What is the way to simply right wellness and nutrition? from Alina Ross
Hi there! After reading articles about the 7-day kefir diet, 3-day spinach diet, and Japanese meal pan, I was thinking about how do people get slim without diets? In the past nobody knew about diets and proper nutrition plan, then how did they stay pretty and felt great? Is it possible to be healthy and have a beautiful body without following any diet?
- What about simply right wellness and nutrition?
I think that this is a very individual choice, what do you think? What are the alternatives to diets? What are the best ways to stay healthy and slim at the same time? What tips should I follow to keep the body always slim and toned up? What do you know about wellness?
- How to stay always healthy and beautiful?
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Is it worth consuming additional vitamins and micronutrients in capsules? The reviews after consuming them are not always satisfying. What about your experience? I am really waiting for your answers!
This dietary lifestyle you know for sure. Vegetarianism. It is not as simple as just stop eating meat and feel wonderful. There are more temptations for cookies, chips and ice cream so you have to be wise enough. The choice is yours.
Besides, you are allowed to eat tofu and seitan. Tones of wonderful vegetarian dishes recipes will help you to enjoy your lifestyle choice. And training, of course, yoga, running, workouts in the gym will only make everything better.
Dear Alina, I am afraid I do not agree with you. Seems the word “diet” has some very negative implication in the way you see it. For me, diet is the synonym of nutrition, the meals you have during the day, no matter good or bad. It is not always silly starving and depriving, it is just the way you eat. Diet is the way to improve your health. The science and culture of nutrition.
You are absolutely right about long-term nutrition styles compared to those fast and doubtful “super diets” (I am not even talking about those ones based on “magic” pills, they are just a waste of money and harm for your body).
What you call the alternatives to diets I would rather name dietary lifestyles. There are plenty of them today. I am sure they are known but let’s remember some of them.
Weight Watchers, for instance.
It is the old brand with a huge number of followers. Everything is about counting points. Every kind of food you eat has a number of points and you are not supposed to go higher than allowed per day (the daily equivalent is one thousand calories). You are free to eat anything you like but please, track your diet carefully. That is so simple, do not you agree? No depriving at all. Want a piece of chocolate before bed? Please do some math and enjoy 🙂 Look at the weight watchers website, Alina, it is curious how each food is estimated by numbers.
Mediterranean diet is my favorite nutritious lifestyle I guess. Practically no red meat, harmful saturated fats or sugars. Legumes, seafood, fruit and vegetables, nuts and grains, fresh and flavorful herbs, the best olive oil… Paradise. A bit of cheese, eggs and healthy dairy make it complete. Wine and sport every day (just a bit of wine of course), sweets for holidays. Is not it perfect?
There is also veganism, but I treat it like a very extreme and unnecessary way of dieting plan.
What I would really like to try is volumetrics. Read the book “The Ultimate Volumetrics Diet” by B.Rolls, I think you will find it useful, I bought it online a few months ago for only 14$. The plan is all about weights of food we consume per day and not calories. The guideline helps you make smarter choices. Long walks are as important as the diet, the author says. Cannot disagree.
There also exists the structured and personalized Jenny Graic dieting plan, the professional guidance and support you have to pay for.
Biggest Loser Diet is inspiring too – food choices and portion controls, using a food diary, exercising program etc. No forbidden food, lots of recipes and community motivation and challenges, other useful resources.
Ornish Diet (book “The Spectrum” by Dean Ornish) helps you to accomplish the mission (overcoming a serious disease, managing stress, losing weight) by using techniques that improve little details of your everyday life. The fat is considerably restricted.
One more alternative is the Atkins diet. No carb-friendly in simple words. Eating fewer carbohydrates will help your body to look for energy in fats. That is the plan. Look for more information about it online, maybe it will work for you. Good luck, Alina! Let us know what kind of diet you are going to chose!
Have you ever heard about the Mayo Clinic Diet, Alina?
It is a science of getting rid of our bad habits. You are offered a list of 15 healthy ones instead, calorie counting and yet an unrestrained amount of healthy snacks (fruits and vegetables). Practically no alcohol and workouts for sure. In a month or two you will develop awareness in the food you consume. If you are interested, there is a book, you can try to look for it.
The Paleo Diet is super famous and persuasive, yet extremely restrictive for me. An attempt to follow the lifestyle of a caveman with no French fries and burgers, no ice cream and cakes etc. Meat and fish, fruit and veggies instead. And a lot of physical activities. Processed food? No way!
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