Christina Aguilera, who was fighting with extra pounds for a long time, has managed to lose weight. It was a real surprise for her fans! In almost a year the singer lost 37 kilograms. Isn’t it an amazing result?
Many women all around the world became interested in the way she had lost weight. As they looked at the superstar’s amazing look and were impressed. Her fans wanted to look like her. Christina Aguilera weight loss was a real sensation. Read also about 10 nutrition trends 2019 to eat healthily and lose weight.
Actually, in 2010, the singer’s fans were shocked by her dramatic change in weight. Quite for a short period of time, Christina gained more than 25 kilograms! The paparazzi followed the once slim singer. But Aguilera proudly declared that she loved herself in any weight. What was a surprise for not only journalists but also fans! When in the fall of 2013 a new Christina Aguilera appeared before them. A slim elegant woman with perfect shapes and face.
Now we will reveal the main secrets of Christina Aguilera weight loss.
Christina Aguilera weight loss
All celebrities and fans watched the Christina Aguilera weight loss with interest. No wonder, as before the slim singer gained extra pounds while being pregnant. And could not get rid of them for a long time. As we know, the star got a glorious victory in the end. How did she manage to do it?
First steps of losing weight
Christina Aguilera knows well what is the American roller coaster is in slimming. The famous artist is prone to fullness. Furthermore, she could easily turn from a slim beautiful woman into a thick one for a year! It happened more than once in her life. Of course, during the years of struggle with overweight she had to try a lot of methods.
For example, Christina tested a colored diet. According to it, during the day she consumed products of the same color. But we should not go into details of this diet because it did not give any results, like many other attempts to lose weight. Eventually, Christina achieved the ideal shape, with the help of nutritionists Rachel and Richard Heller.
The reason: weight gain
For the last several years, Christina Aguilera was considered one of the most discussed Hollywood celebrities. But, to be more precise, the audience’s attention was mostly drawn to the Christina Aguilera weight. Notably, the star, dressed in youthful dresses in seductive outfits, unexpectedly gained weight. In the period from 2010 to 2011, she gained 25 kilograms. Because of the childbirth and the subsequent divorce with a man, which Aguilera severely suffered, fell into a real depression.
So, not surprisingly, the always slim pop-girl got the sobriquet “full”. But the star did not seem to be disturbed at all by persistent attacks of the journalists. The singer in various ways emphasized her magnificent forms. She was choosing dresses that attracted a lot of attention. And when people criticized her figure, she always consistently replied that she is not going to lose weight.
In 2013, Christina faced a completely different picture of herself. She was not as thin as before, but with quite acceptable and seductive forms. First and foremost, Cristina Aguilera weight loss was due to the same boring paparazzi. They wore celebrity around the clock in different places to take a picture of her from any angle. These photos filled the Internet and sneered the singer.
“I have always been too thin, and now I enjoy the fact that I have attractive body parts, such as my thighs and chests,” Aguilera said in an interview in 2012. – I like to show my neckline. If you like to be that, then you should just be luminous with the confidence in yourself. “
But all the stories about the main thing that soul and not appearance is the main thing in life ended. It was unexpected and happened as soon as Christina met a new love. For the sake of Matthew Rutler, Christina Aguilera promised to get rid of excess weight. Besides, the motivation was so strong and after six months, the Christina Aguilera weight loss was equal to 25 kilograms, cutting off the audience in its new way.
“I feel sexy and attractive,” wrote Christine Aguilera in her microblogging vine in October, commenting on a photo of the shooting area. In it, she was proud of her white dress, which emphasized her slim figure.
Christina Aguilera weight loss diet
Christina Aguilera weight loss was not an easy way. Fighting with the excess weight, Christina tried different directions. And the first thing that crossed her mind is to change her diet. Aguilera has chosen a so-called “home delivery diet”. In it food is brought by professional dietitians is brought home three times a day. Moreover, the menu is diverse but strictly limited by the number of kilocalories. Christina Aguilera weight loss demanded the daily norm of kilocalories 1600.
As for Christina Aguilera weight loss, her diet was not so difficult. Do you also want to know how to become beautiful without making many efforts? So, Christina just began to consume only healthy products. So, for breakfast, Christina eats half of the avocado, a little turkey and blueberries. Next, the singer’s dinner consists of celery with almond oil. And for supper, she has chicken or fish. When visiting restaurants, she orders her favorite tuna salad and sometimes can afford herself a glass of wine.
According to the star, the main reason for such a stunning result was not only a thorough selection of products. But a new system of nutrition as a whole. For example, the size of a portion should not exceed the volume that is fitted in the hand. But it is necessary to eat at least five times a day.
“Christina has renewed and is younger this season,” commented the representative about Christina Aguilera weight loss. “She really began to watch herself very carefully and seems really happy inside. And this is noticeable! “
Today, Christina Aguilera is a slim, beautiful and sexy woman. The achieved result of the superstar is really striking! By the way, the strong legs and slim waist cost her, by star standards, not so expensive. She had to pay a little less than 1.5 thousand dollars for the diet developed by Heller. You have the chance to try the technique in practice for free. Take note of the following menu, that helped in Christina Aguilera weight loss.
- Breakfast: oatmeal on the water with berries, fruits or dried fruits, apple, tea.
- Lunch: meat or fish steak (100 g), vegetables in any form (unlimited), water with lemon.
- Dinner: fried tuna.
Any snack between the main meals can be vegetables. Such as cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin, green beans, etc.
The main feature of the singer’s diet is the control of insulin. The diet of Aguilera allows her to maintain the level of this hormone. She maintained it at a relatively constant level. Moreover, without sharp jumps! After all, insulin fluctuations make losing weight a constant feeling of hunger.
What does Aguilera include in her menu?
Breakfast and lunch for the third consist of protein (meat, fish, eggs). Then a third of complex carbohydrates – hard pasta, whole grain cereals, non-starchy vegetables. And a third of simple carbohydrates – fruits, berries. Also, in afternoon tea and dinner.
Foods with simple carbohydrates are completely excluded, but a little more protein is added. The singer did not forget also to add to weight loss sports activities. They burn excess insulin as well as taking chromium preparations that regulate its production.
Nutritionist comment
“Insulin control is an important part of the process of losing weight. From this point of view, the diet of the singer is not bad. It is important to note that simple carbohydrates should account for no more than 10% of the daily rate of all carbohydrates. And the fact that Christina eats them in the morning is very correct.
A large amount of protein is also the right decision because proteins are well saturated. And in order to excess protein does not harm health, eat them with greens and vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes). Also, for one part of animal protein should fall into three parts of lettuce.”
Christina Aguilera nutrition system
You will be surprised to hear that. But there are not hard diets and starvation that helped in Christina Aguilera weight loss. But balanced and healthy nutrition. Here we explain the main points of the singer’s nutrition. So Aguilera’s diet included:
- Sources of easily digestible protein (such as lean and boiled meat, eggs).
- The sources of fiber (such as fresh herbs, low-calorie vegetables and fruits low in sugar).
- Fatty acids (such as sea fish, nuts, vegetable oils, and avocados).
Fast carbs, “empty” fats and sugar should be excluded from the menu. Besides, refuse deep-fried dishes, muffins, fast food, and cream desserts. Drinking enough water is obligatory. The norm is about 2 liters of clean cool water. As well as herbal liquids and green tea. Alcohol in any doses is a totally prohibited product.
The fact is that Aguilera lost weight not alone. There are only a few women who have managed to lose much weight without the specialists’ help. Of course, some of them made their own training programs. But there is not that case. Christina Aguilera weight loss would not happen without the help of specialists.
When the singer decided to fight those extra pounds. She turned to the popular star nutritionists Rachel and Richard Heller. They have formed a unique food program. That suits hopeless fast food lovers. And people who simply have no time to monitor their food. And such a diet seemed to Aguilera just perfect. Because she cannot live without carbs food. Besides, the star is constantly busy with concerts and tours.
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Many people have a negative attitude towards carbs. They say, it is their consumption that spoils the figure. Causing fat to be deposited where it is not necessary. The reason is simple. These substances add to the production of insulin. And if there is too much insulin in the blood. Then the person will feel a regular hunger. And the urge to go to your favorite fridge will become more frequent.
Christina Aguilera’s diet is based on those special foods. Eating of which is able to lower insulin levels. The system by which the star lost weight, is divided into 2 main stages.
- “Three for three“
Each meal should be divided into 3 equal parts by volume. The first part is protein foods (lean fish, lean meat, poultry, soy cheese). The second part is vegetables. The third part – carbs (bread, potatoes, pasta, fruit and juice, sweets). Exception – lettuce leaves, which can be used in unlimited quantities.
- “Fixing the result”
After Christina Aguilera weight loss, she had to strengthen the achieved results. For doing this, she began to observe the following rules:
- Chromium deficiency contributes to the accelerated production of insulin. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the eating of foods rich in this trace element. Such as legumes, potatoes, liver, cheese, meat.
- Caffeine also affects the amount of insulin. So the star has limited coffee drinking.
- Sugar substitutes cannot be used. If the soul asks for sweet. Aguilera eats a slice of dark chocolate or her favorite cheesecake.
- As the weight loss requires an active lifestyle. Three times a week, the star is surely involved in physical exercise. Because she is afraid that the extra weight will return to her again.
- Life should flow calmly and without stress. This was perhaps the most difficult condition for the singer. But she found a way out – yoga and walking.
- Daily she should consume no more than 1600 kcal.
Christina Aguilera weight loss diet has the following peculiarities:
- daily calorie intake – no more than 1200;
- no sweets and sugar;
- daily ration divided into 3 parts;
- food can be taken only in accordance with the scheme, products cannot be replaced;
- alcohol is not recommended;
- snack is prohibited;
- compliance with the water balance – at least one and a half liters per day;
- massage for the buttocks, hips, and abdomen.
Christina changed to unrecognizable. For a month of persistent workouts and strict diet, the star was able to lose 10 kilograms. In the first month, Christina decided not to torture himself a hunger strike and chose a diet of “1600”. Therefore, the daily diet is divided into five meals. And its total caloric content is not more than 1600 calories. Such a diet helps to get rid of the habit of overeating and helps to move to a new level – a tougher diet.
From the size of XL, Christina lost weight to her cherished S. “I feel tempting” – does not hide Christine from supporters.
The cost of losing weight
So, Christina took up her mind and started the battle with extra kilograms! Although at first the singer assured everyone that she likes magnificent shapes. She said that is not going to lose the excess kilograms.
Now she puts a photo on the Internet. There apparently thin legs, pops, buttocks, and swollen cheeks disappeared. It is known now that due to the Fresh Diet Company, which supplies healthy food to the singer every day, Christina Aguilera does not gain excess kilograms and, on the contrary, loses them. Aguilera pays for this company for the delivery of food only $ 1400.
Physical load and Skincare
However, in the battle with excess kilograms, there are not enough restrictions on food. So the singer became a frequent guest in the gym. Regular training under the supervision of personal trainer is part of the mandatory program for the day. Aguilera emphasized the strength classes and sometimes did yoga.
Not to mention, an occupation begins with walking or running on a treadmill. After that, Christina begins to work on triceps and biceps. Moreover, to work out these muscles the singer works with dumbbells weighing from 2 to 9 kilograms. Then she does the exercises on the press, squeezes a lot and squats at least 350 times. Furthermore, according to the singer, the most important thing in Christina Aguilera weight loss is a regularity. So, the woman attends a gym at least five times a week.
With all the enthusiasm for fitness and caring about her own figure, Aguilera does not strive to spend all her free time on the simulators. “If I had to choose whether to go to the gym or spend time with my son after a hard day, I would not even think about it,” Christina admitted in an interview with the Redbook. In the first place for Christina is her family.
Also, Christina Aguilera weight loss would not be so striking without the following methods. Everyone knows that active physical activity normalizes and improves metabolic processes. That is why they are an obligatory condition for those who want to lose weight without harm to health. The Christina Aguilera fitness complex includes blocks of cardio and power loads for working out muscle relief. Besides, creating perfect body bends. The star also recommends effective activities that can be performed at home. Such as jogging, intense walks, aerobics, yoga, and incendiary Zumba.
Moreover, the secret of Christina Aguillera weight loss is the following. The perfect elastic skin of the singer – lifting massage sessions. They restore the turgor of the epidermis during weight loss. So due to that, she has got such an amazing look after the serious weight loss.
Of course, the rapid transformation of Aguilera caused a lot of rumors. For example, the Cristina Aguilera weight loss began to be regarded as a quality work of plastic surgeons. Moreover, people mentioned not banal liposuction. The told about laparoscopic bandage of the stomach. It is the installation of the so-called “gastric ring”. Due to it, the volume of consumed food is sharply reduced, the number of calories consumed decreases and the body rebuilds to burn fat. Therefore, the result is a quick and effective weight loss.
The singer refutes these thoughts. She explains that the incredible speed of her transformation is due to an extremely healthy lifestyle. Besides many hours of workout, she sticks to a hard diet and a variety of care procedures.
“My body is extremely important for me,” shared her thoughts in an interview Aguilera. “This is one aspect that gives me confidence, so overweight is something I will never live with.”
Our Fitness Experts’ view
Frankly speaking, I do not consider Christina Aguillera weight loss something unusual. She has lost 38 kilos for 10 months. Our clients regularly show such results. By the way, without strict diets and severe workouts. Besides, on the contrary, both can slow down the process of losing weight. Reducing the rate of metabolic processes. We can say that the singer lost weight in a very physiological way.
At first, she was overweighted enough. That is why I suppose that she could lose about 7-9 kilos during the first month. First, she got rid of excess water. Then some muscle (about 1.5 kg) and a small amount of fat. Then you can get rid of 4−5 kg per month without harm to health.
In the following months, the weight will go away due to fat. The amount of muscle mass may decrease. But if you connect the reasonable physical load to weight loss. These losses can be avoided. Such a smooth weight loss allows you to get rid of excess weight without the appearance of stretched skin.
Christina is quite a young woman. And with a certain care (massages, wrappings) her skin may well be brought by itself to the desired volume. As for the diet, for such a result, it is enough to reduce your calorie content by an average of 500 kcal. Remove all junk food from the menu (fast food, white flour products, trans fats, white sugar).
Minimize the use of simple sugars. Not more than 10% of the daily caloric intake. Increase the number of products with fiber (greens, savory fruits and non-starchy vegetables). And your diet will be satisfying with proper proteins (lean white meat, egg white). As well as dishes with polyunsaturated fatty acids (fish, a small amount of nuts and seeds, olive and flaxseed oils, avocados).
And do not forget to drink water, sleep for 7–8 hours. Also take extra vitamins and trace elements. There are magnesium, B groups, vitamin D, iron, omega-6, and others as needed. During the normalization of weight, many of them are required in larger quantities. Which often increases the appetite and makes weight loss uncomfortable. A doctor will help to find the right complex for you.
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On the one hand, it is quite possible to lose 38 kg in 10 months on your own. On the other hand, quite often after stabilization of weight. The hereditarily caused local fat deposits to remain – the so-called fat traps. This may be the lower third of the face (second chin, cheeks), hips, and abdomen. If there is such a thing with Christina Aguilera weight loss, I do not exclude the possibility. The possibility that she could have asked the help of a plastic surgeon. And corrected some of the zones using liposuction.
By the way, contrary to popular belief, liposuction is not one of the ways to quickly lose weight. It only allows you to correct the flaws of the figure. Moreover, modern methods of plastic surgery make it possible to do this without interrupting the main type of activity. Even in the case of the public profession. In particular, laser liposuction allows you to remove local fat deposits.
Moreover, the fat is removed together with a skin tightening. Of course, some time will have to wear corrective underwear. But already 5 days after the correction, you can take 2–3 hours to appear in public, including in open suits. This method of correction leaves almost no marks on the skin. Christina Aguilera weight loss may definitely not occur without such a method.
“I’m thick, take it easy!”
“I’m thick, take it easy!” – that is how, at one moment, the singer said to her team, who believed that her new figure negatively affected the popularity of the star. She tried to inform by this message her colleagues “in the shop”. Also as well as fans, journalists and all who did not miss the opportunity to laugh at her magnificent forms.
It turns out that Christina at the genetic level has a tendency for the fullness. So, to be thin is not easy for Christina. And, in the end, she was tired of constantly straining to keep her body toned.
There were many reasons why Aguilera gained weight: illness, depression, age, problems in her personal life and the upbringing of her son without a husband. But the singer was quite happy. After all, she had grown up a beautiful son, her creative activity was at the top, and a new love – warmed her soul and heart. And Christina openly declared that at last she could relax and be real. But, it seems that the pop star is too relaxed and spilled. Moreover, the wardrobe remained virtually unchanged: tight dresses, mini skirts, shorts … But in her new forms, it all looked terrible.
When Christina Aguilera gained weight, she did not worry with superfluous weight. On the contrary, many fans of the singer were upset by this situation. And journalists were not ashamed to ridicule her. Many traced parallels between the recession of her creative career and recruited extra kilograms. And, probably, Christina was not so glad to have been gaining weight. The reason is that the advertising of her own perfume used old images. And in them, she is still beautiful and slim.
Though there were also those who really liked the new figure of Christina Aguilera. The United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton became one of those people. She met a pop star in a new way on one of the events. There the former first lady of the country simply admired the magnificent forms of Christina.
Rainbow diet
The main principle of the diet is to eat whole-day products of the same color. Do not forget: minimize oil consumption and do not change the order of the days. It is known that Christina Aguilera tried this diet to lose weight. But she did not manage to go on it for a long time. But still, it does not mean that this diet is not effective. So what products can you consume on each day of the diet?
White day: boiled potatoes; fig; banana; coconut; egg white; white meat; whitefish; dairy products; cauliflower; onion and garlic.
Try to limit portions, because most of the products from this list are sources of carbohydrates.
Red day: red bean; lean red meat; beet; tomato; cherry; red currant; sweet pepper; cayenne pepper; red grapes; cranberry; guelder rose; raspberry.
Eat foods from this list in any quantity. Red vegetables and fruits contain a large number of antioxidants.
Green day: spinach; sorrel; leaf lettuce; spicy greens; broccoli; Brussels sprouts; cucumber; kiwi.
Green products are rich in potassium and magnesium, and therefore useful for the cardiovascular and nervous system.
Orange day: carrot; pumpkin; Redfish; papaya; mango; persimmon; sea buckthorn; apricot; peach.
Orange products are rich in carotene, a source of skin and hair beauty.
Purple Day: eggplant; red cabbage; dark grapes; basil; plum; blackberry.
These products will help unload the kidneys.
Yellow day: pineapple; yellow sweet pepper; a zucchini; yellow apple; maize; mature cheese; honey; egg yolk.
In this list – sources of vitamin C and antioxidants.
Transparent day: The last day of a diet is unloading. Do not eat anything and drink only water. If it’s difficult, you can have a fat-free yogurt.
Journalist’s comments on the Christina Aguilera figure
- The singer’s deep cleavage emphasized the shape of the breast.
“At the Breakthrough Prize Awards, American singer Christina Aguilera surprised everyone with her unfortunate choice of dress. The 34-year-old star appeared at the ceremony in a black fitting dress with a deep neckline. The thing is that it emphasized not only excess weight. It also emphasized the unsuccessful plasticity of the singer’s chest. It is worth noting that Aguilera’s notch was not only deep but also wide.
Apparently, with the help of such a neckline, the singer tried to distract attention from the non-ideal figure. The celebrity dress was decorated with gold lace elements that played an important role. They visually reduced the waist. Completion of the image served as a cut above the knees in the dress and sandals on the platform.”
“Recently, Christina Aguilera has gained weight again: for several years now the singer has been struggling with overweight, but she is losing weight, then becoming toned again. After the birth of her daughter, Aguilera quickly got into shape, but just as quickly gained excess weight. Now the singer hides flaws under the right, as she believes clothing. However, we managed to make sure that she did not always succeed”
Comments on Christina Aguilera after weight loss
2. “Did you like Christina Aguilera’s dress?”
“In the photographs, Christina poses near a dressed-up Christmas tree, wearing a fitting jumpsuit of red color with a white edge and a shiny green cap with a balloon. Besides, she added her own image with black stiletto heels and a belt, which emphasized her built-in forms. The sharpened figure of the thinner Aguilera was appreciated by Internet users. Also, on her photos fell waterfall of likes and good comments. Followers
recognized the singer as the most seductive Santa Claus.”
3. “Recently, the press and even the most loyal fans of the singer began to say openly that the star completely did not take care of herself.
And no matter how much the 32-year-old singer claimed that she was always satisfied with herself. Even when her weight was 10 kilograms more than the norm, it was difficult to believe in it. So why she ignored many secular parties, and when leaving the house, hid her face under a baseball cap, so that the paparazzi would not be taken by surprise? And now, it seems, social pressure has taken power. Aguilera is very thin – of course, the ideal forms are still far away. But the difference with what was a month ago is very noticeable.
And Christina became more self-confident and again attends star parties. For example, last Wednesday she appeared at a party of the American version of The Voice show. The journalists of the tabloids, who were also present at the celebration, noted that Aguilera still has something to work on. But now she finally looked like a fat, not swollen person. She rather a pretty sexy woman.”
Conclusion: results
So, the struggle and hard work in the gym and a healthy diet was not a waste of time. Christina Aguilera weight loss is now an amazing example for every girl and woman who has to lose weight. After the weight loss, the photo of the star was on the main cover of the March issue of Women’s Health.
In recent years the slim and impressive Christina Aguilera has struggled overweight. It looks like the singer managed to return the former forms. Aguilera’s slimming results presented on the cover of the March issue of Women’s Health Gloss.
In the photo, Christina poses in the overalls, from which you can notice the underwear. Therefore, the star not only demonstrated a new figure but also showed the asanas of yoga. The star practice in yoga regularly. Due to this, she keeps herself in shape because she remains calm, avoiding depression. What is more, it is very important, because stress provokes the gaining of excess weight and deterioration of health.
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