Jumping shoes for bouncy exercise, such as Seakyland Unisex, Big Time Toys Moon give you the advantage to spring higher. People find this product more innovative in terms of quality and safer style.w
As a result:
Rebound boots are more helpful and able to deliver your expected results! In this review, fitness experts and Kangoo jumps coaches give an extended image of shoes with springs for jumping.
List of best rebounding shoes
Kangoo jumps is the latest trend in sports and fitness. It’s currently gaining popularity in the USA. This is one of the best ways to restore your energy and lose extra pounds.
Rebounding footwear were first designed for rehabilitation of knee joints, lower legs and back after the surgery period.
But this kind of equipment literally blew up the global fitness industry! Equipped with a unique springy system, they protect back and joints by 80%, and give other important results!
KJ trainer Laura Marthey tells about bouncing shoes workout:
It not only allows you to burn 30% more calories than what happens with regular footwear. But also allows you to train your buttocks and stomach in record time! In addition, training in this outfit is very dynamic and fun.
Bouncy shoes workout
Spring jumping outfit is one of the most effective up-to-date methods to lose weight.
In addition, bouncing workout activates the lymphatic system, which removes waste and toxins from the body.
This is directly related to fat loss because we allow toxins to accumulate in our bodies. Then soon it will be possible to discover cellulite on your hips and buttocks!
Each training using this kind of equipment works not only as cardio but also as a strength workout. Since the weight of each boot is about 2 kg. Therefore, you will achieve the desired balance in a shorter time!
Eexercises for beginners
The principle of fastening the jumpers is the same as rollers. The main thing is not to pull the leg too much. Some get used to them the first time, for 2-3 minutes. But in general, they can be mastered in 2-3 training.
For beginners, we can advise the simplest exercises. It is advisable to perform each exercise to begin with for 30 seconds:
Beginners should not be afraid of jumpers, but regularly go to training. Then everything will work out.
What are the advantages of jumpers?
Kangoo jumps training is an intense cardio workout. There are several different areas: aerobic, power and jumps with elements of martial arts.
Jumpers can be used both for sports and for outdoor activities for people from 5 to 80 years old. You can not only jump with them but also run in the fresh air.
Each boot weighs about two kilograms. You do not particularly feel them, but it has a beneficial effect on our muscles.
With the help of jumpers, these people can actively move.
Safety rules
It is very easy to get injured while playing sports.
Jumping gives an excellent load on leg muscles, saving the joints. Since the main load is assumed by the spring of the footwear.
The back muscles and the vestibular apparatus are involved in training five times more intensively than when running. They soften tremors, bumps and reduce the load on the spine, ligaments and joints. The back muscles are strengthened in a few weeks!
If losing weight is your goal:
Increase muscle tone or just have fun – you can not find the best type of fitness! Bouncy shoes are easy to use, safe and beneficial both physically and emotionally.
Using this kind of equipment is very simple.
The first exercises are preferable to carry out on a flat and dry surface.
For a better result, start with a light run in place, jumping from one foot to another. Try to move the center of gravity to the entire foot, and not stand on your fingers or heels. To quickly achieve balance, legs are better placed shoulder-width apart.
Customers’ reviews 2024
Who finds Kangoo jumps helpful?
Detailed review: Demetria, 26
I visited one of the most joyful master class. Jumping fitness is an activity using special boots on a spring platform. If you do not jump, but just stand, then jumpers raise you 20cm from the floor.
When jumping, depending on the muscle strength, you will be 50 cm or a meter from the ground! The weight of one shoe is 1.5 kg!
And then discovery after discovery happens!
Probably like a little girl who first took steps in her mother’s high heel boots! No, it’s still cooler! The next stage of amazement – you can run in jumpers around the room during a warm-up! The coach adds confidence:
It is impossible to fall into them, they are equipped with special anti-slip rubber. And, true, no one fell in training, not even me.
Warming up gave me great pleasure running around the room:
Bouncing, getting to know myself in a two-meter form, also jumping! According to my observations, during the jumps, the joy itself finds you and really shines on your faces! Then the power part of the training begins.
In general, you begin to feel the muscles that you previously did not seem to have. The back surface of the thigh, calf muscles, buttocks becomes hopefully elastic.
It turns out that jumpers can do everything:
Exercises on the floor, on the press, on stretching. Between them my favorite runs and jumps, also such a small run in place in a half-squat. By the way, in good weather, jumpers run around the park – an alternative form of activity.
Conclusion: It was hard for me, but the feeling of moral satisfaction and the ability to jump won!
And yet, when in the final we took off the jumpers, I felt extraordinary lightness and freedom in my legs. But again I want to jump and be sure to repeat these feelings!
Detailed reviews: Emily, 24
Group Kangoo jumps workouts combine elements of dance or wrestling, and are considered one of the most fat-burning.
The trainer helped me put on my boots. Otherwise, I couldn’t even figure out how to fasten them properly.
Immediately the lunar effect appears – it seems that you can fail. But the coach showed the jumping technique, it turned out that you can confidently take steps without fear.
Why did you choose Kangoo jumps?
The main peculiarity of Kangoo jumps is euphoria. The charge of energy and positive can not be compared with anything else, plus a completely new sensation of movement.
For an hour of training, you can burn up to 1000 Kcal. There are different directions, each will find its own:
And what inspired the creation of the studio?
It was important for me to ensure safety and give everyone the opportunity to experience the sensations of flight. I then worked in one of the fitness complexes, offered to open a Kangoo jumps direction there, but the leadership rejected the idea.
Then I decided to create something new:
So the Kangoo jumps school appeared, where I play the role of coach and mentor. This year I plan to visit the World Fitness Congress in Spain.
I’ll tell you a secret: now we are working on a project to create a studio. There will be all the most innovative and interesting.
Detailed review: Melissa, 23
For the last five years I’ve tried to find my own way to lose weight. But not just lose fat, but also have a fit shape, relief. I tried step aerobics and ordinary aerobics, trained with a coach, pulled dumbbells in the gym.
I even attended dancing classes for some time. In short I tried everything that could be. And kept to different diets, dying of hunger, physical and moral. Finally, I found my favorite sport, this is CrossFit, but it does not give me the desired result.
Yes, I have a good stamina, my last record is 106 kg deadlift.
Well, a couple of months ago, I tried Kangoo jumps.
This is a driveway to get rid of fat deposits and pump up. I was inspired by the example of my coach.
But I have another example:
There are girls who practice regularly, almost daily. And every time I see them again involved in training, I am amazed at how they change in volumes. They are losing weight!
Oh, I still can’t afford regular training, and enjoy Kangoo jumps training a couple of times a week.
When you put on these miracle shoes for the first time, it seems that you are on half-meter stilts and you can neither get up nor walk. It takes literally five minutes, and you forget about the heigh not thinking that you will fall.
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