Search for your perfect diet? The buckwheat with kefir menu is popular as one of the most effective and not requiring significant financial costs.
What’s the bottom line?
The diet is easy to follow. Belongs to the category of strict, but “not hungry”. If you like such meal plans, check also cabbage diet for a flat stomach in 14 days. Compare also top 3 diets: cabbage (soup) vs kefir vs ketogenic one.
The nutrition facts for 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of raw buckwheat are:
It is healthy to lose weight with the buckwheat diet!
Atli Arnarson proves on cereal takes the leading position among similar products regarding the number of micros- and macronutrients, vitamins.
3 buckwheat diet variants that actually wok
1. Classical menu
The loss of kilograms is quite intense. You can eat porridge, water in unlimited quantities. Less hard involves six meals a day. The following nutrition plan is recommended during the day:
According to Elena on, one or two glasses of water can be replaced with herbal or green tea without sugar. Buckwheat tea is good while pregnancy. You can not drink coffee and sour milk drinks.
You can stick to the regime from three days to two weeks. After completion, you do not need to immediately “pounce” on flour products, fatty, salty and spicy dishes.
2. Menu with kefir
The strict variant that differs in an expanded menu. As in the previous method, you need to drink a lot of fluids, including green, herbal teas, half an hour before or after meals.
The menu is designed for a week. The food should be taken three times a day. The buckwheat diet menu includes porridge and the following additional products to choose from (one per day):
Snacking is not recommended. Supper need four hours before night rest. The regime is suitable for those who study and are moderate in sports. In case you want an inexpensive but highly effective meal plan, try the gaining popularity 14 days Japanese diet.
3. Menu with proteins
Unlike previous versions, according to, menu with protein intake helps to lose weight more slowly, but more reliably. Thanks to a varied menu, it’s convenient and comfortable. Significantly reduces the risk that the lost weight will return.
It is recommended to eat four to five times a day. Permitted steamed croup in unlimited quantities, except for the last evening approach.
The approximate ration of dinners without porridge is calculated for a week:
Also, the menu on buckwheat and kefir does not lose relevance. 200 ml of kefir is applied to each serving of porridge. It is drunk separately or mixed with porridge. The weekly “plummet” can aspire to 8 kg.
How long keep to a diet?
Duration of the menu depends on how many extra kilos you need to lose. Besides, it depends on the state of health, the strength of the will of the slimming. There are five variants of the menu.
Buckwheat diet recipes
On how properly is prepared the main dish of the diet – porridge, depends not only the effectiveness of the menu but also the general well-being of the slimming.
Doctor Maor reveals the best buckwheat recipes on
Grechka recipe: the technology
The last meal should be four hours before the night rest. It is necessary to abandon the technique if you do not like cereals. If there is a risk to break, then as a snack you can use fresh greens.
To enforce and maintain the result:
Combine the dieting with workouts on highly effective simulators portable stair steppers for home use.
Buckwheat diet reviews: before and after
Here we present buckwheat diet weight loss results. See the photos of real people who lost weight keeping to this simple but magic meal plan. You will find answers on the following questions:
Disadvantages of buckwheat diet
Quite a hard menu, despite its effectiveness, has disadvantages. The disadvantages of “buckwheat” weight loss include the following factors.
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