Otherwise, you risk getting hurt.
This variant of the lunges is one of the best of cardiovascular exercises. Or do them in your intense fat burning workouts. Moreover, remember that you should not linger on the floor, but spring with legs. Only this will make the exercise as useful as possible.
Mountain climber burpees
It is so easy to perform mountain climber burpee. It is almost the same as the classic burpee. But from this high plank position tuck one knee in toward the same elbow. Then tuck the other knee in. After that jump your feet into your hands and stand back up.
The advantages of mountain climber:
Mountain climber is good because, during its execution, you load several muscle groups simultaneously. People believe that the “mountain climber” is more effective than the twisting for the press, buttock bridge, and other similar exercises.
Exercise increases heart rate, calorie consumption. Besides, it helps strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs, buttocks, shoulder girdle. Moreover, this exercise reduces the percentage of adipose tissue in the body.
- Take the initial position – the emphasis on the palms and socks (as a plank or a stand for push-ups). Place your body parallel to the floor. The arms are perpendicular to the floor. So, align the shoulder and elbow joints, as well as the wrists, under each other. Slightly bent elbows (do not block the arms of the elbows). Also, do not bend in the lower back. The stomach is retracted.
- Also, make sure that the abdominal muscles are in tension throughout the exercise.
- In the position of the plate, make sure that the pelvis is twisted “under you, down.” Thus, you will eliminate tension in the lower back. Also, keep your shoulders straight. Besides, keep them as far away from your ears as possible. And the head and neck need to be like the continuation of the spine.
- On the exhale – pull the knee to the chest.
- On the inhale – return to the starting position.
- Change your legs one by one. The pelvis should not rise when moving. Therefore, keep it as in a static plank. Also, breathe calmly, evenly. And do not stop breathing. But, your breathing depends on the pace of the exercise.
- The press should be as tight as possible when you move your legs;
- Distribute the weight of the body evenly, both on the right and the left side of the body. Also, do not shift it;
- Also, fix the buttocks in one position and do not move;
- Do not strain the lower back. There may be injury;
- Besides, lower and relax the shoulder blades. But keep strained the back muscles.
- And breathe evenly. Take away the knee to the chest on the exhale. And on the inhale unbend it.
Star jump burpees
Do classic burpee. But after each burpee makes a star jump. Why is it better to do star jump burpees instead of classic burpees?
Advantages and disadvantages of the exercise
One of the best benefits star jumps give you is fat loss. “Star jump” is one of the plyometric (jumping) loads that involve large muscle groups of the body.
Another benefit of the exercise is muscle tightening.
Of course, with the help of intense jumps, you will not be able to pump up volumetric hips or biceps. But to tighten the waist, make legs and arms slimmer. It is achievable goals. When performing the “star jump,” the main load have quadriceps and gastrocnemius muscles.
During fly-arms, one work out deltoid muscles. Also, you create a mediated effect on the press and back muscles. In addition to strengthening muscle fibers, star jump exercise increases the elasticity of ligaments, tendons.
Also, it improves joint mobility.
And it has a positive effect on overall endurance. Besides, it reduces the risk of cardiac diseases.
Let us examine the correct implementation and small nuances of the star jump exercise:
- Take the starting position: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands-free to lower on the sides.
- Inhale and squat until the hands are below the knee joints.
- Exhale, powerfully push off the floor and jump up as high as possible. Simultaneously with the jump, spread your straight legs to the side and your arms at an angle of 45 ° upwards.
- Falling to the floor, bring the limbs back to their original position.
- Land on your toes and slightly bend your legs. It will help protect your knees from shock loads.
- Jump vertically.
Contraindications to exercise:
- Overweight (jumps will create a dangerous load on the joints);
- violation of the vestibular apparatus;
- lesions of the knee and shoulder joints;
- pregnancy;
- pathology of the cardiovascular system;
- intervertebral hernia.
Wide legs burpees
When you perform a classic burpee, after having done plank just make your legs apart one by one. Then, when you are again in plank, finish doing a burpee. Jumping in the plank with legs apart is a fitness exercise that actively uses almost all the muscles of the body.
The advantage of this exercise is that it is well suited for burning calories and strengthening the entire body while simultaneously pumping the press.
Beginners preferably alternately put one foot to the side gradually increasing the pace. The faster the speed, the higher the efficiency and load.
Since jumping into the plank is a dynamic exercise, it is recommended that you do it not earlier than your lower press recovers. And it usually happens 2-3 days after exercise.
Crouched back and any deflection in the lower back during the stance in the bar.
- Get straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
- Drop down and put your palms on the floor in front of the feet.
- Jump back your legs.
- Fix plank position without deflection in the lumbar region.
- Jump back to the previous position.
- Align the torso and jump up.
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