Spend too many efforts to keep fit? Feel lack of time for training? There is an alternative exercising technique that helps to lose weight.
Pay your attention to the super effective exercise burpee. It involves the work of all the muscles, raises the pulse and allows you to burn a huge amount of calories. People are interested who lost weight doing burpees.
Accordingly, when it comes to intensive burning of calories and losing weight in a short time, you need to do burpees.
See the number of calories burned by bodyweight for burpees:
Besides, this efficient set of fitness movements assists to develop the muscles, remove extra fat, and progresses your physical form and strength. Additionally, it challenges the lungs and improves general endurance.
Nowadays, burpee consists of 5 individual exercises:
Namely, they are squat, jump, push-up, again jump, then next squat and at the end a quick jump. From the first point of view, these are rather simple motions. However, in practice, it is not so easy to do it correctly.
Calories burned doing burpees
Want to know the best part?
Burpee is known as one of the highest intensity exercises. We associate it not only with the body shape improvement. But athletes recognize its effectiveness in weight loss. Therefore, the question about how many calories do burpees burn is interesting for many people.
However, it’s not easy to reply in one sentence.
Additionally, the kind of burpee influences the number of spend calories in minutes. Of course, you’ll spend more calories doing a burpee at high speed and with additional weight.
The average index of calories do burpees burn
So let us consider the average index of calories do burpees burn. The experts estimated that 1 burpee burn about 1.43 calories.
How do they calculate?
The scientists took into account the average weight of 80-82 kg or 180lb. As it was already mentioned burpee energy consumption increases with its speed.
Let’s go on to play with fat burning figures.
One hour burpee exercising can burn about 600 calories. Note that many people can do 10 or even 20 burpees per minute. Definitely, it depends on their physical level and experience. Of course, there are higher results and speed. But remember about common sense.
Top calory burning factors
As we see the amount of calories burpees burn is diverse. So the replies to the question about how many calories do 50 burpees burn are also different. As faster you do the burpees set you to burn more calories.
Of course, one burpee calories burning is just a sample. The same we can say about 50 burpees.
As we already mentioned the burpee pace is crucial.
But the most important conclusion is that the burpee complex is high intensive exercising. So it’s helpful for fat and calory reducing. Accordingly, it belongs to weight loss workouts.
What do the fitness experts say?
Burpees for weight loss
Of course, one burpee calories burning is just a sample.
The same we can say about 50 burpees. But the most important conclusion is that the burpee complex is high intensive exercising. So it’s helpful for fat and calory reducing. Accordingly, it belongs to weight loss workouts.
On the other hand:
One of the burpee handle-bar is the speed. As faster you work more sets you do. So you spent more calories and lose weight faster. But the quality is before the quantity. So it’s better to do less but with the right technique. Increase the tempo step by step.
Increasing of calorie consumption in burpees
There are diverse ways to increase fat burning effect and efficiency of the burpee.
Include burpee to the circular training or supersets.
It will boost weight loss. or supersets. The base of circular training is a cycle of 6-7 exercises for different muscle groups.
Burpee supersets
Supersets are combinations of double exercises. Athletes perform them with maximum speed. They can also use the weights. Usually, one workout includes 4-5 supersets.
For example, you can pair burpee and squats.
The other combination could be burpee and running on the spot. First running with high knees raised, then burpee. So you alternate this pair 3-4 times. Then you manage the next couple of exercises.
Note that supersets are for people with good fitness experience. So, it’s worth if the coach advises the amount of time, sets combination and reps.
How many calories do people need to burn for weight loss?
Now we know average and approx how many calories do burpee burn. But let us talk about how many calories you need to spend on the weight loss.
You seriously want to reduce the weight or be in a good fit.
So it’s crucial to know the vitally required calories. And what amount of them it’s necessary to burn. We all know that the body needs calories for normal functioning. We get them from the food.
Then the body spends the calories on their life activities. For example for breathing, working even sitting we need the energy. But how many calories we need to keep them in balance and harmony.
Of course, more activity guarantees a stable weigh. If your target is weight loss you need to spend more calories. The main question is to define the calories you need, the calories you get and the calories you spend.
The experts offer the average daily limit
Of course, it depends on age. The older people are the fewer calories they need.
Basal Metabolic Rate Calculators
These are rather average calculations:
Very often people use special calculators to get more concrete data. Different factors are taken into consideration. Finally, it helps to get more accurate results.
In other words, everybody should know and control their BMR index or Basal Metabolic Rate. There are three well-known formulas which assist to know your BMR.
Basal Metabolic Rate
Very often the ambient temperature influences it as well. Below there are some most common ways how to calculate the necessary energy consumption per day.
The Harris-Benedict formula
The first one is the Harris-Benedict formula. James Arthur Harris and Francis Gano Benedict introduced it in 1919. They offer to calculate the basal metabolic rate (BMR).
As usual, this Harris-Benedict formula is mainly accurate with for people who are physically active. Besides this formula requires the level of physical activity. This physical activity rate classifies:
Up to the 1990s, it was the only calculator. But the changes in people’s lifestyle show that the results are about 5–10% higher. And this indicator is the higher, the higher is the weight of the person.
Mifflin St. Jeor formula
Next one is Mifflin St. Jeor formula. It is a modern method to define BMR. This formula appeared in 1990 according to the request of the American Dietetic Association (ADA).
What’s the bottom line?
It accurately calculates healthy calories intake in rest. As for today, this formula is considered the most accurate. Use the Harris-Benedict activity rate to get the exact data.
The example: A 33-year-old woman with weight 55 kg, height 170, minimal physical activity requires (9.99 × 55 + 6.25 × 170 – 4.92 × 33 – 161) × 1.2 = 1546 kcal per day.
Tom Venuto calories calculator
The third BMR formula is very popular among the athletes. The bodybuilder and fitness trainer Tom Venuto developed it in 2005
Also, you need to multiply the result by the Harris-Benedict activity rate. The result obtained by this formula also requires multiplication by the Harris-Benedict coefficient.
At the present time, you can get all the calorie information very easy. The variety of fitness gadgets and healthy apps help you to determine the data about your body composition.
Smart scales assist to count the calories
You can use Body Smart scales such as Withings Body Cardio Wi-Fi Smart Scales that will always help you. So you know how many calories you need. Without any problem, you can find your food energy value. And finally, accept the amount of calorie to be burnt.
If you want to lose weight:
You need to consume fewer calories than your body burns. But the other ways is to burn more calories than you consume.
How to burn the calories? How many calories burn different activities?
It’s clear that Active life and exercising is the best way to be in fit. Let us see what amount of calories do different activities consume.
Here are the activities that burn calories:
As we already find out the burpee burns about 10-16 calories. It’s one of the best workouts for weight loss. The other sports and activities will also help to be in a great fit.
But, as everybody knows, intensive exercising burns extra calories much faster. Here are some samples of fast fat burning activities that assist to reduce the calories and weight accordingly.
In average light running takes away about 490 kcal per hour.
Harvard scientists confirmed that an 84-kg man can burn 377 calories in half an hour of hard rowing. Accordingly, it is 12.5 calories per minute. Rowing involves the muscles of the arms, legs, and back. Try rowers 400-500 lb weight capacity for more result. So this is an excellent full body exercise.
Hula hoop for fitness training twirling burns about 210 kcal in 30 minutes or 400-600 kcal per hour. Mostly it depends on the intensity. You can increase the results. Do it slightly dancing or stand on one leg.
Exercises with jumping rope is a rather intense fitness activity. So you can burn 170 – 205 kcal in 15 minutes. Start with 1-2 minutes of jumping rope. Make 10-15 seconds pause. Then, gradually jump up to 15 minutes a day.
If you are walking about 3.2 km per hour it burns about 175 kcal. Increasing the speed up to 6.4 km per hour remove about 440 kcal.
Swimming along the paths in the pool burns an average of 476 kcal per hour, while the most intensely burned calories are butterfly style swimming – 576 kcal per hour. Do not forget about waterproof Fitness Trackers for swimming.
Squats are in the list of fast fat burning exercises. They help to damage about 200-400 calories in half an hour. You can determine how many calories you will burn during squats. So multiply your weight by 0.095. Then multiply the result by the number of minutes you work out.
The following activities also spend extra calories
Jumping on a trampoline burns about 42 calories in 10 minutes. While one minute jumping on the spot decrease about 10 calories
Rhythmic dances including Zumba can burn about 200-300 calories per hour. See Michelle Jenneke dance who conquered the whole world by her talent!
Choose the right speed and you will be lighter for 290-430 calories in an hour.
Depending on intensity Yoga classes allow you to lose 260-400 calories l per hour.
Workout with two parallel ropes or battle ropes can burn 10.3 calories for one minute. It’s intensity similar to burpee effect. The best fitness battle ropes for the workout are the perfect fitness tool for calorie burning.
The Auburn University in Montgomery investigated jumping workout according to the Tabata protocol.
The athlete intensively jumps out for 20 seconds. Then 10 seconds he recovers. This routine can destroy 13.4 calories per minute. Additionally, the set doubles the metabolic rate for at least half an hour after training.
This kind of activity is simple and burn calories. Our body spends the calories during any movements or actions in our life. Enjoy some ordinary but interesting information. Of course, it’s not a burpee, but.
The right way to do burpee
However, people split their approach to Burpee:
Some of them like it but many ones scare it. In spite of different opinions it effectively burns fat and tightens the body.
Currently, there are so many types and variations of the burpee. At the same time, the athletes perform classic burpee in the following way:
How did the burpee start?
Just to remind:
The idea was to compare the heart rate before and after the intensive exercises. Within the years this workout became popular all over the world due to its possibilities to improve the body and weight loss.
What are the main benefits of the burpee? Why do burpee useful?
First of all the whole body works in the desired direction. Secondly, the arms, shoulders, spine, the back, and legs become stronger. Thirdly it can burn a lot of calories. Next, it helps to improve the cardiovascular system.
Additionally, burpee encourages endurance and strength.
The very important reason you can change it to meet the personal fitness levels. As we mentioned, there are different variations of the burpee. Everybody can find the available level of difficulty. But all of them make you sweat.
Scientists at the Canadian Queens University decided to find out how effective these exercises are. They conducted an experiment. So, 22 students- girls participated in it. The girls performed 4 workouts per week for 4 weeks.
As a result:
Both groups improved their level of aerobic fitness. The 7-8% range was equal for both groups. It means that 4 minutes burpee has the same effects as 30 minutes of boring cardio.
So the conclusion is that during less amount of time you can get a high-intensity workout. And accordingly, you burn much more calories per minute compared to the other cardio training.
A reasonable approach to weight loss is a balance of the diet with a calorie deficit and exercises. The target should be realistic and safe. Do not try to burn calories by the thousands in one day. Work out regularly and increase the intensity gradually.
As a result:
The training progress will stop. No doubt burpee has great benefits. Also, you can alternate it with jogging in the park and strength exercises in the gym. The main thing is the right technique, pace, and load.
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