How can I gain weight while staying toned? from Stuart Barnett
Hello! My question is not similar to other people’s problems. You know that nowadays everyone wants to lose weight. The fact is that I consider myself too slim and want to gain some kilos. Actually, I prefer healthy eating and have my own workout routine. I attend the gym not so often just to maintain a fit and toned body. I like healthy cocktails, especially cabbage smoothies. But now I’ve set a goal – to gain weight in a healthy way. Maintaining the toned body.
My friend had the same problem. He was tall and very slim. In fact, he started to gain weight, eating everything he wanted. He didn’t attend the gym at all. So his body became far not perfect. Of course, he gained some kilos. But he hasn’t got any relief. I do not want to repeat his experience. So my question to you guys is the following:
- Is it possible to gain weight while staying toned?
Is there someone who has the same problem as me? Please, share your experience. Looking forward to reading your answers. Thanks in advance!
Hi, Stuart!
I had the same problem. My parents are slim, so when I was younger I have always wanted to gain weight and did not know how to do it. Fortunately, I solve this problem and now I am satisfied with my body. So, I want to give you some pieces of advice.
Here are few recommendations on how to gain weight and stay toned:
#1 More protein
One of weight gain tips is to increase the amount of protein in your diet. Moreover, up to 60% of protein should be a protein of animal origin because it is necessary for building muscle mass. For his purpose, your weight gain meal plan must comprise paste, casseroles, meatballs.
#2 Useful and healthy calories
Healthy weight gain means to eat nutritional products that have only good, right and healthy influence on your body! Add fatty natural cream in the coffee, drink a cup of hot chocolate, cook soups with low-fat meat, eat porridge with butter or a small piece of bacon (fresh, well-frozen). Your best weight gain diet must include nuts, flax seeds, oil, sour cream, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products (the percentage of fat – no less than 3,2 %).
#3 Sport
Mainly weight gain program means doing exercises with dumbbells. Moreover, remember that not all kinds of sport are appropriate for you. For example, aerobic exercises have a fat burning effect. Therefore, it is better for you to do exercises with a weight (from 2-3 kg) and a small number of repetitions. Then all the calories you have eaten will go to the muscles that will help you to increase your muscle mass. Also, you should know about top 10 simple secrets for building muscles that will help you to gain weight too.
#4 Diet mode
If you want to have the best weight gain meal plan, it is necessary to increase the number of meals to 4-5 times per day. Ordinary people eat 3 times per day that is not appropriate for you because of your purpose. In this case, the release of insulin into the blood will be slightly increased and it stimulates the synthesis of proteins in the body.
#5 Take your time!
You can not gain more than a couple of pounds per month. A sharp increase in weight is dangerous for the cardiovascular system.
Now I want to share with you the best weight gain diet:
Breakfast: the oatmeal + whole egg.
In oatmeal add 2 tablespoons of cream and 1 of nuts and flax seeds. Then drink a tea of dog-rose, green or black tea with lemon. The glycemic index of this breakfast will be low, but the caloric content is high.
Snack: yogurt + hot chocolate.
In yogurt (the percentage of fat should be high) you can add berries and ground nuts. Hot chocolate should not be so sweet, including not less than 80% of cocoa.
Lunch: meat soup + buckwheat + salad.
Snack: sponge cake of flax flour without sugar + dried fruits (2-3 pcs.).
Supper: Steam Fish + Vegetables.
You can add to the stewed vegetables parmesan cheese, sprinkle them with fresh herbs. Before going to bed, drink a cup of green or black tea with cherries.
So, hope my recommendations will be useful for you. Do not forget to stick to them and your results will be amazing!
I want to share with you some information about how to gain weight while staying toned, which weight gain menu is the best and give you a few good weight gain tips.
STEP ONE – Change your menu
I always notice that thin people eat either very small or very big portion. The first way, by the way, means that you can have a chronic malnutrition, and the second – a very fast metabolism.
One of the good news for you is that you can eat almost everything. It means that your weight gain diet includes sweets, roasted food, smoked and fatty food. Moreover, you can eat at almost any time of day. Pastry, butter, and sour cream, milk cocktails, fatty meats and rolls, nuts, cheeses, sweets are not just allowed to consume. They necessary must be included in your weight gain meal plan. You can eat simple carbohydrates, fatty foods. But do not forget that products you eat must be healthy. Therefore semi-finished products and chemical supplements are not the best choices for your weight gain menu.
STEP TWO – Determine the exact quantity of food
A daily amount of calories for those who are looking for an answer on how to eat properly in order to gain weight has to be more in 70-80% than usual amount. Such diet will be a big burden for your digestive system, so the daily routine has to be changed.
You should eat 5-6 times per day, but still, you are not recommended to eat at night. Although you can eat everything at any time, at night it is best not to abuse heavy and fatty food. I advise you to follow this best weight gain diet:
1. First breakfast – an egg with bacon or porridge, toast with butter, honey and cheese, tea, coffee with cream.
2. Second breakfast – buns with butter and tea (or coffee with cream), sweet baking. If you can not get used to a big amount of food in the morning, you can change this diet a little.
3. Snack – cottage cheese with sour cream, tea, coffee, fruits.
4. Dinner – bouillon, baked or roasted meat/fish, the side dish of vegetables, porridge, potatoes, dessert
5. Lunch – sandwich with turkey and lettuce leaves, a vegetable salad with cheese or mushrooms
6. Supper – cream-soup or porridge with yogurt.
STEP THREE – do sport
It could be bad news for you if you did not like training because attending the gym is necessary for your weight gain plan. Otherwise, instead of a toned body, you will get disappointing results.
Moreover, you should know that it is not enough just do such easy workouts as running, dancing or yoga. The calories that you eat per day must be used in the proper direction – to create sculptural muscles and relief body. It does not mean to be like a bodybuilder. It means to form a good press, strong breasts, elastic muscles.
You can do strength kinds of pilates and different exercises in the gym. Your training should be done at a slow pace, straining all muscles. It is enough to attend the gym 2-3 times a week.
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