What safe but effective pregnancy workouts do you know? from Maxim Nikitin
Hello everyone! Recently I got good news. Having made a pregnancy test, it turned out to be positive. So. I will soon become a mother. Since I do sports every day, I can not imagine how I will be doing exercises during pregnancy. While the term small, almost a month, most exercises are already forbidden to perform. And what will happen next? Will I have to finish the sport completely?
Should there be any specialized exercises for pregnant women? I have been reading your site for a long time, and I know that there are only real and useful tips. I hope you advise me what to do.
What are the Pregnancy Workouts? Is there a threat to the baby in the womb when doing sports? Why can not you perform various exercises in different trimesters of pregnancy? What kinds of exercises are not harmful in the first trimester? What exercises can be performed on the second – the third month of pregnancy? What should be the intensity of the exercises? How many times a week can you practice while pregnancy? What is the optimal duration of activity? In which cases it is categorically forbidden to perform physical exercises? What features of workout and nutrition during the first trimester do you know? What can you say about workout and nutrition during being pregnant the third trimester (28-40 weeks)? What are the recommended loads during pregnancy?
I also heard that Kegel’s exercises help with childbirth. This is true? What can you say about Kegel’s exercises? How often do you practice these workouts? Can Kegel perform at home? Is it better to perform them under the supervision of professionals in specialized gyms for pregnant women?
To add, I want to say that your posts contain really good information. For me, post about Methods of how to get a slim waist and body side turned out to be the most useful for month lessons went away 5 cm in the waist area. Also, press cubes became visible. I am really happy with the result. If I had not got pregnant, I would continue to be engaged in this program and make a thin aspen waist. I think that after childbirth I will definitely continue to handle these tips.
Which types of sports are better to avoid during pregnancy? What do you think about yoga? Can the reason for stopping the training be chest pain, dizziness, weakness, shortness of breath?
I am really waiting for your advice. Thanks!
I am very happy for you. It is amazing to be pregnant, to be a future mom and have a little baby inside you. I have two children and love them so much. I am always doing woman too I also could not imagine what I can do when I was pregnant. So now I want to share my knowledge with you.
What kind of sport should be chosen for future moms?
So, you have no contraindications and the doctor has allowed you physical activity and you have a question what kind of sport to choose?
It is obvious that it can not be kinds of extreme sports, loads where there are strong shocks, such as running, horseback riding, jumping, cycling, tennis. Also, traumatic kinds of sports such as skates, rollers, skiing are not allowed. Pregnant women must exclude stretching exercises, press, breath hold, sharp turns and tilting, lifting heavy items. You must refuse from doing any professional kinds of sports. And the most important thing is that your exercises should be safe and bring you maximum satisfaction. If you do not want to deal with or overcome the weakness, then do not force yourself. Read about pregnancy workouts to know how to do your exercises right.
So what kinds of sport can do pregnant woman?
#1 The doctor’s point of view on swimming and moderate walking are practically the same. Daily outdoor hiking improves blood circulation, cardiovascular work, is a good prevention of respiratory viral infections, calms down nerves, relieves headaches, and prevents of getting excess of weight.
If you like swimming, then your attitude toward choosing a swimming pool must be responsible. It is a good choice to prefer a common pool, with a state sports complex, where children and athletes have their training. Such swimming pools are better than private ones. In large swimming pools the water is well chlorinated and people, who work there adhere to sanitary norms. I hope you know that bleach does not penetrate to the baby and can not harm him, and it is good disinfecting water. Some sports complexes offer special well-being aqua aerobics for future mothers, conducted by a qualified trainer. Swimming, as well as walking, have a beneficial effect on the body, and with the excess weight it does not overload the joints.
#2 Nowadays it is very popular for pregnant women to do yoga and gymnastics. You must know that special exercise complex is designed for future moms. This kind of sport has many advantages. Moreover, you will spend your time among another future mothers with whom it will be interesting to communicate and share experiences. Also, do not forget to pay special attention to the trainer. He should be a professional and specialist in working with pregnant women because he will have to deal with women who need a special approach.
#3 As for running, experts still argue whether is it allowed for pregnant women to do it or not. Some of them consider easy jogs to be permissible. Consult your gynecologist about this. Based on his observations, he can assume whether this load is acceptable for you or not.
You need to get a lot of cheerfulness and good mood from doing sport. There should be no discomfort or pain. During exercises, drink a big amount of water, do not overheat and do not overdo them. And remember, the closer you are to the birth of your little child, the less load you can get.
Hope you will follow my advice)
Maria, I totally agree with you! Doctors do not get tired of repeating: how quickly you will be able to return to your previous form after the birth depends on how you spent 9 months waiting for the baby – lying on the couch or in active mode.
Moreover, the process of childbirth in sports mothers is easier than in the lazy – firstly, because the trained heart, lungs and the corresponding muscles help this woman and the child at this crucial moment. And secondly, the hormone endorphin accumulates in the body in response to physical exertion, which subsequently acts as a kind of anesthetic.
Remember, now you are not alone, now there are two of you, and it is this second being who will dictate your fitness style for the next few months.
So, you can and should train if you follow a few important rules.
First, the intensity of training should be moderate. Keep in mind: during pregnancy, your pulse is speeded up and without physical exertion. During classes, you breathe heavily and sweat, so you can not feel overheating, but the fruit is overheating, and you can’t allow this to happen. The fetus responds to physical stress by increasing the pulse rate at 10-30 beats per minute. Also, the intensive work of the muscles requires an increased flow of blood to them – and this means that the oxygen flowing through the blood may not be enough for the internal organs.
Intense exercise can have dire and far-reaching consequences – for example, weight loss of the fetus, premature birth, and even miscarriage. The general rules here are as follows: it is allowed to increase the pulse rate for no longer than half an hour, and no more than up to 125 beats per minute. And do not forget about the full rest between sets (and even repetitions).
Choose the right clothes for training.
Fitness for pregnant women is difficult to imagine without comfortable clothes. It is important to avoid excessive compression.
Note that breathing during pregnancy has its own characteristics. And if you encounter difficulty breathing during sports, it is better to stop training and immediately call a doctor.
Train with a trainer
The most important rule of training for pregnant women is that all classes should be supervised by a professional. And before you go to the gym, do not forget to consult with your doctor and discuss with your trainer the features of your pregnancy.
If your state of health does not allow you to actively engage in sports during the period of carrying a baby, replace the simulators with swimming, yoga for pregnant women and other gentle training. Thus, you will be able to maintain excellent shape and do not harm the health of the baby.
We wish you an easy pregnancy!
Many women have a lot of questions about whether gymnastics is needed during pregnancy and is it safe. Everyone dreams to keep muscles in a tone, even when they are pregnant. Performing a set of exercises while you are pregnant is not too difficult. There are very popular types of gymnastics as pool, yoga or fitness that will suit for you. You can do these kinds of gymnastics even at home. For this purpose, there are many different video-photos of lessons and articles on the Internet.
But do not forget that there are a number of contraindications for gymnastics. Do not apply pressure on the press or run, constantly check the pulse, it should not be lower than 150 av. in minutes. If you feel stress during training in the area of the uterus, stop training, walk more. The usefulness of walking and fresh air affects the health of mom and baby. You should not do gymnastics if you have a risk of abortion or some complications of pregnancy. And do not forget that for each trimester exercises must carry different loads.
There are a lot of advantages in gymnastics: it helps to maintain the form, blood circulation, prepares for childbirth and quickly restores the form after delivery. The complex of gymnastic exercises for women during pregnancy is divided into exercises, which are performed standing, lying on the side and sitting.
Here are some simple effective exercises for pregnant women:
● Walking. Exercise is performed standing in place, all movements must be measured, without strain of the abdominal muscles or back. The knees should not be raised too high.
● Falls. Do exercise, exposing one leg forward, leaving the second leg straight. Sit down a little. Do the same to the side. Transfer weight at the same time, first on one leg, then on another. Keep your back flat.
● Place your legs at shoulder width, bend your hands in your elbows and place them on your shoulders, make small inclination in different directions and exhale.
● Sit on the chair, feet on the floor, do a rollover from the toe to the heel. This exercise helps prevent varicose veins and stasis in the blood vessels.
● Initial position – lying on the side, the leg that lies on the floor needs to bend in the knee, lower the other leg and raise at such an angle so as not to feel discomfort.
● In the same position, perform circular movements with your foot.
● The starting position is the crust, bend your back up and bend downwards. You can perform such moves also to the sides.
These exercises are designed for the body. There is also a gymnasium that prepares the crotch for delivery. For example, the exercise “Kegel”, which helps to extend the muscles of the pelvic floor. This warm-up is recommended to women who are pregnant not the first time, or to the pregnant woman over 35 years. This exercise is very simple, but before you begin to do it, you need to find the muscle responsible for the elasticity of the perineum. An effective way to understand where it is located is to interrupt the process of urination. Then, for its development, it can be squeezed and compressed at any time convenient for you. These are all basic tips for exercising for pregnant women. Take care of yourself and you will always be beautiful and happy!
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