Need easy homemade recipes for weight loss? Today we share how to make tasty and healthy drinks from vegetables and fruits.
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Cocktails gained their name because of the English word “smooth”. It has a unique ability and can be good not only for the figure but also for health.
Recipes of detox smoothies made in the blender for weight loss is quite easy. And everyone is capable of making them.
Green smoothie for weight loss
The only thing you need – is to have the right set of products, a blender, and a will to change your life to better.
Do you have never tasted leafy green smoothies for weight loss?
Think about it:
Green, and even “smoothies,” you say. Cocktail, by definition, is a drink made by mixing several ingredients. In order to make a green smoothie, we need a blender. We also need green or yellow ingredients. For example, any greens, avocado, kiwi, strawberry banana, mango.
Green smoothie for health
And why, in general, drink green smoothies? Green smoothies have a lot of health benefits. Here are my 8 arguments.
6 green smoothie recipes

What to add to fat-burning cocktails
Any diet based on the consumption of nutritious products with the lowest calorie content. From this perspective, green smoothie cleanse – is the ideal choice for weight loss.
Think about it:
Fermented dairy products make it with low fat or water content and with the addition of vegetables or fruits. Because of this ingredient, this drink is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, but does not contain calories.
This drink improves all the inner functions of the body. When all the organs work together, it causes natural weight loss. It contains about 75-150 kcal in a 100 ml of cocktail.
The exact number depends on the formula and the ingredients of the spinach smoothie.
Secrets of weight loss
Reviews of people, that tried the smoothie weight loss on themselves, show a high effectiveness of the program. The system of weight loss can be selected, accordingly to personal needs.
If the express diet doesn’t suit you, choose a week course. Eat low-calorie food. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner replace with this cocktail. You can lose 2-3 kg in a week.
Recipe for the cocktail is universal. You only need to take the necessary product list, peel them, cut, place them in the bowl of the blender and stir until smooth. Usually, this takes 3-5 minutes.
Cocktails help to lose weight fast and improve health in general – this fact is proved. Prepare useful fruit and vegetable cocktails every day, replace the snack with a sandwich or chocolate on smoothies, and you will definitely notice the changes taking place.
We recommend you to drink green smoothie every day!
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