Feel the lack of balance and coordination during workout? Today, balance boards gain popularity among people involved in sports. Revolution 101 balance board trainer is exactly what you need.
Why is it so popular?
Athletes often use Revolution 101 balance board in their workouts. It helps to improve the sense of balance, sustainability, and self-confidence.
It can happen that it will be difficult to pick up the board, as there is such a large amount on the market. The description of Revolution 101 balance board trainer will help you to understand whether this simulator suits you or not.
Revolution 101 balance board trainer
Revolution 101 balance board trainer is a quality simulator that helps you to improve your figure. It is beautiful. And if you order it, then delivery is fast. Moreover, you even can get the purchase in advance.
So, why you should buy this balance board?
User rating of a balance board
Many customers are thrilled with the purchase and name many advantages of this model. The most important of all is quality (the best wood). Also, people do not forget to mention the soft surface of the board.
So, the workout goes smoothly.
There are also many other famous (and expensive) boards of others.
But revolution 101 balance board is an excellent alternative for them. After all, its quality is imposing. And popularity among people does not allow to doubt.
Young mothers are also often reminded that this board is also an excellent option for children. One can conclude that this is an excellent choice for the whole family.
If you plan to do skiing, snowboarding, wakeboarding or skateboarding, then you must first improve your balance with revolution 101 balance board trainer. It is an excellent way for your body to find your point of equilibrium and develop your fitness skills.
People reviews
What is a balance board?
The development of the fitness industry and the bias in practicality and functionality significantly changed the very concept of physical activity and amateur sports.
Moreover, even traditional strength training has endured a lot of changes and today federations in which steroids are banned (at least officially) are becoming very popular.
All this led to the fact:
Many people want no longer to go to the gym and perform monotonous movements thoughtlessly. The era of broad specialization has come, when most people prefer to train in the fresh air, playing the most natural movements.
If you use the phrase “all ingenious is simple,” then it is about the Balance board. Both amateurs and even just adherents with an active lifestyle use it. Moreover, professionals in various sports enjoy such workout.
Therefore, there is a time to study in detail what it is, to whom it will be useful and whether it is necessary to pay attention to the board at all.
Key features and effectiveness of the balance board
Of course, some people had not even heard about something new.
But they immediately want to buy a balance board, not yet thoroughly acquainted with the capabilities of this simulator. However, this is not always the right approach, and you need first to understand its functionality and only then make a choice.
People created a balance board half a century ago. And its aim was using for some sports (snowboarding, skateboarding, freestyle, etc.). However, everything becomes clear already at first glance at the simulator itself.
It simulates the normal movement of these sports.
People created the same balance board with the aim of daily development of equipment and skill. Therefore, if you can not always go to the slope or even to a unique platform for skateboarding, you can practice with the board anywhere, even in a small room or on the street.
Although the balance board is not worth buying only for treatment:
It is preferably an aid and a simulator for prevention and recovery. It does not give a curing effect, as medications do. Therefore it is necessary to understand its role clearly.
Strengthening muscles with a balance board
Improving balance and coordination, of course, is an important feature and many professional athletes resort to using the board to enhance their training. But still, it is necessary to recognize that not every person needs this.
But strengthening the muscles of the legs, which work almost all the time throughout life – is extremely important. Moreover, it is not about all the muscles, but about those that most often receive less load.
As a result:
It creates a muscular imbalance, which is equally harmful to athletes and ordinary people. The balance board is the thing that will correct this imbalance.
The simplest movements on the balance board involve more leg muscles, although while maintaining balance the body uses almost all the muscles. So, the board has an incredibly vast potential both for recovery and regular exercise and for training athletes.
Recently, the “Turkish ascent” exercise has become popular in many sports.
And in the CrossFit, it has become essential for the development of coordination. However, the balance of the board is even more suitable for this purpose. Due to its construction, it is possible to carry out movements that are difficult to make with weights.
Therefore, it is not right to believe that the board is needed only for those who ride a skateboard or go down from the snow-covered slopes on a snowboard.
When you correctly perform the exercise, you can adapt it can to any needs. The static load and perhaps the most demanding conditions for maintaining balance make it a perfect solution.
Board balance and muscle mass
It is essential to understand whether the иlance board can give something for those who need only muscle mass? Of course, this is not a power block and not a simulator for the development of strength or muscle hypertrophy. But the board can certainly help.
Therefore, even though the board will not force you to change clothes for a couple of sizes in a month or two, it will not be useless. The development of deep-seated muscles and stabilizer muscles plays a vital role even in board-building.
Because there a considerable part of the burden falls on separate work, not to mention other sports.
So, if you want to understand whether you need to buy a board, you can make an allegory with ordinary clothes. Imagine that muscle layers are everyday things from your closet.
So, put on a T-shirt and then a sweater and compare it with dressing two shirts at once, one on top of the other. It is quite evident that with the second version you will look much more.
The same thing happens to your muscles.
Therefore, training only large muscles, you make them grow. But if you forget about the smaller muscles that are under them, the increase in mass will be even more noticeable.
Therefore, many people prefer to pay more to get a certified high-quality product. Also, they do not want to risk in vain for doubtful savings. However, today you can buy the balance board in many stores. And budget solutions are already emerging that low combine price and good quality.
Using the balance board, you can complicate any other movements from different sports:
1. Squats
For example, the usual squats (even without burdening) on the board will allow not only to use all the muscles of the body. But it also will allow you to include a vast amount of stabilizers, whose work is necessary to maintain balance.
2. Push ups
The same thing is about to push-ups. Even when you have passed the weight of your barbell in the bench press over a hundred times, the balance board will still be useful.
Try push-ups on the board, keeping perfect balance. Firstly, it will create a significantly higher load than ordinary pushups. Secondly, it will be beneficial for those who have an imbalance in the strength of the arms or other muscles.
3. Bar
4. Lunges
The pinnacle of your skill will be complex movements that are more acrobatics than just training muscles, endurance, and coordination. All this will allow you to get extraordinary results and use all the muscles of the body.
Especially you develop mainly the core muscles in exercises where you need to maintain balance.
Otherwise, the board is a versatile tool that will expand your workout in any sport. It is a mistake to believe that the board balance is only suitable for those who love skateboarding and winter snowboarding. If you correctly perform the exercises, the board will become at the same time your trainer.
Also, it will be a universal simulator for you that develops not one, but all physical characteristics at once.
To sum up, the board is “all in one bottle.”
In its practicality and simplicity, you can compare the board with a rope. However, later the popularity of the cord slightly decreased, but this did not make it useless. Many athletes, including professionals, still always use the balance board in practice.
We recommend not to spend a lot of time studying. But merely open an online store and choose the board that you like.
Exercises with balance board
1. Trasters (3 sets of 10 times).
Description: This is one of the most common exercises in CrossFit. It provides an incredible load on all the muscles of the body. However, this bar can be even higher if you use the balance board.
Exercise correctly develops all the muscles. And the board helps to improve the sense of balance, which even more burdens the core muscles.
Take dumbbells with a suitable weight and stand on the board, evenly distributing the load over the entire plane. Keep balance, then do squats, dumbbells hold near the chest. Next, get up to its original position and do the dumbbell bench press up.
2. Throws medbol (start with 20 shots in a row).
Description: A great exercise for those who do regular fitness or bodybuilding seems boring.
There are no particular restrictions. And the exercise is well suited for both beginners and advanced athletes. The main thing is to learn to keep balance, not paying attention to the board.
Otherwise, you will not be able to catch the ball well. You can throw it in any direction and any form (side throws, straight, from the chest, from the belt, etc.).
3. Horizontal bar (3 * 30 seconds or more).
Description: This exercise is well known to all, but with the balance of the board it can shine with new colors and become even more effective. The board is an ideal way to complicate standard execution.
Technique: take the usual position of the body for the plank, bend your arms in elbows and rest against the board. But it is essential to distribute the load throughout the board balance evenly.
Complications number 1: if you want to complicate the task even more, then perform the bar on the board with rolls on the sides. In this case, it will explode your muscles. Also, it will add the necessary stretch and improve flexibility.
Complications number 2: You can also hold support on one leg, which will further complicate the exercise.
1. Dumbbell traction in the slope (3 * 10-12).
Description: a classic of any strength training. Although, people perform it more often with a barbell. It is not so convenient for a balance board. Therefore, it is better to do exercise with dumbbells.
Technique: take a stable position on the board. Then slightly bend your knees and tilt the body forward and down. Strongly ahead is not worth it. It can upset the balance. Pull the dumbbells to the level of the waist.
2. Diagonal climbs with a medbol (2 sets of 7-10 times on each side).
Description: An excellent exercise that develops not only the muscles of the back but also the whole “upper body.” Given the fact that the balance board also actively includes the legs and the press, it is possible to provide a complex load on all muscles.
Technique: stand on the board and take the medball in your hands with both hands. Next, lift it over the left shoulder. Then lead diagonally to the right thigh, performing a little squat at the bottom.
1. Pushups
Description: push-ups are a classic exercise. This exercise is relevant everywhere, from school physical education to the elite Ranger Regiment in the United States. Pushups allow you to vary the technique so that the progression and development will be almost limitless.
The balance of the board complements this movement even better, creating additional factors. There are balance retention, the inclusion of stabilizers, etc.
Technique: the usual method is simple, take a prone position, with an emphasis on the socks and hands (full palm). Next, keeping the body in a perfectly flat line (from the heels to the neck), make a slope to the floor.
Balance Board: Exercises – Pushups, standard
COMPLIANCE number 1: try push-ups with rolling to the side. Balance board allows you to make movements to the right and left, loading the arms, shoulders, and obliques.
It is a compound movement that requires considerable preparation and coordination. So, first, try to perform at least 5-8 times in the approach with the perfect technique. Then increase the momentum and the number of repetitions.
COMPLIANCE number 2: if the usual push-ups on the board do not seem complicated to you, then it is time to switch to uneven push-ups.
The bottom line of this exercise is that one hand rests on the board (or floor) as usual. And the second hand you need to stretch to the right. Because of this fact, you create an energetic imbalance.
And the load rests on one arm and the pectoral muscles. Do push-ups on each hand alternately, smoothly making a small roll on the board.
1. Lunges (3 * 12-15 on each leg)
Description: this exercise will be incredibly useful on the board. It is because you will have not just to keep your balance, but strain all the muscles of your body so as not to dodge.
Technique: put your feet on both edges of the board, lying on it along, not across. Next, sit down on one leg so that your knee is as close as possible to the board. Then alternate the execution of movement on each leg.
2. Squats (3 * 6-12, depending on the technique)
Description: you can not imagine training your legs without squats. But thanks to the board, even the normal movement without burdens will provide a tremendous load.
Stand on the board with both feet, evenly distributing them on the surface. Next, keep your balance and crouch down as low as possible. Although at first, it will be enough to sit down to the “thigh parallel to the floor” level.
COMPLIANCE #1: you can make squats more difficult with the help of weight. Although the movement will differ from the classic version with a barbell. For these purposes fit dumbbells or weights.
When performing the squats on the board, try to lift and hold the weight above your head. It will allow you to maintain balance and also load your back, arms, and shoulders. And simultaneously you make the exercise genuinely complicated.
COMPLAINT # 2: you can move away from the weight and complicate the movement at the expense of technology. And we are talking about attacks on one leg.
To do this, put one foot directly on the board strictly in the center (under the roller), and the other on the floor. Next, sit down so that the foot on the board is bent at the knee to the right angle. And the second leg is 1-2 cm above the floor.
COMPLIANCE #3: it is a complication of the previous movement and, probably, the most difficult technique for the legs. So, these are squats on one leg. But the move is different from the classic “pistol.”
Visually, the movement is very similar to the Bulgarian squats. But the “back” leg will be in the air. And the whole emphasis will go on the second leg on the board.
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